Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 382 Now I have no choice but to rush forward

White Scar's motorcycle team rushed down the wall, adjusted the direction of the motorcycle before hitting the ground, jumped up from the wall, and hit the ground with the thick tires of the motorcycle.


The huge sound created an echo in the passage. Corsaro Khan laughed loudly and said to Lin Fan, "How are you doing, uncle? I can drive a motorcycle pretty well, right?"

Lin Fan felt that his butt was even more swollen and panicked. He put on a smile and replied to Kosaro Khan, "You are as deadly as your father."

"Woohoo! That's great!" Corsaro didn't hear Lin Fan's teasing meaning. His ears only captured Chagatai's information.

"Sir! A biological signal has been detected ahead!" Rebecca reminded everyone.

The soldiers used their eyepieces to keep an eye on the situation ahead, their fingers hanging on the triggers, ready to shoot with the two bolt guns mounted on the front of the combat motorcycles.

The bright light of the combat motorcycle penetrated deep into the passage, and there was some reflection at the dark end.

"Fire!" Korsaro Khan could already see the outline of the unknown creature from the auspicious auspicious eyesight. He pulled the trigger and let the combat motorcycle pour out firepower.

Huge explosive bombs flew past, releasing fire amidst the crackling sound. The Space Marines quickly captured this moment through their own vision and saw clearly what the enemy looked like.

A group of reflection warriors, but their mutations are even more serious. The helmet was lifted up by the flesh inside, like a branch hanging with fruit.

The limbs were extended, and the flesh and blood were tied together like silk threads tied into hemp ropes. The exposed flesh was covered with slender and round eyes, which did not seem to belong to the same species.

The flesh and blood on their bodies was blown apart by the bombs, and the splattered flesh and bones stuck to the ground and walls. However, these separated flesh did not die yet, but quickly grew limbs like legs.

Just like a piece of smashed pork with cockroach and centipede feet, the sound of the feet squeaking and the flesh twitching makes anyone feel numb all over.

Yingyang even wanted to turn off his observation screen, this kind of thing was really disgusting.

There was also a mixture of blue skin and internal organs mixed with gray blue and dark purple. She didn't want to think about how these things were produced.

"That's right! The things that bastard makes are always so disgusting!" Lin Fan also saw it, holding a long-range pulse gun in his hand and shooting.

Although it's not very good to use alien weapons, these things are really good. Even the armor of the Space Marines can't stop the Tau pulse rifle fire.

Long-range pulses and railguns can smash Space Marines into pieces. Unfortunately, the maintenance of these things is too high. It requires metal ammunition and energy batteries, and rare alloys as the converter shell of the plasma mass to prevent high-energy The ion cluster explodes.

Moreover, using this thing requires a bit of cultural knowledge. If you are not a well-educated person, you will not be able to use it at all.

The troops in the position next door to the Thirty-seventh Regiment are troops recruited from the world of wilderness and knights. The regiment's political commissar and the Mechanic Priests waste a lot of time every day on weapon maintenance issues. According to Commissar Kane, their regiment's political commissar is often sent to the field hospital because of the soldiers' anger, and the Mechanic Priests shoot several blasphemers every day. Machine-soul idiot.

The plasma blast fired by the long-range pulse gun is not as powerful as the plasma used by the Imperial troops. If it hits the enemy, it will not cause an obvious explosion but has stronger penetrating power.

A thin blue line was dragged out by the plasma map, and the bullet sank into the reflection warrior's body, penetrating numerous obstacles until the energy completely disappeared.

There were traces of burning and melting on the penetrating wound, and blue sparks exploded from time to time. The smell of ions and burning flesh mixed together, making the smell in the channel even weirder.

But the reflections will not passively accept the blow. They hold the revolving ion cannon in their arms and extend the muzzle of the gun, just like those infected by the annihilation virus seen in Landers' world.

Blue firelight and black light spraying with blood and blasphemy lit up at the end of the passage, and rain of bullets generated by various weapons rushed towards Lin Fan and the others.

Kosaro Khan quickly used his own experience to analyze the danger of the incoming weapons. This dense rain of bullets was no longer something that could be avoided.

Even though Space Marines will not allow enemies to hit their bodies, they will not hesitate to use their bodies to protect their comrades when needed.

The White Scar Warriors and Kosaro Khan moved in unison. They lowered their bodies to avoid the most dangerous attacks, letting other less powerful attacks fall on the thick armor.

There were different types of damage on the armor, some of which were fine scratches, like stones wiping off the paint on the armor.

Some were shallow craters with a fragmented bullet embedded in them. Some soldiers trembled for a moment. When they recovered, their armor seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, with huge dents and surrounding cracks.

The soldiers looked miserable, but none of them had any serious wounds. Occasionally, a few bullets entered through the weak points of the armor, and the wounds caused would be repaired by the powerful self-healing ability of the Space Marines.

"For the Great Khan! For the Great Khan!" Baiscar's motorcycle finally ran into the enemy formation. Their heavy tires were rough, crushing the Reflection Warrior's severely mutated body like a grinder.

But how long can this situation last?

They crushed hundreds of meters of flesh and rushed to the present with the power of motorcycles, but the flesh and blood mixed into the mechanical structure caused the machine soul to release an overwhelming and heavy sound.

These flesh and blood are connected to each other, hardened and stacked as the mechanical structure is crushed again and again, ultimately making the combat motorcycle slower and slower.

"Uncle! Let's go!" Corsaro hugged Lin Fan's legs with both hands and jumped off the motorcycle. But what Lin Fan wants to say is that you don't need to hold his legs, he can get down by himself.

Khan and the White Scars warriors used scimitars and bullets to clear out a relatively clean area of ​​the ground. There were large pieces of broken meat on their damaged armor that were still beating slowly.

"Looks like we have to rely on our legs to find a way." Lin Fan jumped off the Khan's backpack, rubbed his butt, and took the "eighty" thrown by Delia.

Lin Fan rushed forward with a sledgehammer, and the white-scarred warrior beside him was not willing to lag behind his uncle. The scimitar in his hand danced very fast, cleaning up the reflection warrior with chops and heavy blows.

Delia turned off the rocket engine and landed on the ground, crushing a reflection. The heavy arc gun installed on the shoulder fires, detonating the enemy hit from the inside out, leaving dust on the ground.

What Guilliman saw when he woke up

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