Is this the fighting power of the Empire? The powerful warriors I thought were almost powerless under the hands of these guys.

Yingyang stared at the battlefield blankly. She felt that joining in would only cause trouble for them.

She was doubting her life now, but in fact, Yingyang and the Tau Empire were far more powerful than she thought. But unfortunately, the Empire was not the passive party in this battle.

Lin Fan changed the direction of the Battle of Damocles Gulf. The Empire's army would have suffered heavy losses from Yingyang's infiltration attack.

The Empire's battle plan was rough and simple, controlling the nearby space domain-destroying orbital defenses-fleet washing-army landing-F2A-playing GG in laughter and joy.

But the reality was particularly bad. The navy and the space warriors completed their tasks. The bombing of the fleet also achieved a lot of results, but it was like Stalingrad was destroyed by German artillery fire. The rubble and ruins in the city blocked the advancement of the armored forces and created a lot of space for ambush in the city.

The results of the naval bombardment were similar. Pollutants that had been squeezed by the land for thousands of years were turned out, and poisonous smoke billowed in the cleared landing area and the plains in the continent.

While it was extremely dangerous to all living things, it also reduced the visual distance.

You asked about the detectors and auspicious instruments? I can only tell you that the things distributed by the Astra Militarum are not that good. The machine souls of these two equipment are particularly delicate and difficult to serve.

More people still believe in their own eyes. Tank soldiers leaned on the commander to stick their heads out to guide the gunners in the direction of shooting.

In this battle, the Imperial Army was like the Japanese army who relied on their eyesight to find the US fleet. They ate fish oil every day to make their eyes bright, but they encountered the US fleet that used radar to cheat.

But now, the F2A still needs the F2A.

The Astra Militarum, which had an absolute advantage in numbers, landed on the ground with the help of the Space Marines, and then was ambushed by the coordinated Tau Army.

In the yellow sand and poisonous storm, the pathfinders and stealth suits were hunting the Astra Militarum.

The Astra Militarum, which could have relied on the vast plains to launch attacks, paid a price. The lazy orbital bombing of the Imperial Navy broke the entire continent into pieces like crackers.

Lin Fan relied on his own face fruit to ask the Great Sage Chaos to adjust the weather, and asked the naval generals to reduce the bombing area from the entire world to the Titanium Fortress and the desert landing area. Otherwise, Lin Fan and his men would not be able to build a solid and complete large position outside the Titanium Fortress.

The Imperial Army's communications would be jammed into a pile of garbage by the Titanium equipment, and the Mechanicus responsible for covering the army's flanks were a bunch of idiots. They ran away after grabbing things, completely ignoring the possibility that the ground army might be annihilated.

Fortunately, Lin Fan had Rebecca, whose jamming technology was obviously better than that used by the Titanium. And there was no participation of the Skitarii in this battlefield. Lin Fan would send good things to the Sage Chaos.

The White Scars will suffer heavy losses on the road to hunting Shadowsun, and Raven Captain Korven will become more impatient and aggressive because of the failure of the White Scars Third Captain, Korthro's beheading mission.

In the end, his character flaws led to his failure, and countless doubles confused Korven's cognition.

Shadowsun used all means to make Korven mistake her last double for the real person. In the end, with the help of several Fire Legions and a large number of battle suits, they finally surrounded Korval.

Korven and his veterans fought hard, and with the Fire Warriors and battle suits that made Shadowsun heartbroken, Korven was broken in two by the artillery that evaporated everything.

Korven received greetings from the warriors accompanying Shadowsun, and believed that they had killed a powerful Space Marine Emperor.

Not to mention the shameful Assassin's Court, the four assassins attacked all the way, but all failed at the critical moment. If it weren't for the dimensionality reduction attack of the Chulisas psychic assassin on the Tau Army, the Assassin's Court would have lost face.

But the situation was very good this time, and the Assassin's Court was not called over at all.

However, it was also good for Yingyang to doubt life, so that the Empire could have the upper hand during the negotiation. The more exaggerated the performance of Lin Fan and his men was, the more terrible Yingyang's estimation of the Empire's strength would be.

Finally, Lin Fan jumped out, patted Yingyang on the shoulder and said, "You have already thought that we are very strong, but not strong enough. You didn't calculate the power of a little bit."

The numb Yingyang would definitely lose the determination to fight for the Greater Good, just like she was slapped hard by the Nurgle Legion during the fifth expansion.

"Hey! They are very powerful~" Rebecca nudged Yingyang's shoulder with her arm, waking her up from her surprised meditation.

Yingyang looked at the smile on Rebecca's face, and didn't know what to say. The human in front of her had a very different attitude towards her.

Like the human colonel with a hammer, she did not have obvious hatred and disgust for herself.

"They are really powerful. Are they your elite troops?"

"They? Uh. The big white can is considered elite. As for the one with the hammer, my suggestion is to ignore him." Rebecca stood aside, holding a piece of meat in her hand, and she was busy analyzing the composition of these things.

"What's in here?" Yingyang asked.

"Ah. Do you really want to know?" Rebecca raised her eyebrows and looked at Yingyang.

"I." Yingyang hesitated. She felt that her intuition was right, but she hoped to hear a thorough judgment, "I want to know."

"Okay! Let me tell you what is in here. The genetic sequence of the Tau people, and based on analysis and judgment, there is more than one. It is estimated that such a reflection warrior has hundreds of Tau people filled into the armor and compressed."

"But these things that have mutated into meat mountains have human genetic sequences mixed into them, probably half and half. If we go by the calculations here, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people would be used as raw materials to make so many reflection warriors."

"Is this really possible?" Yingyang collapsed a little, holding her forehead with her hand, "Why are there such cruel techniques and methods?"

"Do you know about the Dark Eldar?"

"I don't know what that is."

"Your director of Yongtan Detective is a Dark Elf and a Master of Blood Pity. Congratulations!"

Rebecca clapped her hands halfheartedly in celebration.

But this did nothing but make Yingyang feel more uncomfortable. "How big is the human empire? How many dangers are there in the universe?"

Rebecca didn't answer Yingyang's question. She just pointed at Lin Fan's back and told Yingyang to ask him yourself.

"I'll wipe it! Corsaro! I don't need you to block me! I almost hit you!"

"It's really an honor to be whipped by my uncle. Please leave a scar of honor for me!"

Comparison found on YouTube, the size of Mechanical Ark and other battleships below

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