The corpses were piled up into long walls and hills, the lights were getting dim and erratic, the air was swept by the wind with uneven air pressure, and a foul smell wafted in.

The broken metal pieces fell to the ground, making a dull sound among the meat and ash. The ceramic steel boots crushed the meat and crushed the cake-like objects in the next force.

The warriors of the Wild Wolf and Dark Crow were shuttling through the complex research institute, avoiding the pursuit of more and more reflection warriors.

They were out of ammunition and food, and carrying many wounded. Cather White Fang's strong body was carrying the exhausted Wodehouse on his back and running away.

Bennett and other gray hunters used their last magazine of bullets to fight back from time to time, and the explosive bullets hit the monster's limbs, blowing them to pieces. The huge body lost its fulcrum, and they fell to the ground and huddled together.

"We have to find some reinforcements or something. We can't just waste time like this. Those disgusting things will taint the seeds of our brothers!" Cather White Fang chopped a monster with an axe, and the internal organs with blood and hot steam rushed out.

"Damn it! You should be more careful! Cough cough!" Wodehouse coughed a few times, and vomited out the disgusting intestines that he accidentally ate in his mouth.

"Come on, old thing! If I hadn't saved you, you would have been eaten long ago!"

"Oh! You started again, right? You stinky boy with incomplete hair, I shouldn't have used the extermination minefield to make a passage for you just now!"

Wodehouse and Cather White Fang cursed, they mocked each other and greeted each other with Fenris's dirty words.

"Wild Wolf Think Tank, you did a good job. We can escape from the ambush entirely thanks to your help." Colvin's words came, and he and other Raven Guards ran in the shadows.

They were silent. If Cather White Fang could not see the flashes from their guns, he would have thought that the Raven Guards had already fled.

"No, no, we didn't quarrel. This is the way we get along. You know, the greetings between good friends are always the most rude. If they are too polite, it will be a lot more unfamiliar." Cather White Fang explained to Colvin, hoping that he would not misunderstand.

"Oh?" Colvin frowned and thought about the life in the Raven Guard.

They were awakened from the Dark Nest and gathered in the Nest Hall at the intersection of night and day.

Silently pray to the Emperor, to the Shadow, and to the Lord of Hope in the Dark.

The priest would light the incense, kneel in front of the holy image, and silently put his hand on the holy book.

When the incense burned out, the warriors stood up and walked towards the dark shadow road. The ceramic steel boots fell to the ground without a sound, and they were training in combat in the cage.

The Chapter Servants never saw the Raven Guard enter the battle cages. They prepared everything before the training began and cleaned up the debris after the training ended.

They stood guard at the door, waiting for the adults to come, but they often only heard the sound of bolter guns firing from the cages, and they never saw anyone.

A simple lunch would provide the warriors with sufficient nutrition. The tasteless nutrient mud represented that the Raven Guard was not tempted by the pleasures of the world, and the ceramsite steel powder mixed in it could strengthen their bones.

A large amount of anti-depressant powder would also delay the battle brothers from sinking into the shadow curse.

After lunch was almost finished in an instant, the Ravens would conduct tracking training, sneaking around the entire monastery and attacking their companions. Those who failed to ambush and those who failed to kill in an ambush would be assigned tasks.

The most noisy time of the day was the instruction time. The glorious ancient war scroll would be recited, and everyone should remember every detail of the war scroll.

There was not much difference between training and prayer at night, just at a different time. The feast at night is also a good time to cheer up the whole day. The Raven Guards will temporarily lift their alert and show themselves in stealth to other warband servants.

The chief pharmacist will observe in the shadows. He can judge what stage of the shadow curse they are in by the way different brothers eat, so as to prescribe more targeted antidepressants.

According to Lin Fan, this shadow curse is similar to autism. When it develops to the peak, it is the time when a Raven Guard is completely autistic.

Colvin roughly reviewed the Raven Guard’s day and found that there was no time to talk, let alone scold each other with brotherhood.

Cather White Fang could guess something from his appearance, and his mouth under his beard curled up quietly. These Raven Guards are really hard to get along with. Although he respects his fighting brothers, he also has a lot of opinions about the Ravens.

These Raven Guards will reject direct tactics and choose more complicated ways to resolve a battle.

In the eyes of Kaiser Whitefang, when they could tear apart the defense of the Tau Army with the strength and courage of wolves, the Raven Guards always shook their heads lightly and then sank into the shadows.

When they took the position, the Raven Guards would stand in the shadows. They may have done many things, but they just didn't say it.

Or they suddenly showed silence and hesitation, being taciturn and unhappy, even the most cheerful wild wolf would feel uneasy about their state.

Many brothers told him that he was afraid that the Raven Guards fighting together would point their bolters at his head.

But fortunately, Kaiser Whitefang told himself that this was much better than carrying out missions with the Blood Angels.

He was a noble warrior one second, and turned into a drooling "ghoul" the next, shouting slogans for Sanguinius and the Emperor, and stuffing everything in sight into his mouth.

Cather White Fang swore that if he hadn't reacted quickly, a piece of flesh would have been ripped off from his shoulder.

But everyone is half-measured, and no one has the right to blame anyone. There are also a lot of werewolves in Fenris. Just don’t expose this kind of secret to the public.

The wall suddenly broke open, and a flesh-stained KV128 combat suit created a sufficient gap with his rockets and railguns.

This thing was already big, but when the flesh and blood swelled up, it looked even more ferocious. The huge pulse energy cannon on the shoulder sprayed the molten corpses of the Tau, slowly dripping from the muzzle to the ground.

This main gun is ten meters long, and the width of the muzzle is similar to the wingspan of a Space Marine. It only takes one plasma charge to wipe out an entire assault squad of Space Marines.

The missile nests on both sides were aimed at the soldiers running in the passage, and they fired with all their strength. More than a hundred missiles were enough to turn them into flying ash.

Angron becomes friendly (can speak human language)

An: How are you doing lately? Bros?

Gas Canister: Stop.

Luojia: Who the hell are you!

Bai Zhan Bai Sheng: I'm sorry dad, I apologize for everything, take me away, I'm so scared.

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