"Deflect!" Wodehouse didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly rushed to the KV128 combat uniform, pointing the stick in his hand at the missile group.

With the help of surging psychic power, these missiles that have not been completely contaminated by filthy flesh and blood can still be affected.

The trajectory of the missile changed, and it flew behind the Space Marines before hitting them. A series of explosions wiped out the chasing soldiers in the flames.

The shock waves and strong winds washed a large amount of flesh, blood and debris into the warriors' armor, making everyone look even more filthy and disgusting.

It was as if they had been dipped in some corpse pit sacrificed to Nurgle. Even the Blood God did not want such filthy flesh and blood.

"Hoo! Hoo!" Wodehouse's body was shaking, and his face was as white as snow. If it weren't for the power armor supporting his body, he would have been lying on the ground.

The kv128 battle suit saw that one hit failed, and subspace energy was generated at the position of the giant cannon. Wodehouse has always felt this.

He took the wild wolf and followed the stench of subspace here, and saw the Raven Guard fighting with the Reflection Warriors.

From the faint smell remaining in the broken corpse and armor, Wodehouse could clearly feel the aura of chaos.

It's just that this kind of breath is different from what he has been exposed to before. He has not experienced the feelings of rage and bloodthirsty, filth and immortality, ever-changing changes, and chaos and disorder.

There is only pure nothingness and corpses. This feeling is actually quite difficult to describe. This kind of corpse feels like it has been dead for thousands of years, with nothing left except the vicissitudes of the past.

The last time I experienced this feeling of being dead was when I faced the cold Necron.

But there is still something different. Last time it was the living person's fear of death, but this time it is a deeper feeling of death.

The corpse that had turned into ashes looked at the fresh corpse that had just been buried in the grave.

Each time Wodehouse used his psychic powers to blast apart the armor of the Reflection Warriors, tearing apart the disgusting stuff inside them sewn together with Tau skin.

He could hear voices in his ears, shouting to him in a lost language. He didn't know what it meant, but he could hear the distinct differences between these languages, as if thousands of races were speaking to him at the same time.

Every time he heard such words, Wodehouse felt that his spiritual consciousness drifted away. I don’t know where I landed in the subspace, a dark area with only decaying wreckage and various forgotten histories.

The broken stars are dead, and they can't even emit their last light. It feels completely different from Nurgle's dying sky.

Nurgle's thick, phlegm-like skies are suffocating, but the feeling this place gives Wodehouse is that you no longer even have the chance to suffocate.

"Wodehouse! Wodehouse!" Cather slapped Wodehouse's face with his white teeth. Seeing him foaming at the mouth and shouting nonsense, he knew that Wodehouse had become psychic. Disorganized.

At this time, either let Lin Fan give him a slap in the face, or reward him with an explosive bomb.

If Colvin hadn't been busy tearing the KV128 combat suit into pieces, Cather White Fang would have been really afraid that he would shoot Wodehouse in the head.

Colvin and his veterans relied on wing-like rocket packs to jump up and down and fight around the KV128 combat suit.

Every time the weapon on the shoulder of the KV128 combat suit fires, a huge amount of undissolved corpses are sprayed out.

Although these things do not have the burning properties of plasma, they become more durable, like sticky glue that is not easy to dry.

A large number of corpses and limbs hit several soldiers. These things tightly wrapped around the bodies of the soldiers and tried their best to penetrate through the gaps in the armor.

Finally, it erupted from the warrior's body, and a black curved spike exploded from the body, piercing the whole body from top to bottom, like a mortal being sentenced to death.

Black spikes bloomed, bloomed, penetrated the armor and became clusters of thorn bushes. Some warriors tried to save their brothers, but all their weapons fell on the thorns, which only turned the thorns and the brothers into broken black blocks.

"My brothers have turned into statues!" the soldiers exclaimed. In this situation, collecting seeds has become impossible. This dark weapon not only kills the current brothers, but also kills the future. of space marines.

Colvin carefully avoided the attacks of the kv128 battle suit. As they struck and dismantled it, the battle suit, which was slightly taller than the knight mecha, was riddled with holes.

But what is exposed from the wound is not cables and pipes, but more and more flesh and blood. Spikes and bones erupt from time to time, making the suit even more dangerous.

"What is this thing? How can we destroy such a filthy creation for the Emperor?" Colvin thought in his mind, but he had no clue.

In this underground area, they lack the ability to call in heavy firepower. In fact, as soon as they entered this research institute, they lost contact with the fleet.

Colvin didn't know if there would be reinforcements. The Raven Guard had always relied on themselves, but now it seemed that they themselves could not solve this situation.

At least more brothers must escape, and the backbone of the battle group cannot be damaged here.

Colvin suddenly started the engine, and he quickly rushed towards the KV128 combat suit.

The lightning claws that had been blessed three times tore apart all the flesh tentacles that came towards him, as well as the pillars of Tau corpses stuck to the battle suit.

They spliced ​​together and danced like centipedes. Colvin was in no mood to appreciate or judge this disgusting creature. He could see the reflected pursuers entangling the rear troops again.

The increasing number of seriously injured and dead people is affecting his nerves, and he needs to make the most reckless decisions without any intelligence.

"I will not regret my decision." Colvin jumped on the mechanical head of the battle suit, and the lightning claws ripped off the head.

He saw a deep, dark hole full of malice and silence opening towards him. He originally thought he could see something even more disgusting.

But he never thought that this deep darkness made him feel a little bit addicted, a kind of addiction that longed for pure destruction.

A wail woke up Colvin. The veteran who had accompanied him in tens of thousands of battles and had survived a hundred years fell.

He was like a bird with broken wings, croaking in the face of the dark sky, hating that he couldn't vibrate his dark wings.

"Shadow, have mercy on me."

Colvin jumped into the deep black hole. No one knew what he saw or what he experienced.

Parts of the huge KV128 combat suit fell off, and the light of the lightning claws flashed from time to time.

The explosion of flesh and machinery was drowned out by a sigh from the warp.

Waaagh's Moving Castle

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