Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 392 Communication with Titanium

Several Thunderhawk transport planes with different coatings landed slowly in the pit. The air waves blew the gravel on the ground, which incidentally made the air here better.

"What happened just now? Are you telling a historical story?" Yingyang spoke to Lin Fan, but she didn't understand anything just now.

The Great Expedition, the Eldar Race, and the Evil God of Subspace. These things sound so bizarre and bizarre that they are as unreliable as fairy tales.

"Just now? Nothing happened just now, it's just that we were able to sit down and talk."

"I didn't feel that they agreed, they didn't express any attitude."

Yingyang asked doubtfully. The exchange between the colonel and the Space Marine in front of him started in a hurry and ended in a haphazard manner.

Lin Fan just smiled and shook his head, without explaining more to Yingyang. These space warriors failed to draw their guns at Lin Fan, which was the best attitude.

Hatred is not so easy to contain. Although the actions of the Space Marines show their respect for Lin Fan and the Emperor, Lin Fan feels that they will still kill aliens if they encounter them.

There is no need for him to care about this kind of thing. Should he keep staring at the Space Marines and shout to them: Don't kill him, don't fight?

This is ridiculous.

Lin Fan felt that he should build an area, a place where all races could sit down and negotiate in peace.

The border of the Tau Empire is actually pretty good, and the star map location that Trazin gave Lin Fan is in a very subtle place.

If Lin Fan's memory was correct, this should be a huge rift tearing apart the entire galaxy. At the intersection of the light and dark sides of the Empire.

Below is the northern border of the Tau Empire, and above is the sphere of influence of the Tethok Dynasty.

The nearby imperial units were the Five Hundred Worlds of the Ultramarines and Baal, the homeworld of the Blood Angels. The closest ones were the Sisters of the Silver Shroud. Lin Fan felt that he could help when the rift opened in the future.

It just so happened that the empire's control here was very weak, so Lin Fan could manage it on behalf of the emperor.

After all, it was too easy for him to communicate with the Emperor. No one could accuse him of supporting his own troops, trying to be independent, establishing a second empire, and dividing humanity.

Really good. Thinking of this, Lin Fan patted Yingyang on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow the others and log into the Thunder Eagle.

"Wait!" Corsaro Khan shouted, which made Shadow Sun nervous. She thought the Space Marines were about to attack.

"Uncle can only ride on our White Scar Thunderhawk."

"Fuck you! It was our wild wolf's Thunder Eagle before! Do you, the guy who comes after you, still want to snatch it? Ignore him, we have prepared the best mead."

"Mead? We also have the finest mare's milk from Chogoris on the Thunder Eagle, as well as the white tea produced in Longquan Shangtai! If you want a drink, ours is much better than yours!"

Corsaro and Kaiser White Fang collided with each other, their foreheads pressed against each other, and the armor on their chests rubbed against each other, causing sparks to form. The two of them were like bulls wrestling.

"It's such a shame." Colvin touched his face with his hands. He signaled to Lin Fan that he was leaving first and took the Raven Guard on board.

Once on the boat, Colvin called the third company commander Shrek over, "Do we have any local products? Something like white tea and mead?"

"Uh. What do you think about antidepressants?"

".Forget everything just now."

The dark crow's black thunderhawk soared into the sky, and Khan and the old wolf were still arguing about which thunderhawk should enter.

"Khan, we should..." A white-scarred recruit at the Thunder Eagle door said carefully, but all he got was Khan's curse.

"What do you know! Ask the driver to wait for me! If you dare to leave early, I will skin him!"


The poor recruit informed the driver and asked him to keep the engine running. As for how much fuel this operation would waste, it was not up to him to worry about.

The technical sergeant will definitely have a headache about fuel consumption when he returns.

"Okay, stop arguing. If you keep arguing like this, I might as well not get on anyone else's Thunderhawk. Kaiser White Fang, I've been on your Thunderhawk many times, let me go on White Scar's Thunderhawk have a look."

"Okay, now that you have spoken." Kaiser curled his lips and turned away angrily. He did not forget to stuff a bottle of mead into Lin Fan's hand.

"Let's go, Yingyang." Lin Fan asked Yingyang to follow him up. The White Scar soldiers were a little unhappy, but they still resisted the urge to tear Yingyang into pieces.

The Thunderhawk's interior is large, allowing Space Marines plenty of room to stand.

Kosaro Khan walked up to an iron board, on which several large characters were written in flying colors, with a Chinese square structure, but they didn't look like any Chinese characters at all.

It can only be said that many things have changed in more than ten thousand years.

Kosaro Khan opened the iron plate and found a sealed wooden box from the back.

Opening the wooden box, the tea leaves inside exuded a fragrant fragrance. As long as Lin Fan smelled it for a moment, he felt that the quality of the tea leaves was absolutely excellent.

"Then do you have cups? And hot water and so on."

Lin Fan asked. He also wanted to taste the tea.

Corsaro glared at the recruit. The recruit didn't know where the Astra Militarum colonel came from, but seeing the respect shown by Corsaro and the other battle brothers, he didn't dare to say anything.

"I came out in a hurry and didn't bring a teacup. As for hot water, do you think the heavy water in the heat pipe will work?"

"?" Kosaro Khan looked at the new recruit, and his bad temper suddenly broke out.

Lin Fan told Corsaro to stop scaring the recruits and asked him to give him some tea leaves.

"I'll deal with you later!" Corsaro glared at the aggrieved recruit and gave all the tea leaves in his hand to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan put the tea leaves in his mouth and asked Corsaro where the heavy water in the heat pipe was.

Corsaro gave a thumbs up, and he immediately understood what Lin Fan was going to do, "It has to be you, you are so good at drinking tea."

The hot heavy water poured into Lin Fan's mouth. Lin Fan took the heavy water and tea leaves and swallowed them in one gulp after a few minutes.

This tea has a mellow taste, refreshing and mellow aroma, and a distinct sweet aftertaste.

As for the color, Lin Fan couldn't see it.

There was a knock on the White Scar Thunderhawk's cabin door, and Rebecca said Delia was outside.

The hatch opened and strong winds poured in. Delia had not yet repaired her body, carrying a powerful rocket engine on her back.

Lin Fan began to suspect that this was a technology Delia learned from the orcs. This rocket engine was so fast that even the Thunder Eagle could catch up.

"What to do with the Tau survivors on the ground? There is also new news from the Void Fleet. A new batch of Tau fleets are confronting us."

Brother Astarte

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