A new Tau fleet? Lin Fan looked at Yingyang and found that she was also confused.

"Our fleet has been annihilated. The reinforcements called for cannot be reached now."

"Okay, imprison all the Tau survivors, be gentle, don't kill them all while imprisoned."

Delia nodded, she understood what Lin Fan meant, and then flew down again.

When the White Scar Thunderhawk broke through the atmosphere, they quickly headed towards the fleet.

"Oh. What happened here?" Corsaro couldn't believe what he saw.

The beast-like ship was riddled with holes, and there were fan-shaped gaps on the huge hull. It looked like it had been chewed by something.

There were metal fragments floating in the cold universe, as well as all kinds of blood frozen into ice. When they touched the Thunder Eagle's armor, a crisp sound could be heard inside.

"After losing contact with the ground, we suddenly detected massive amounts of subspace pollution in the Gulf of Mugulas, and then the continent split apart."

The White Scar recruit explained to them and lit up the screen on the ground.

There were several openings missing on the planet. Lin Fan could see the deep craters on the continent and the obvious magma lake from the Thunder Eagle's window.

This planet seemed to have been mined by the Mining Order of the Mechanicus, using gravimeters and cutters to tear apart large pieces of land, and then sent them to the Ark for storage.

"The torn pieces of land turned into living creatures, showing the pollution characteristics of subspace creatures. However, they had no intention of attacking the fleet. They just broke through our defenses and escaped."

"There must be Amaraja up there." Lin Fan could tell this. "Then why is the fleet missing the Mechanical Ark? Where are their people?"

"They went after the escapees. We couldn't stop a mechanical ark."

This is probably the idea of ​​the tomb technicians on the ship. It is absolutely impossible for the Adeptus Mechanicus to do such a thing so proactively. They would like their friendly forces to rush ahead, and then all the benefits will be theirs.

So Amalaga also provoked the Necron? This guy's ability to attract hatred is a bit high.

Lin Fan thought so and looked at the second screen image sent by Thunder Eagle. It was the Tau fleet. They were far away around the Imperial fleet. They did not choose to launch an attack. They just activated the shield and didn't know what to do.

Lin Fan looked at the coatings on the ships. This large group of Tau fleets had the coatings of the Shadow Sun Fleet, but there were not many of them, only about ten.

The remaining ships are painted in fiery red colors, and there is a mix of old and new ships.

"Vision! Why is he here?"

Shadowsun knew at a glance that these fleets belonged to the far-sighted commander O'Shauva who was promoted as a traitor by the Tau Empire.

Qingxi's disciple and green-skinned scourge. Before Shadowsun became Supreme Commander, the forces of the Tau Empire were commanded by Farsight.

During the second expansion period, the huge setbacks caused by the expansion of territory drained the confidence of the Tau people. The threat of humans and greenskins troubled the Tau Empire, which had just stepped into the stars.

This period was called a period of confusion by the ethers, but in order to stabilize the wavering hearts of the people, the ethers decided to create a hero to boost morale.

In the subsequent large-scale counterattack, the Tau Empire recovered many out-of-control colonies, and they chose the vanguard among commanders with outstanding military achievements.

In the end, Commander Vision won this honor with his perfect record and legendary experience, and was able to lead the combined fleet to launch an expedition.

His foresight lived up to Aether's high expectations. He conquered planet after planet, launching sneak attacks, arranging strategies, and laying ambushes almost without warning.

Since Commander Qingxi, there has never been a warrior in the Tau Empire with such charisma that the entire Tau Empire fell in love with him.

When the Tau Empire and the Human Empire were in a stalemate, the green skins had no pressure. They expanded their forces unscrupulously and swept across the star field with fleets modified from meteorites.

The expedition was postponed, and Farsight changed direction. In his combat experience, the threat posed by these orcs to the Tau Empire was far greater than that of humans.

The fleet attacked at Farsight's will, launching a campaign of Ork annihilation that lasted for more than ten years. The fierce fighting even extended the war zone beyond the borders of the Tau Empire.

Farsight's attacks were getting farther and farther, and he gained a lot, but the lack of support from various places was a real problem, and his personal guards also expressed their dissatisfaction with the Tau Empire.

The Ethereal Council was annoyed by Vision's stubbornness, and they increasingly found this excellent general difficult to restrain.

They decided to remove Vision's military power, recall him to his home planet, and talk to him about the Greater Good and the meaning of the existence of the Ether clan.

But at this moment, a disaster broke out on a forgotten planet on the edge of the Gulf of Damocles - Arthas Morlock, where the remains and ruins of past civilizations stood.

A sudden battle, a group of enemies who didn't know the situation.

The enemy appeared like a ghost and slaughtered all the Aethers accompanying the Farsight fleet.

When the flames of war dissipated, the world returned to peace. Except for the corpses of the Tau people all over the ground, Yuan Yuan could not leave any enemies behind.

No Tau knew what Farsight had seen, they only knew that Farsight had turned his back on the law and led the fleet forward without the Aether accompanying him.

His fleet moved further and further away, and even the most fringe Tau colonies were unable to contact the Farsighted fleet. Year after year, there was no news.

In the end, the Tau people had to believe that the once undefeated commander was conquered by time, grew old in the distant stars, and left forever the Tau Empire illuminated by the light of good.

When this recognition was communicated, the compatriots of all the clans were saddened and paid high tribute to their hero.

But this was two or three hundred years ago, and the Tau at that time still remembered Vision's contribution. But except for the Ether clan, the Tau people did not have such a long lifespan. They died one by one, turning their former glory into dust that was deliberately erased.

The Ether Council knew that there was a group of fortresses built by Foresight at the far end of the Gulf of Damocles. They regarded this place as a restricted area and rewrote the glory of Foresight.

Vision became a coward and a traitor, a foolish rogue abandoned by the Greater Good.

But as a Fire Caste warrior, Farsight is still well-known and widely supported among his home planet and the Fire Caste.

However, these are all secret activities, and no one dares to openly display Vision's portraits and anthologies in front of the ether.

Anyone identified as an extreme worshiper of the vision will disappear without a trace the next day.

Of course, this is a fact that Lin Fan knows, and Yingyang knows even less.

After all, besides sleeping in the refrigerator, she was listening to the teachings next to the ether.

Honor Deathmatch

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