Lin Fan knew from the look on Yingyang's face that this sister's emotions towards Yuan Yuan were complicated. Her face could be said to be 70% angry and 30% hesitant.

Wrath in Vision betrayed the Greater Good, abandoned the guidance of the great ether, and fell into darkness.

She hesitated because she had also met the old Tau man with vision, although she was asleep for a large part of the time, basically she was informed by the etherics after waking up.

Your senior brother Yuan Yuan has committed treason.

The junior sister believed in Aether, but she also believed in her own judgment. She didn't think Yuan Yuan would betray the Tau Empire like this.

Maybe this time she can ask clearly.

"Can you get through to the Farsighted Fleet? I can talk to him." Lin Fan asked the Space Marines.

"Uh. Isn't this kind of private communication not good? There is a suspicion of having an affair with an alien." The recruit asked cautiously, and Corsaro Khan nodded in agreement.

"Then let's have an emergency meeting in Thunder Eagle." Lin Fan called Rebecca over and told her to contact all senior personnel on the fleet who could be contacted.


Rebecca received the order, put her communication backpack on the ground, pretended to activate it quickly, and at the same time let her band hack into the communication system of the imperial fleet.

Let me see who's there. It's noisy. It seems like a lot of people died on the ship.

Scratching her head and patting her ears, Rebecca adjusted the channel and improved the sound reception.

"That's it." The communication backpack stretched out a projection rod and unfolded an electronic screen horizontally.

Fleet Commanders, Astra Militarum Generals, Ecclesiastical Archbishops, Inquisition Inquisitors, Space Marine Chapter Captains and Chapter Masters all appeared on this screen.

"This is Colonel Soap of the Thirty-seventh Casare Regiment. We have received a fleet communication request from the aliens. We have specially opened an emergency high-level meeting here to discuss."

"What? Emergency meeting? How did you obtain α authority? How can a colonel like you have the authority to do such a thing! You are overstepping your duties!" A fleet commander frowned and looked at Lin Fan. A superior naval admiral, not to mention an Astra Militarum colonel, even an Astra Militarum general he looked down upon.

"According to the records of the Codex Astartes and the Imperial Emergency Operations Regulations, the Chapter Master or someone with the same authority and responsibility as the Chapter Master can decide whether to convene an emergency meeting. Considering the absence of the Great Sage of Kaos, I, as the secret Chapter Master of the Crow Guard, Captain, I exercise this authority and agree with Colonel Soap to call an emergency meeting." Colvin stared at the proud admiral coldly, his eyes narrowed looking dangerous.

"This...this...noble sir, I am not against this, should not be raised by a colonel." The naval admiral showed a nervous and flattering smile. He did not want to offend a chapter leader.

"What do we have to talk about when we face the aliens? Kill them all! Use macro cannons to smash their blasphemous bodies!" an official from the Ministry of Military Affairs shouted loudly.

"I don't agree with this. I must contact them, and I hope that no imperial ship will fire on the Tau fleet before the attitude is made clear. Who is in favor? Who is against?" Lin Fan spoke, and the communication fell into a brief silence. What followed was a few scoffs and angry roars.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you speak nonsense at a high-level meeting? Neither the chapter leader nor the bishop of the state religion spoke! People like you who lack the sense of rules should be executed!"

Several people in charge of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Military Affairs were clamoring for Lin Fan to be executed for violating discipline. They regarded the law as their life, and it was normal to have such a reaction.

"Oh, these idiots." General Westad, the commander of the Casare Corps, secretly cursed these rigid bureaucratic heads.

These guys obviously didn't show up at the last meeting, so they didn't know who Lin Fan was. If they knew that Lin Fan could make everyone in the Demon Tribunal feel troublesome, they would never dare to yell at Lin Fan like this.

"General Westad, I agree to communicate with aliens." He spoke first to express his attitude, and then his head was held by a bolt gun. Westad knew that this was a political commissar general. Supervise him.

"Space Wolves, Old Wolf Wodehouse agrees."

"Raven Guard, Chapter Master Colvin agrees."

"White Scars, Huntmaster Corsaro approves."

"The Heretic Tribunal, Senior Inquisitor Weiss, agrees."

"The Imperial State Church, Archbishop Anderson agrees."

One heavyweight after another took a stand, shocking others who were hesitant.

Especially Archbishop Anderson. Lin Fan had never heard of this old guy's name. He could only see an old bishop without eyebrows on the screen.

He looked particularly vicious, and even the voice he spoke just now sounded like a bad guy.

"Isn't this a spy from Chaos who has infiltrated our army?" Lin Fan thought, but he felt that it was too bad of him to judge people by their appearance. There were not many good people in the Human Empire.

Lin Fan was relieved to see that the meeting with the Tau people could go on normally.

He was really afraid that the radicals in the fleet would yell at Lin Fan and the troops who wanted to communicate with the aliens, saying that Lin Fan and the troops who wanted to communicate with the aliens were traitors, and then use the ship to ram them head-on.

But now it seems that the Imperial people can still sit down and have a good talk!

How did Lin Fan know that Colvin and Lin Fan had already known about the conversation on the ground, so he rushed to the fleet in the Thunder Eagle.

Let all the Raven Guards quickly sneak into other ships and control the important personnel. Now behind every dangerous militant Imperial agent stands a Raven Guard.

Cooperating with them are the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition, and the Battle Sisters are also using bolt guns to alert to possible internal unrest.

Colvin was actually quite surprised that the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition were able to cooperate with him. After all, in his eyes, these two imperial departments were rich in extremist lunatics.

But Archbishop Anderson and Inquisitor Weiss simply told him that they had been inspired by the Emperor's Word.

They have always been wary of the Space Marines. If the Space Marines are unwilling to accept Lin Fan's guidance, they will not be stingy with firepower to destroy these Emperor's angels of death.

After Colvin heard all this, he understood who the State Church and the Tribunal had prepared the heavy armored troops and Death Cult assassins for this time.

The communication was connected, and Yuan Yuan appeared on the screen. The first words he spoke shocked the Imperial Expedition Fleet, and also made Yingyang feel that he was dreaming.

Space Marine helmet style

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