Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 397 Dark Clouds of the Golden Age

The Emperor didn't seem to want to talk about his teacher. He went on to talk about the past before the unification of Terra.

"When I was wandering in the wasteland of Terra, it was Malcador who found me. He said that mankind must have an absolutely just Lord to lead everything, and the mistakes of the Old Night era must never be made again."

"The mistakes of the Old Night era? What mistakes?" Lin Fan asked.

The Emperor was silent for a while and did not answer this directly. "You know about the Mark Organization, right?"

"I know this, an ancient secret organization. I also know that Malcador's original name is Bram al. Kadur. I also know that he is an immortal and that he seems to have committed serious crimes. As for the specific crimes, I don't know."

"You really know the general outline of history." The Emperor smiled, "but unfortunately, like me, you have no idea about the details of history."

"Didn't Malcador tell you?"

"He deleted the memories of the past, leaving only an organization and people who redeemed their sins." The Emperor continued to describe the collapsed Terra to Lin Fan.

In the yellow sand and wasteland, Malcador found the Emperor and made him accept his ambition to become the unquestionable leader of mankind.

No matter what Malcador and the Sigil organization did, the Emperor did not have time to care about such things at that time.

Rather than dwelling on the darkness of the past, he might as well spend more time looking forward to the future.

The technological barbarians on Terra are so deadly that there are even sects and bandit organizations that worship evil gods and hunt their own people.

Blood soaked the land, and the Emperor was determined to stop it all.

Terra was unified with the march of the first generation of gene warriors, the Thunder Warriors. As the first generation of space warriors, the Thunder Warriors are very powerful, but they also have serious problems.

The Thunder Warriors, who were born completely for war, cannot stop. Once peace comes to the earth, these warriors will fall into boredom like the orcs, and will inevitably trigger the next war to satisfy their desire for war.

Moreover, they have the problem of metabolic collapse, unstable mental state, and are prone to premature death.

Later, these emergency warriors, created by imperfect genetic engineering, became rebellious and angry. They pointed their spearheads at the Emperor, believing that this was his deliberate means of cleaning up these soldiers who made contributions to his unification.

Both sides have their reasons, but unfortunately this is the world. Black and white fairy tales do not exist, and there is often an obscure gray that covers everyone's heart.

The Thunder Warriors suffered from the pain of genetic engineering, and the Emperor also had humans to protect. He had no choice but to send the Imperial Guard and a new generation of Space Marines to wipe out these Thunder Warriors.

The honor of these warriors was forgotten and unknown, but this is just a trivial story in this cruel galaxy.

Later, Terra was completely unified, and Malcador and his Marked Organization completed the transformation of the fortress in the Himalayas, which laid the foundation for the formation of a huge palace in the future.

Under the deep mountain fortress, the darkest and incomprehensible artifacts are buried. Even the Emperor has no ability to control these things, and can only use overlapping static positions to maintain an eternal blockade.

Malcador became the supervisor of the Imperial Tithe, the head of the new Terran Council, and the founder of all the administrative agencies of the Empire.

As a close friend of the Emperor and the second most powerful psychic after the Emperor, he possessed powers that are unimaginable for the current Imperial officials.

The current Assassination Court, the Inquisition, and even the Grey Knights were all created by Malcador.

Later, Terra and Mars established a close alliance, and the Double-Headed Eagle Empire finally took shape, followed by the vigorous Great Crusade era.

"So, if you have not experienced the darkest period of mankind, and only appeared after everything collapsed, then what happened in the Golden Age of Mankind?"

"Malcador and his organization told me about the Iron Rebellion; told me about the awakening of psychic energy; told me about the Alien Backstab. But I always feel that what he said is a mixture of truth and falsehood, and many details are particularly contradictory."

The Emperor remembered Malcador's face, and how he was confused and chaotic from time to time.

"He has a compassionate attitude towards the aliens. This is the basis for the birth of the Alien Execution Ordinance. The reason for the destruction of the Golden Age, I want it to be more complicated."

"Well, what are the Alien Execution Ordinances? It can't be that all the aliens without human heads are killed, right? I remember that the Empire has cats with human heads, which is a hellish thing." Lin Fan stuck out his tongue in disgust. Cats with human heads are really weird.

"Considering the genetic engineering of the Golden Age, many humans have no connection with the human species in terms of appearance and underlying genome. Malcador and I can only formulate a simple ordinance."

The Emperor began to introduce the Alien Execution Ordinance, and he materialized a line of text.

1. As long as they are under control and do not interfere with humans, the Human Empire can reduce the emergency cleansing level of aliens and sub-humans to low threat (cleaning order is placed in β sequence)

2. For low-threat aliens, if they are willing to serve the Empire and unite with humans to fire at enemies who intend to destroy the Alliance, the extinction waiting time can be extended by 500 years.

3. After 500 years of extinction, the Chapter Masters of the Legions and the Imperial Senate will make a threat-loyalty judgment, and the fate of the aliens and sub-humans will be decided by the Imperial Chancellor Malcador or the Emperor.

"Those are the three things. If Malcador is still here, I think he will be open to the Tau people."

"Well, having regulations can at least stop a lot of people's mouths. I will continue the negotiations, so I won't disturb you."

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Lin Fan bid farewell to the emperor and turned his attention to the noisy meeting.

"This regulation is indeed true, and I have a more detailed text of the regulation." Lin Fan cleared his throat and began to recite everything the emperor told him to everyone.

After hearing these regulations, Colvin looked at Kaiser White Fang strangely. He didn't expect that this wild wolf could read books on a daily basis.

"Now, under the witness of Chapter Master Colvin and the Emperor, I declare that the relationship between the Tau Empire and the Human Empire has entered the first stage. Now we sign a treaty and hand it over to Farsight."

"So will this treaty protect the Farsight Enclave from the threat of the Human Empire? That's what I'm most concerned about."

"Uh." Lin Fan was silent for a while, then looked at Yuan Yuan with an awkward smile, "Considering that almost no one in the entire empire knows about this thing, I can only say that it is better than nothing."

Yuan Yuan sighed, "Then we can only make do."

Ancient Yarrick

Explanation: According to some descriptions in the official book (actually, it is just mentioned in one stroke, and there is basically no description of what the situation was like before)

According to the official timeline, human development has gone through several stages.

The Age of Science and Technology (official classification of the Golden Age): Beginning in 500.M2, the four gods gained complete will in the medieval period - ending in 100.M3, when Mars was terraformed. (Additional: The end of the golden age of the third edition was when the M20 Stone Man was invented. This has already been debunked)

The Dark Age of Technology (in this book, I refer to this time as the Golden Age):? ? ? Starting from M15, the sublight engine was invented——? ? ? .M25 Demons, iron men, aliens, and all kinds of bad things happened, and the next stage of the dark technological era began. (That is, in the Age of Strife, the content of the sixth edition mentioned a series of bad things such as rebellion to M23, and later the timeline conflict was removed from the book.)

Age of Strife: M25-M28 (The next time the Emperor appears on Terra is M28)

M29 The Spirit Empire was destroyed, Slaanesh's screams blew away the storm, the Age of Strife ended, and the Great Crusade began.

This is probably how the timeline went, and officials vaguely hinted that the Golden Age was not as great and upright as imagined.

The current cultural traditions of the Human Empire are probably the product of inheritance and development of the Human Federation, but they are much different in scale and technological strength.

Maybe what the Human Empire is doing now is much gentler than the humans in the Golden Age. It may be like the comparison between the Dark Eldar today and their ancestors.

During the Great Crusade, the Pocket Empire left behind by the Human Federation was extremely valuable. We can’t say whether it was like this from the beginning or whether it became like this after the years of strife.

The subsequent author will probably create his own version of the Golden Age, so let me explain it in advance.

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