The Empire and the Farsighted Enclave have signed a treaty. Farsightedness will not expand into the Empire with the Farsighted Enclave as the center, and will not actively attack human forces, and the Human Empire will not launch an attack on the Farsighted Enclave.

Of course, the point of attack is debatable. Yuan Yuan can only hope that the passing imperial fleet can understand the text of the alien execution regulations, and not yell about the disgusting aliens without even reading the document and treat the treaty like a piece of paper.

But Yuan Yuan’s worries are nothing. After all, judging from the trends in the empire and some recent troubles in the galaxy, no human fleet will go to the Gulf of Damocles.

After Lin Fan finished dealing with the relationship with the Tau Empire, he would go to the star map given to him by Trazin to see what there was there.

Perhaps for a long time in the future, the only human force that can communicate with the Tau people in the Far East Sector will be Lin Fan and his friends.

After all, there really weren't any big battles to be fought recently. Lin Fan felt that it was time to take Rebecca to farm. It was hard to say about other places, but the Far Eastern Star Territory, which was vast and sparsely populated and had a lot of waste to be developed, was indeed a good choice.

The Emperor had made an agreement with him before, and he would let the forces of the Empire quietly provide help for the development of his planet.

Moreover, Lin Fan still has spiritual bone fragments that contact the Death Army. He can create a web portal on the planet.

How great is this, the Empire, the Tau, and the Eldar can all communicate and cooperate on Lin Fan's territory.

This development speed should not be too slow.

This is the general idea, but Lin Fan feels that in order to truly implement it, specific issues need to be analyzed in detail.

As for the Tau Empire, Shadowyang felt that she was not qualified to sign such a treaty. She hoped that the Human Empire could give her some time to call the Ether clan to sign a treaty.

Lin Fan was not interested in the Ether clan. He felt that this group of secretive Ether clan was not a good thing.

But the most expansionist and aggressive Supreme Etherium Wa has been captured by the Blood Pity Man. Perhaps the Etherium Parliament can see the situation clearly and re-formulate its foreign policy with the human empire.

The Damocles Expeditionary Fleet was once again divided in the Gulf of Mugulas. One part stayed here for construction and repair, while the other part went to the Gulf of Damocles with the Tau Empire fleet, preparing to enter the territory of the Tau Empire in the name of the diplomatic fleet.

The far-sighted troops also had the good sense to keep a distance from the human fleet and would not approach to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Yingyang said she wanted to communicate with Yuan Yuan, and with Lin Fan's consent, Yingyang was able to board Yuan Yuan's ship accompanied by Lin Fan.

The Human Empire dispatched a diplomatic team to make the visit appear more professional. The empire lacks many things, but rituals are definitely not missing.

"I didn't expect that we could sign a treaty with the Tau. It's so dramatic." Commissar Kane walked beside Lin Fan. He didn't know that this was a treaty brokered by Lin Fan.

In fact, many people on the ship have actively or passively forgotten this. It can only be said that the empire's tradition of confidentiality has been implemented very well.

Considering that many fleet members come from different sectors, the fleet will be further separated sooner or later.

Colvin believed that the fewer people who knew the secret, the better, so that they would disperse to other areas of the empire and not have their imaginations wander.

The question of why an ordinary colonel had the support of so many forces back then is a question that breeds heresy, and the more he ponders, the more heresy he breeds.

Since Lin Fan wouldn't let them use explosive bombs as memory cleaners, they could only get a tube of memory cleaner each, along with a document explaining the Empire's emergency joint meeting stating the temporary truce between the Empire and the Tau Empire.

The Astra Militarum generals and navy generals, who had splitting headaches, lay on their chairs, rubbed their heads with their hands, looked at the instructions on the document, and breathed out secretly.

Congratulations that they participated in a secret meeting and no one was going to put a blaster in their head.

Although there is nothing in his mind, it is at least much better than having an explosive bomb in his mind.

Of course, there are still some people who have doubts. They question whether this document has been approved by the emperor. The Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy will handle this issue.

Judge Weisi and Archbishop Anderson have wiped Lin Fan's butt in secret many times. From Armageddon to Landers World, they always have a way to make doubtful people think that they are participating in a great plan. middle.

"This is just the beginning, my good political commissar." Lin Fan waited for the transport plane to fly to Yuan Yuan's ship, and wondered why Yuan Yuan had such high faith in the illusion brought to him by the Greater Good.

Vision saw six visions under the influence of Chaos. The first vision was of a group of giants in robes hundreds of meters high, leading hundreds of thousands of Tau people in chains through the broken and greedy world. Roaring wasteland.

And every time the giant takes a big step, countless Tau will die and be replaced by more Tau. These new Tau are created by an automated device that protrudes from the wasteland. This machine will launch Tau babies have been packaged, and when these babies stand up without the packaging, a beam of light will directly invade their minds, and as they grow up, they will gradually start to laugh, and then pick up the deceased's collar and wear it on themselves superior.

The subordinate races are branded with battle suits with open cockpits and blood dripping inside. Those who try to escape will be shot by beams emitted by the optical sensing equipment of the battle suits.

This seems to speak to the nature of the Ethers, a group of monsters who have separated from the Tau race and use strange methods to rule them, which may be one of the reasons why Farsight clearly distrusts the Ethers.

The second vision is the Tau Civil War, where the Tau who have abandoned the Greater Good fight on the Tau at a scale ten times that of the Age of Terror, and the blood flows directly upwards, pouring into the mouths and eyes of the Fire Caste, and Farsight is in the middle of it.

This looks like the Tau version of the Horus Heresy, with Farsight becoming a Warmaster-like figure, dragging the Tau Empire into a civil war with no winners.

The third vision, a group of Tau are infected with fungi and begin to break out, eventually interweaving into a huge plague flesh mass in the universe and pouring into a hole in space, and on the other side of the hole is the cradle of Tau civilization.

This should be talking about the attack of the Nurgle Legion on the Tau Empire during the Plague Wars.

Awakening Trazyn

Finally awakened, now me?

Hello, you have been legally acquired and are now the property of the British Museum.

Sounds like something I would do.

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