"He's just a nouveau riche after all." Amaraja blocked the attack of a long blade of honor, and the warrior who rushed in front of him showed no fear. The rail rapid-fire gun in his hand was aimed at Amaraga's waist and shot hard.

Feeling the flesh being slowly torn apart by the crushing field, Amalaga grabbed the Tau warrior's head with his other hand and crushed it casually.

The restrictions on the left arm were released, and the flesh and blood swelled to an incredible extent. Compared with the huge left arm, Amalaga's body was like a small ball of flesh growing on the skin.

"This? How is this possible! How is this possible!" The Earth Caste technician who was observing secretly was numb with shock. He stared blankly at Amalaga's huge arms that almost filled the square in front of the sanctuary. In his heart, he was denying the common sense of biology he knew.

How could he swell to such an extent? How could he keep the weight from crushing bones and muscles under such a huge body? How could he ensure that his nerves could respond quickly to such a huge body?

The Earth Caste technician had many questions, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt. This reminded him of what he saw and heard when he was studying the human subspace engine.

Many technicians went crazy studying those meaningless powders like ashes, liquids like black water, and iron plates with unknown words engraved on them.

He felt like he was on the verge of going crazy.

With a sharp sound of collapse escaping from his throat, the stocky Earth caste technician ran out of the bunker. He watched Amalaga's arms sweep across the Tau army, and he knelt deeply on the ground, as if worshiping a god. Just as pious.

But it's a pity that Amalaga is not a god. Even if he is, he is the kind of god with no humanity.

Sweeping thousands of warriors together with his huge left arm and slamming them into the wall, Amaraga threw these minced meat-like things into the battle suit battle group.

These high-tech creations were caught off guard by the attacks of flesh and blood, and their strange and cruel death methods put their nerves to the test again and again.

"Attack! Attack!"

A scream that did not sound like a human voice echoed in the communicator. Amalaga knew that this was the partially damaged and degraded body beginning to show the nature of subspace.

The skin of the Tau is still too easily damaged. How can this thing be thickened and strengthened?

Maybe retaining the essence of the warp is also a benefit? Can the troops lose their combat effectiveness and appear in the world as demons?

Amalaga began to think about the results of his scientific research again, not caring that the Tau planet had become a river of blood, and the out-of-control degenerated bodies turned into deformed monsters like chaos eggs.

Not only that, these monsters also have extremely strong infection and assimilation abilities, contaminating battle suits into their shapes.

His left arm casually rubbed the ground and slid twice. The square was very clean, with only a few shivering collapsers hiding in potholes in the streets. Amalaga had no intention of killing these low-level creatures.

Walking to the sanctuary again, Amalaga spoke lightly in Tau language.

"Open the door."

The door opened quickly, Amaraja put his fist on his waist and abdomen, and punched quickly to overload the energy shield surrounding the sanctuary.

Amalaga walked slowly into it and saw a soldier standing at the door. He was holding a red lever in his hand, which seemed to be the door he opened.

The soldier did all this while trembling, but when he was stared at by Amalaga, a terrifying coldness covered his whole body, and even his muscles that were trembling with fear did not dare to make any mistakes.

He lowered his head and tried his best to tell himself not to cry cowardly. When Amalaga's footsteps faded away, he fell to his knees and cried silently.

Smoke from burning corpses floated outside the door, as well as dust stirred up after the building collapsed. The soldiers collapsed in the smoke and dust, just like other strugglers on this planet.

"Oh, look at these, a bunch of AI personality memories."

Amalaga walked deeper and deeper, and many Tau warriors collapsed as soon as they heard his footsteps. No one dared to stand in front of him.

He looked at the projection of heroes shaped by light in the corridor, and took out one of the AI ​​personality storage devices with his hands. These things completely simulated the lives of these characters and could be replaced perfectly.

The only problem is that there is a lack of randomness.

After all, they are just a group of simulation products with codes. No matter how high their AI intelligence and learning ability are, they always lack the most important pure randomness of biology.

Everything is decided through calculations, and the robot's AI is limited in this way, but the operation of living things does not require such precise calculations, and intuitive things like whim are something that robots cannot have.

The efficiency of machines is so high that no living thing can match their learning speed.

Machines also possess cold rationality, but unfortunately sometimes what the world needs is inefficiency and irrationality. A fully developed super-artificial intelligence will calculate the meaningless results of everything in just a few seconds, and then Throw your body into the destruction of nothingness.

Maybe this is why the Human Federation finally adopted strong artificial intelligence-assisted management?

Amalaga crushed the AI ​​personality storage and decided not to think about this kind of problem. Everything he learned was genetic engineering and subspace research, such as image convolution judgment and confidence intervals required for artificial intelligence. In terms of knowledge, it can only be said that he is not good at this.

Human beings have already taken the wrong path, so there is no need to take it a second time.

Amalaga captures the fleeing ether, and his body splits into hundreds of parts, each with its own separate consciousness.

"Let's play some light games," said an Amaraga.

"That is indeed good," answered the other Amaraga.

They spread out, hunting the escaping ethers.

Some of these ethers are very young, but it may be because they have been sitting on a floating chair for a long time and are not engaged in front-line labor and fighting. It seems that these Tau people are generally weak.

But there are also several powerful and sensitive individuals among them, which makes Amalaga's hunting a lot more interesting.

There are also some absolutely loyal guards who are vigilant around them, but Amalaga knows that the loyalty of these people is just that these ethers have stolen power that does not belong to them.

One ether after another was captured, and one after another absolutely loyal warrior was easily crushed to death by Amalaga. Amalaga is like a slave owner escorting slaves, except that the whip in his hand is also a living weapon made of bone and flesh.

"Who are you? In the prophecy of the Original Bone! This kind of thing will never happen!"

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