"Does your kind of thing deserve to be called a prophecy?" Amalaga sneered, and then tore the rebellious Ether into pieces.

He killed all the ethers in the field, retained their brains, and observed their memories.

"Supreme Ether? Combined forces?" Amaraga said disdainfully to the corpse, "A bunch of idiots."

Amalaga turned his hands into drills, and his muscles twisted and rotated. When he let go, the drill started to work.

Rock and metal fragments are transported along the grooves in the drill head, and Amalaga carves a deep tunnel into the ground.

A crisp cracking sound came, and Amaraga knew that he had reached the core of the sanctuary, the ancient ruins called the original sanctuary, and the place where the etherics remembered the most.

The floor beneath his feet was broken, and Amalaga controlled the gravity crystal to float himself in.

There was no artificial light around, and it looked particularly dark. Amalaga used the fluorescence produced by biological reactions to ensure illumination, and adjusted the spectral visual range of her eyes.

The scene of the Holy Land was all in Amaraga's eyes. There were no Tau symbols, only a hollow place wrapped in a white unknown substance.

At the core, there is an oval sphere trapped in an unknown white substance, which reminds Amaraja of a membrane structure surrounding the brain.

"What kind of skeleton is this? Do subspace creatures also have bones?"

Amaraga analyzed it carefully with his eyes widened, then tore off a piece with his own hands and put it in his mouth to chew.

An unspeakable taste filled Amaraga's mouth, and his body quickly absorbed it all, then stored it in the sac for preservation.

This way he can further analyze this magical thing when he returns to the laboratory.

"This is the origin of the Ether clan, the beginning of the Tau's conquest of destiny? It's really simple and ancient." Amaraga imitated the movements in Ether's memory and placed his hand on the oval sphere in the center. superior.

At the moment of contact, he saw the universe singing to him, and the chaos and disorder of the subspace showed him a broken picture of the future.

Is this why the Ethereal Clan can lead the Tau Empire in such a prophetic way? As the first people of their species to come into contact with the subspace, they saw the future.

Therefore, they can always seize the opportunity to expand when all the forces are unable to escape, and continue this gambling game.

In order to prevent this secret from being leaked, these Tau people decided to use the so-called clan system to hide the truth that they were magic sticks.

So where did their mind control abilities come from? Although judging from the results of the anatomy, they can emit a pheromone that convinces fellow creatures, but it is still not enough to make the Tau people blindly believe in loyalty by relying on this kind of thing alone.

"Is it because of this elliptical sphere?" Amaraja narrowed his eyes, carefully cut the sphere with a bone knife, and opened it.

The moment he turned it on, he suddenly felt that his body was out of control, and something was robbing him of control of his body.

"this is mine."

Whispers exploded in Amalaga's stitched soul, a majestic creature of the warp, something erratic from Amalaga's perspective.

Just like the footage captured by a severely disturbed old-fashioned camera, the unknown creature jitters in shape and color.

This creature has a body like a giant water bag, with tentacles like jellyfish, and some barb-like structures on them.

"this is mine"

The warp creature reiterated his desire for control as he moved closer to Amalaga's sutured soul and stared at Amalaga with eyes as bright as the stars.

Amaraja felt like he couldn't move, and his soulless dead flesh was firmly controlled by the creature in front of him. This thing would immediately pierce his core with his tentacles and feast on his soul.

Is it over? My goal has not been achieved yet, and I am just being swallowed up by an unknown creature?

Amalaga smiled mockingly to herself, waiting for her own destruction to come.

A false voice came, and a void whale crossed time and space, reality and falsehood, and traveled from the dimension of subspace to Amalaga's soul place.

How is this thing done? What kind of properties and abilities does the void whale possess? The research desire in Amalaga's heart increased with its appearance, but the Void Whale did not focus on a creature in the real universe.

It opened its mouth and swallowed the subspace creature that was about to kill Amalaga, and showed a colorful display of obvious satisfaction.

So that thing is an enslaver? Are enslavers that big?

Amaraja watched blankly as the Void Whale disappeared from his soul place, and control of his body and soul returned to him again.

"Huh!" Breathing heavily, Amalaga's chest swelled violently, looking like it was about to explode.

His heavy body put its weight on his feet and then pressed them to the ground, causing huge cracks and foot-like indentations to appear.

Amalaga didn't even dare to put his hands on anything, because he knew that his out-of-control body would crush everything.

After taking a few deep breaths, hundreds of the restraint bone chains were broken, and Amaraga felt like she had adapted to her body again.

Manipulating the anti-gravity crystal to levitate his body, he placed his feet on the ground and walked around. Walking on the ground without breaking the ground is more like an exercise for him.

This place made of pale material was already showing signs of collapse. Amalaga turned over the cut arc piece. He wanted to see what was on the back and inside.

This is another mantra.

Amaraga opened the bone plate and saw a complex symbol staring into his soul, his life.

How can a character have such a strong desire to control? But who will control the characters?

Amalaga closed her eyes, stimulating her brain to forget the details of the symbols she had just seen, and letting her subconscious thoughts of obeying control fade away.

He put the bone plate into the pocket space and felt that his trip was really fulfilling.

All the Tau people on the most prosperous planet will be harvested by him, as well as the enslaver bone plate engraved with the mantra "Attachment", which will contribute to his ultimate goal.

A quarter of the twelve mantras have been collected, and Amalaga showed genuine joy when thinking of this.

He left the planet and returned to the floating continent with a large number of Tau human skins.

The shadow-yang painted by the traditional Chinese painter is too easy to mess with.

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