The meaning of the Silent King was conveyed to everyone, and they listened carefully to the king's will, while the Three Holy Guards standing around were monitoring everyone except the Silent King.

If anyone shows disrespect to the king, the Three Holy Guards will send them into a death-defying gap and suffer torture.

"The period of awakening is coming soon."

"Our old enemies have fallen apart."

"But there are also powerful enemies coming from the depths."

"In order to protect the unshakable power of the eternal rule of the Dread Dead, enemies outside the territory must be destroyed."

The Silent King summarized the main content of this meeting in just a few sentences. He was waiting for everyone's reaction. Even though he had unquestionable authority, a great king would still humbly accept the opinions of his ministers.

"Praise highly for the immortal rule of the dynasty!" A French emperor came out of the neat and flawless team. He raised his question to the Silent King, "How should we deal with today's low-level beings?"

"Destroy all life and keep humans in captivity."

These remarks surprised the Necrontyr. They could understand the elimination of green skins, Ada and other lower-level creatures, but retaining lower-level post-generation products like humans was beyond their judgment at the core of their logic.

The King of France considered his words, hoping to make the King understand what a crude and inefficient creature human beings are, and to prevent himself from being judged as disrespectful to the King by the eyeing Three Holy Guards.

"Great King of Silence, it is unlikely that humans can witness the truth as clearly as we do. Their simple and primitive brains regard themselves as the peak of evolution, but their body structures are so disgusting."

"The energy they absorb will eventually kill them, their digestive tract is a literal flora of bacteria, and, please pardon my vulgarity, their reproductive and excretory systems are the same thing."

"Prince Doveland, the All-Master, compares humans to insects. No, they are insects, cannibalistic. They live in the present, but have no understanding of the future or the past."

"Everything they do is to reproduce and survive blindly in crude lairs. Lairs are filled with human vermin and even more depraved and filthy life forms. They abuse the entire world to satisfy their desires for war and reproduction. in a cycle of waste.”

"Even their ruling class lacks the wisdom they deserve and wastes their organic life in a space of ten square kilometers, of which they can only effectively utilize one ten thousandth."

"Narrow, barbaric, backward, violent, and selfish. Great King, these human beings should not have a place in the eternal rule of great victory."

The King of France's speech ended, and he stood back in the team, waiting for the decision of the Silent King. No matter how the Silent King dealt with humans, he had fulfilled his duty as a minister.

Reasonable and clear.

The King of Silence can feel the recognition of the nobles from the Internet. They have only obvious disgust for humans, just like humans hate cockroaches in the kitchen.

But his desire to preserve humanity was not just for fun, but for a deeper reason.

They can be used as bait, as experimental subjects for future Necrontyr research and development of body transformation, and as a simple entertainment supply.

The Silent King has no hatred or malice towards humans, but he also has no kindness towards humans. During his long years of exile, he also glanced at the riddled Milky Way and saw the rapid development of humankind in the past few tens of thousands of years.

Although they eventually fell apart and did not survive the impact of their race's unique humanity.

King Silence was deeply impressed by the careerist who led the human federation to fall. In the retrospect and cycle of the universe, all endings will change slightly.

But that ambitious guy has not changed at all in countless endings. Even where he stood and when he pulled the Human Federation into the abyss, his words and deeds are 100% consistent.

Um? Interesting. The King of Silence felt the difference in the network, and saw some abnormal twists and turns in the data peak. Finally, he ordered an inconspicuous but famous guy standing at the back of the team to come out.

"Overlord Trazyn is out. You seem to have a different view of humans?"

Damn it, I'm going to die, I'm going to die

Trazin heard the Silent King's order, and his body quickly stood out of the queue before his mind could react, performing perfect etiquette without his control.

At this time, he really thanked the Star God for ensuring the quality and quantity of these bodies. He had been distracted just now. If he had relied on the reaction system to deal with the crisis just now, he would have been charged with disrespect.

This old bastard, Trazin secretly cursed Orican, who was snickering in the other team. That guy was always very concerned about his failure.

What did the King of Silence ask? Oh, by the way, he wanted to ask the question of whether humans should remain in the eternal rule. There was also the King of France just now. He also used such unsubtle language to humiliate the human race.

Trazin was not angry because humans were being belittled. As the Necrontyr noble who had the most contact with humans and studied them in the most detail, no one knew the virtues of humans better than him.

The only thing that made him angry was that the Emperor was so belittling that Trazin's research became a mentally retarded activity like shit.

I didn't play shit!

Trazin yelled in his heart, wanting to prove his research, but he did not dare to explode in front of the Silent King. All the Pharaohs who could be ranked in front were like beasts, and he was just a little The little overlord has no status in front of them.

"Great Lord of Silence, may I allow another person to join me in introducing you to the human species?"

"Oh?" The Silent King's eyes flashed, and he felt a little interesting. This Trazin actually spent 15 picoseconds thinking about it, instead of answering immediately, and even thought about asking others to answer with him.

really interesting

Trazin didn't know that the Silent King was already interested in him. Now he only thought about La Orican, an old bastard, feeling the suffocating moment with him.

Raising his hand to stop the movement of the Three Holy Guards, the Silent King replied to Trazin, "Okay."

"My colleague, the astrologer Orikan, also has a lot of research on human beings." Trazin bowed gracefully and pointed at Orikan.

Olican's body stiffened as he snickered. Although no one turned around, he felt that everyone's attention was on him.

"Tarrazin, shit."

The Three Holy Guards: A group of undead souls who believe that the war has failed and need atonement. They can be said to be the most sober group of undead souls. In the absence of the Three Holy Saints Council, they are responsible for supervising the dynasty.

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