The two brothers in trouble seemed a little awkward among the big guys. Although their bodies were very advanced and gorgeous, they were still far behind the kings at the front.

"Humanity is indeed an inferior and backward race. I completely agree with the views of the French Emperors on this point."

Trazin answered the Silent King cautiously, and used part of his attention to observe the surrounding situation to see if any of the Three Holy Guards wanted to capture him.

"However, I don't think humans are purely backward. They have very high attainments in creative fields, which even the Eldar cannot match."

"How can they guarantee that they will surpass the Eldar with such a short lifespan? You are talking nonsense." The Emperor who just spoke disdainfully objected to Trazin's remarks.

"That's right." Trazin was not angry. He carefully considered his words so as not to offend everyone with what he said next. "Please forgive me, the great king. This is a helpless move I made to convince the other party. "

"You can speak up."

The Silent King knew what Trazyn was going to say, and he wrote a layer of protection protocol for Trazyn to prevent other technicians who were provoked from attacking Trazyn with violence.

"In our glory days, our lifespans were shorter than humans, but we were still able to build a huge empire in the universe."

"In the process of dissecting human beings and studying their history, I found that they have many flaws. Their minds have no way of coordinating and coordinating. Each of them relies on the speech system to carry out simple precepts and deeds."

"They have done a lot of things in the galaxy, surpassing those creatures that are fully developed at birth, full of fangs and armor. Human beings are born fragile, mature slowly, and have short lifespans, but they still rely on technology and will Became the dominant force in the galaxy."

"They remind me of ourselves, how we once conquered the stars, clumsy but ambitious."

"Nonsense!" The powerful and magnificent Arch-Prince could not accept Trazin's words, because Trazin considered it an unbearable humiliation to compare the great Necrontyr with humans.

The rest of the Necrontyr nobles were not as excited as the Hierophant, but their humming cores and faintly gleaming eyes made their attitude clear.

They didn't like Trazin's rhetoric.

"Let him finish." The Silent King shut up the angry King of France, leaving enough room for Trazin to speak. It can be seen that Trazin was a little flattered by this.

"Thank you, the great Eternal King, for giving me the supreme right to speak." Trazin kowtowed deeply to the Silent King, and then raised his somewhat stooped body, which surprised Orikan beside him.

He had never seen this historical thief look so confident.

"And Orikan can vouch for me. In solving the mystery of the legacy of King Neferth, Orikan showed joy in human music, and I also enjoyed an interesting drama with him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Trazin threw the responsibility of introducing the advantages of human beings to Orikan, and at the same time, he also added a playful digital emoticon to their private network system.

Trazin, you piece of shit. Orikan secretly cursed Trazin for being childish in dragging him into this argument.

"Drama. Like Battle in Heaven?"

Because King Armas asked, he was a little bit interested in this.

"Well. In terms of presentation, human drama is not as grand as the battle in heaven." Orikan considered his words so that other colleagues could understand this.

After the Necrontyr gained imperfect immortality from a body of living metal. They began to spend endless hours polishing everything, and the drama of War in Heaven is a manifestation of this characteristic.

The audience does not need to eat, drink or rest. They can sit in the auditorium and enjoy it all the time. The same is true for the actors on the stage. They can use endless time to polish the details and express life, and they also do not need to consider the issue of fatigue. .

Therefore, the opening and closing of each drama of the War in Heaven is measured in ten thousand years, but this is still a bit crude and abridged for that long and glorious distant war.

Therefore, the Necrontyr's internal drama and art technicians are still writing a longer and more grandiose War in Heaven until they can recreate every detail again.

"Generally, a play will only end in a few hours, and an entire grand drama will only be performed in about three days."

"There will be a lot of fast forwarding and blurring in the middle, so that the conflicts of the story can be more clearly expressed. Their music is also very interesting. Although it lacks the perfection of mathematics and logic, the missing notes can show a kind of incompleteness. The beauty of it.”

"This got me interested. I think we can keep some humans as toys or something." Because King Armas spoke, he thought about whether to grab a few human planets after the meeting and store them in the folded space of the pyramid.

"Yes, I also have many human servants. I have to say that they are much more obedient than the Eldar. The Eldar's self-righteousness seems particularly stupid." Trazin continued.

"Servant? Why not a slave? I smell a hint of sympathy and pity." A sinister voice sounded, and a senior tomb technician whose lower body was like a spider's arthropods glanced at Trazin with a cold light.

Of course, Trazin knew who this was, the implementer of body transfer technology. At first, the Star God only provided knowledge, but this guy was a genius who had realized body transformation. It could be said that he was the first person in the entire Necrontyr dynasty to have a metal body. figure.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

The Enlightened One - Xerath.

But Xerath spoke this time not to oppose Trazin, but to explain his views on humans with a cold and surgical attitude.

"Humans may be the beginning of us entering the next stage. My suggestion is to retain humans and conduct specialized training grounds, just like the way orcs raise squirges in captivity to cultivate the types that everyone needs."

These words made the nobles feel novel, and they felt that they should find some fun in their long life.

It's like having a harmless little pet.

As for whether it should be used as meat or as a plaything, it all depends on the owner's wishes.

“If I could accept that humans exist, they could be pawns in a military simulation, and we could build a game where the characters are humans.”

Storm King Imotek spoke, still maintaining the martial ethos of the Sotec Dynasty, and even the words he spoke were murderous.

"I think it's too early for you to be happy."

Trazin's words drew everyone's attention to him again.

Xerath the Enlightened, a scientific madman who attempts to mechanically ascend to the gods.

(There are actually a few things to say about the Silent King: What kind of universe does he want to rule?)

(At present, there are two contents of the novel. One is to use the Milky Way as a farm, harvesting the life and leaving it for the next biological transformation. In essence, it is no different from an insect. The other is to use it as a pasture and want to rule a The galaxy is diverse enough to recreate the prosperity before the war in heaven)

(And from a background perspective, the only ones who play big games are the Necrontyr and Chaos. Humans and Eldar are more like their breeding farms, one for meat and the other for emotions.)

(Just think about it, if Cadian had not exploded, Trazin was actually going to activate the Blackstone Array and sew the Eye of Terror. Although he failed, it seems that the undead are not too worried about this problem. Maybe they haven’t looked at Chaos at all)

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