Trazyn interrupted the nobles' fantasy and sighed.

"I don't think humans will let us slaughter them."

"Are you afraid of their military power? Or the so-called 'Emperor'?"

"I'm not afraid of this. Do you remember the dynasty agreement we signed with the Subjective?"

Subjective. This thing, like the ancient holy star god, weighs on the hearts of the necrophiles. Facing the master you can't destroy and have to find a way to coax, the nobles have an indescribable complex emotion.

All the glory obtained in this universe has become pale and cheap because of the addition of the Subjective.

"When we eliminated the most powerful Star Gods, don't tell me that your memory modules have been damaged to the point that you have forgotten all this history. The power of those original Star Gods can no longer be described as exaggerated. Although we have split and processed the bodies of the ancient saints and made them into weapons that can also cause damage to them, the gods of the original rules are still extremely powerful." "Think about the origin of the Words of the Creator. The most powerful Basic God was completely killed by the Subjective. The relics left behind. If it weren't for the Subjective Bai Huan's consciousness anchoring the universe at that time, this universe would have been wiped out by the self-explosion of the Basic God." "And these symbols like language are scattered all over the universe, and they deliberately avoid our search. This is the mission of the Executioner Fleet. Eliminate all the daring people who use the Words of the Creator. God knows whether the Twelve Mantras will be reunited and reawaken the Basic God." The dusty memories of the crowd were involved in Taraxin's words. They thought of the end of the War in Heaven, when the Necrontyr launched the ultimate revenge against the Star God. The Star Gods provided the Necrontyr with knowledge and power to defeat the Old Ones, but they also cut off the glory of the Necrontyr in the Scarlet Harvest, leaving only a group of soulless dead things.

Although some people, led by the Illuminated Ones, believed that the soul was nothingness and that turning into a metal body was the next stage of evolution, these transhumanists were satisfied with accepting immortal bodies.

But other more moderate Necrontyr fell into grief, such as Trazyn and Orikan, who could not forget the pain when they were thrown into the conversion furnace for a long time.

Many Necrontyr also shouted for resistance. They tried to save their people from the conspiracy of the Star Gods, but the offensive of the Old Ones and his servants was too fierce. If they did not convert their bodies, the Necrontyr would be truly destroyed.

At least they had to survive first, no matter how they survived, what if they found a way to convert back in the future?

This was the idea of ​​more supporters at the time, and also the idea of ​​the Silent King. He knew that the Star Gods had a conspiracy, but he had no choice.

When the Necrontyr was reborn, they became the fear of all enemies. The Old Saint and his servants perished in billions of years. The only surviving Old Saint hid in the corner of the universe and was destroyed by the original enslaver.

The universe is on the verge of destruction. The once vibrant world has become cold and dead, and the glorious civilization has turned into dust and void. But the Star Gods have never perished. They greedily divide the remaining lives, fight and devour each other.

The Necrontyr was forgotten by them. These species whose souls were devoured during the transformation can no longer mobilize the Star Gods' appetite.

In the end, the Necrontyr squeezed out the last bit of strength, struggled out the last fleet in the broken universe and the ruins of the destroyed dynasty, and launched an attack on the Star Gods who were caught in internal strife.

The weapons made with the bodies of the Old Saints can no longer be copied, and even the current Necrontyr can't show any trace of the once powerful weapons.

The Star Gods master the rules, so they must rely on the rules to fight against the Star Gods.

The Eldar trembled in this unimaginable war of revenge. The cowardly survivors hid in the webway and the warp, praying that these weapons that tore the universe apart would not affect them.

One after another, the Star Gods were shattered. The Necrontyr used the hypercube maze and multidimensional locks to bind these fragments as big as elementary particles. The Star Gods that were decomposed into such fragments had no ability to resist the imprisonment of the Necrontyr. They could only wail forever in the space without faces and points.

But there are always some particularly difficult ones among the Star Gods, such as the Void Dragon that can manipulate all conceptual machines, the Landugol that can spread the Flayer virus invisibly through the mind network, and the Nightbringer that brings eternal death terror to the life of the entire universe, so that all civilizations will portray the god of death as him.

There are also the fraudsters lurking behind the scenes, who began to stir up the universe when Tzeentch was still a harmless little sparrow in the warp. He was the ultimate troublemaker. There is also the only complete Star God at present, an outsider who can eat other Star Gods as crispy horns-Saranoga.

However, the Outsider was already mad and was shutting himself in darkness, so the Necrontyr did not bother him. After all, the Necrontyr would also go crazy the moment he saw the Outsider.

Some technicians even believed that the nihilistic mistakes of the Destroyer might come from the influence of the Outsider.

They were so powerful that the sneak attack that the Necrontyr had planned for more than 10,000 years failed to achieve the purpose of revenge, but instead fell into the passive side of the furious revenge war.

In the end, they found Trazyn and Bai Huan, the subjective who traveled with him and did not know what war was.

They still remember the communication between the Silent King and Bai Huan, and Bai Huan's playful smile after learning everything.

"That's it? Let's see how I deal with them."

Bai Huan was loaded into the cannon, which she called the Armstrong Cyclotron Armstrong Cannon.

She developed her subjective consciousness to the fullest, and the Star God, which was as big as a galaxy, was locked by her tiny body, and then penetrated through her body and turned into fragments.

The Necrontyr just stood aside and waited for the C'tan to be shattered, sealing the fragments of the C'tan with prisons and driving them into a hell where they could not resist.

In the end, the star god's despair awakened the true god, which was the beginning and the end of everything. All star gods were born from his body.

The God of Foundation, this is the only name he has, without any nickname.

The God of Foundation looked at Bai Huan indifferently, and he began to reverse everything.

The dead are resurrected, and the resurrected return to the mother body, which has never been born.

Under the influence of his power, the entire universe is about to return to the eve of the Big Bang.

"Reincarnation. Change. End."

The God of Foundations determines the fate of the universe with his words.

(Note: The basic god is self-set)

Slavers, you can think of them as oversized Yuri

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