Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 417 Guarding the house! Guard your home! Keep your home

The three people really felt relieved now. They leaned against the wall and closed their eyes heavily, unwilling to recall the madness and chaos just now.

"Is that something from subspace?" Yingyang controlled her voice and spoke with a tone that sounded like she was about to cry. This was not a sign of cowardice on her part, but a natural sense of fear in her body.

"You have seen a corner of the subspace, just a corner, but you are also lucky. I have a good relationship with her, otherwise you would be dead."

"So she is not the Emperor."

"The Emperor is another."

"Oh. The Greater Good."

Yingyang lowered his head and stopped talking. Yuan Yuan and Ovesa also closed their eyes and said, "I hope your emperor can protect my people."

"That's right! This is the beginning of cooperation. You have to pretend to believe in the Emperor first, and then the Empire will not treat you so harshly." Lin Fan patted Yuan Yuan's shoulder and motioned for Rebecca to send the message here. To the fleet, they have cleared the subspace rift.

Human and Tau fleets crossed the Gulf of Damocles and arrived at the edge world of the Tau Empire.

They also found the Mechanical Ark of the Great Sage of Kaos. This miracle of all machines was devouring a frozen asteroid and was stored in the warehouse.

But the current situation of the Tau people doesn't seem to be very good. Yingyang accesses the communication channel of the Tau people and can only hear the panicked cries of the managers above.

In the end, they could only learn about the destruction of Tau and the death of all high-ranking Ethers from fragmented information.

Yingyang felt dizzy when she heard the news. She could not imagine the all-round impact that the destruction of Tau would have on the population, economy, and technology, and the death of all the ethers was even more unacceptable.

The Tau Empire has been under the leadership of Aether for too long, and the other clans don't know how to make this huge star sea empire run again after breaking away from Aether.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Terran Imperial Fleet came forward, feeling that this was a good time to expand humanity's influence into the Tau region.

But Lin Fan just told them not to join in the fun. Based on their administrative efficiency, the Tau Empire would become an incomprehensible shithole like the world controlled by the Human Empire, and the gains would outweigh the losses.

Besides, there is a visionary in the fleet. He has accumulated a lot of experience in managing his one-third acre of land. If he can take on the important task of emergency management of the Tau Empire, he will probably suddenly become a town mayor. National leaders.

But Vision can only be the manager behind the scenes, because after he rebelled against the ether, the publicity has always described him as a cowardly traitor, an incompetent abandonment of good deeds.

If the Tau Empire really wants to change its management system, it is Commander Shadowsun who can accept such an important task. Vision can provide Shadowsun with some guidance and experience.

The deeper Shadow Sun and Vision went into the territory of the Tau Empire, the more chaos and confusion they saw. The self-destructive Tau people even prayed to the so-called holy statues like humans.

The Tau Empire is on the verge of collapse, people's faith in the Greater Good is shaken, and the system of government with the aether as its core is in name only.

The Southern Sector has lost contact, losing central material allocation and fleet support. In the end, they only sent out news that they needed support, and the unique loud roar of orc guns.

The northern star sector was reduced to a dead land. There was not much damage to the buildings on the planet, but all the people on the planet mysteriously disappeared.

The current situation in the Eastern Star District is good. They established communication with Yingyang immediately and expressed their willingness to accept Yingyang's emergency rule. After all, they are also trembling now, and the orc invasion in the next star district is getting more and more fierce.

Lin Fan watched all this as a bystander. Not to mention how happy he was when he learned that all the etheric old sticks on the Tau planet were dead. However, he had received professional training from the Facial Paralysis Forbidden Army. No matter how funny things were, he Neither will laugh at inappropriate circumstances.

When Yingyang and Yuan Yuan were busy for several months, they finally took control of the western region and cleared out some careerists and capitulationists. Yingyang established an enlightened military government similar to that of Yuan Yuan's enclave.

And because of the scarcity of military power, the strict restrictions on occupations imposed by caste laws have begun to relax. Of course, there are still birth restrictions. After all, there are extremely obvious physical differences between different clans.

After experiencing such turmoil, it was also a good time for propaganda. Yuan Yuan and Ying Yang managed all the propaganda machines and perfectly utilized the power of public opinion weapons.

They described the expedition outside the Gulf of Damocles as a misunderstanding between the Human Empire and the Tau Empire. It was alien elements who were trying to sow discord between the two countries. It would be best if the Tau suffered a sneak attack and became rubble floating in the void. prove.

The current relationship between the Human Empire and the Tau Empire is promoted as a mutually supportive friend, similar to allies like the Kroot, with an agreement maintaining the relationship between the two parties.

The Space Marines actually wanted to take advantage of the situation and crush the Tau to death when they were at their weakest.

However, the attack of the orcs and the swarm of insects mentioned by Lin Fan still made them put down their murderous intentions, and at Lin Fan's request, they helped the Tau Empire stop the frenzy of orc invasion.

Yuan Yuan returned to his old profession, regained the title of Orc Slayer, and led his Seven Heroes to kill all the orcs.

Even Kaiser White Fang had to admit that Farsight was good at melee combat and looked like a real man.

Delia is also teaching the Tau Empire's technicians about the research theory of the Beast Suppressor's laser gun and the characteristics of the Orcs. When they heard the theories related to the Orcs' power of thinking, they all doubted their lives. After each class, they had to go and drink alone. To anesthetize your own spirit.

In the end, they silently accepted that the universe might not be as rational and materialistic as they thought, and that many things were just so unreasonable.

The Mechanicus is actually a technological exchange between Earth caste technicians led by Delia and Ovesa. After the Great Sage of Kaos acquired the environmental modification device and the battle suits developed by several Tau people, he lost all interest. He stayed inside the ship every day and didn't know what he was doing.

Priest Delia is learning the Tau battle suit design theory, while the Tau are learning from her how to awaken the so-called machine spirits.

"Isn't this the damn AI?" Ovesa complained, but when he saw the shooting performance of a bolter that should not have AI anyway, before and after the blessing, he learned the lesson. Shut up and carry a jar of holy oil with you.

The current situation of the Tau Empire (coming after the Swarm)

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