In a circular hall, there are smooth white curved walls and comfortable chairs slightly suspended on a blue base.

Rings of seats were piled up around the central lecture hall, on which sat many Earth Caste technicians who were communicating.

“Masha, I heard that this lecture is about ‘subspace’?”

"That's right, Comrade Yiou."

Masha looked at Yiou and the humans and nodded. Yiou had already been more or less tainted with the other person's culture during the communication with the humans.

Masha always felt strange. In the propaganda of the past few years, the human empire was still so backward and barbaric. As a result, in this year, they suddenly became friends of the higher good. Even their so-called emperor could be friends with the higher good. The Greater Good is compared.

This is really unacceptable to many older generation Tau people, but what can they do?

A year ago, the entire Tau Empire almost fell apart. The pain of the Tau star's destruction still exists in the hearts of every Tau tribe. Every night, there will be people in their beds mourning the fate of the Aether and their own race.

Fortunately, Commander Shadowyang took over this heavy responsibility, quickly reunited the scattered hearts, and led the newly formed legion to fight against the invasion of the orcs.

Of course, the Human Empire also helped a lot during this period. For example, this kind of scientific and technological seminars were held many times. Human research has inspired the Tu clan's current technological bottlenecks in many aspects.

Although sometimes what I hear is completely unreasonable, such as the last machine spirit, the Waaagh position last time, and even longer ago-the Tau people shouted "For the Emperor, for the Greater Good" ” Comparison of the reinforcing effects of slogans.

"Every technician is asked to turn off the holographic tablet in his hand, and everyone is only allowed to write and record with blessed and purified parchment and sacred quills."

Drones equipped with loudspeakers were floating in the hall. These drones had also undergone some modifications. They had wax-sealed scriptures on them and several burning golden candles.

Masha frowned. The wax dripping from these candles fell on the outer shell of the drone, making it look dirty and backward.

Why are there so many damn religious rituals? Religious culture?

Silently he received a piece of yellowed parchment and saw that the four corners of it were covered with marks, and there was an emperor's quotation printed on the top.

"Wise but unfaithful, the divine edge is reversed."

This is the Gothic language. Masha has also learned human language. I have to say that this sentence seems quite wise.

The radio sounded again, and this time the content was even more confusing.

"1. The following content is strictly prohibited from being recorded by any technological device. All information must be written on sacred parchment in Gothic."

"2. If you have any physical abnormalities, such as whispering in your ears, blurred vision, or your body starting to grow extra limbs."

This second one was so long that Masha listened to this warning with all his attention for more than 5 minutes. He even vomited in his heart, "Am I in some childish horror story meeting?"

The second message finally came to an end, and the third message was surprisingly short, only one sentence.

"3. Please pray to the great Emperor all the time. Tau people can add 'for the Greater Good' after 'for the Emperor'."

This is really nonsense. Masha sighed and looked at Yiou beside him. This Earth caste technician actually took out a holy statue around his neck, held it with his hand, and muttered something.

This statue combines the appearance of the Emperor's standard icon with the traditional culture of the Tau people. Behind the Emperor's icon is a circle representing the Greater Good.

According to Lin Fan, this thing looked like Master Guanyin with an emperor's face.

"Alas, our civilization." Masha lamented and said nothing more. He knew that he had to be careful about his words and deeds. He didn't want to be arrested by the people from the Ministry of Education.

After speaking, Masha narrowed his eyes and looked at the soldiers from the Ministry of Education wearing black armor.

There are people from various clans in this department, wearing black armor with gold edges. The pattern on the shoulder armor is based on a yellow circle, with a big red I printed on it. It is said that they are the product of learning from the Tribunal of the Human Empire.

Many of Masha's friends who were dissatisfied with the current human-titanium alliance were taken away by the Ministry of Education. However, they did not kill these people. They just imprisoned them on a boat. After a few days, his friends became firm of people titanium united supporters.

In the end what happened?

Masha doesn't know very well, maybe it's an efficient brainwashing method? Like a fanatical cultist in the Human Empire?

After thinking about it for a while, this scientific research seminar is finally about to begin.

A Mechanicus priest wearing red robes, an officer wearing the uniform of an Astra Militarum colonel, an Inquisitor, and a Space Marine Librarian walked into the hall and found their seats and sat down.

“I believe many friends already know me, so I won’t introduce myself much here, let’s get straight to the point.”

Priest Delia patted the table with his hand and increased the power of the loudspeaker in his throat.

"First let's talk about these weapons."

Several servo skulls enter the scene carrying some weapons, both melee and ranged weapons, but they are all lighter weapons.

"First, let's talk about these two weapons. This is a standard laser gun. The person who uses it is a soldier who devoutly prays to the Emperor, and he will sing praises and appease the machine spirit of the laser gun whenever he has the opportunity. song of."

"This one is a standard pulse rifle of the Tau. There is no prayer, no awakening and comfort from the machine soul. It has been kept in the warehouse. Only the drones and warehouse managers are numbering and packing it."

"In terms of physical power, the penetration power of a standard pulse rifle is stronger than that of explosive bombs, but what we are comparing today is not physical power."

Not physical power? What else could it be? The technicians were a little confused, but no one stood up to ask questions, because according to their understanding, the priest Delia in front of them was a very serious and responsible scholar, and it was impossible to make mistakes without aim.

"Lord Wodehouse?" Priest Delia saluted Wodehouse, looking a little nervous.

"Sigh." Wodehouse stood up, sighed, and then looked back at Lin Fan, "I think I will regret it."

"It's all for the empire. This will help them accept the empire's religious rituals. Although they don't object in words, privately they are still dissatisfied with the management of the empire's technical personnel."

The old Chinese doctor who deceived Fugen (I have forgotten whether I have posted this picture before)

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