Delia took out those weapons again, and Lin Fan also stared at the temperless demon who was tortured by him and Judge Kripman.

"Then let's first compare the power of these blessed and unblessed weapons when faced with standard ceramic plates."

Delia held the laser gun and fired a magazine's energy steadily at the ceramic plate. With the assistance of mechanical aiming, she could achieve 100% aiming at this distance.

It allows each laser to land on the same point, and the ceramic plate is melted to create a hole, but it doesn't look serious.

Delia picked up the pulse rifle again. These weapons have a slower rate of fire and are relatively expensive, but the power of a single shot is much stronger than the standard weapons of the Empire.

As for the radiation emitted by the special metals, these things are not a problem for the Mechanicus.

The radiation emitted by Motonium alloy, which had troubled Earth caste technicians for a long time, was solved by a sacred elixir of all machines, so that many of the radiation sickness that the Fire caste suffered in battles were well relieved by taking the sacred elixir.

The Earth Clan technicians wanted to obtain the technology for making holy elixirs from the Mechanicus, but they only received the look of garbage from the Great Sage of Kaos.

"How can you, mere mortals like you, learn the supreme knowledge bestowed by the God of All Machines?"

The technicians were a little at a loss. They were a little frightened when they faced the huge body of the great sage of the Mechanicus. This sage was already bigger than many battle suits.

But in the end, Sage Kaos signed a treaty with the Tau Empire, and he could build a production plant in Mgululas Bay to trade iridium isotopes with the Tau Empire.

He already knew how to produce Motonium alloys after being reminded by Lin Fan. He knew that these magical alloys were the product of enrichment of iridium isotopes. He could export some simple anti-radiation medicines to the Titanium Empire just because of Lin Fan. Just for Fan's sake.

Delia stuffed a piece of sealed Motonium alloy into the magazine and threw an anti-radiation pill into her mouth. She didn't want her body to become rotten and hot due to excessive radiation.

Motonium alloy begins to oxidize and dissolve, producing a huge flow of radiation ions, which are focused into a beam in the gun, and a highly charged ion bullet is emitted from the muzzle.

The ion bullet fell into the ceramic plate, quickly penetrated several layers, and then left a blue light spot that slowly dissipated heat around the gunshot mark.

The power of these weapons has been proven many times on the battlefield. Even Space Marines cannot deny the power of pulse rifles, and the Kaos Sages are also preparing to produce new plasma equipment that is more suitable for use by Imperial soldiers.

As for whether the new plasma weapons combined with alien technology will be recognized by the Mars headquarters, Sage Kaos can only say.

"What kind of weapon? Who produced it? What does it have to do with me if they captured it from the aliens themselves?"

The physical comparison shot ended, and Delia then aimed the pulse gun at the demon in the cage.

A plasma shot hit the demon's body without penetrating the demon's body. Blue hot spots rose up on the demon's skin, seemingly harmless.

"Ha! That's it?"

The devil laughed, but unfortunately few people understood the devil's language.

Delia picked up the blessed laser gun again and fired another shot at the demon's body. The devil's skin was marked with hot pits by the laser gun, and the devil also frowned angrily, stretched out his hands from the cage, and wanted to tear Delia into pieces for humiliating him.

"Did you see it? A weapon that has received blessings and awakened the machine soul can cause effective damage to demons, but this kind of enhancement has a special difference."

Delia asked Servo Skull to bring in a large piece of sewn parchment, and then wrote a few formulas on it.

Melee Weapons + Blessings \u003e Melee Weapons

Handmade weapons + blessings \u003e Assembly line weapons + blessings

Assembly line weapons (weak and blessed) \u003e Assembly line weapons (strong and unblessed)

Melee weapons are stronger than ranged weapons. If you can stab a demon to death in melee, don't try to kill him with ranged weapons.

At this moment, Yiou beside Masha raised his hand and asked, "What about heavy weapons? What about heavy rail guns and heavy ion cannons? Do they also need blessings to cause effective damage to demons?"

"Yes, you need blessings. Of all the standard weapons in the empire, there is not one that has not received blessings. Take the laser gun in my hand, for example, before it completed today's great display, it had passed 150 years and 27 generations of soldiers’ service and blessing, and there are still many of these weapons in the Imperial Army.”

Delia greeted the servo skull again, and some more skulls floated in, with cannonballs of different types hanging under them.

Delia pointed with her finger at the sealing ring at the end of the cannonball. This metal ring, which was only part of the cannonball, was densely engraved with the Emperor's holy words and words of praise to the God of All Machines.

Although the characters are small, the Tu clan technicians present can all witness the strong power of piety from these engraved words.

Then Delia began to explain some basic aspects of the empire's military production.

Collect materials, transport them into the factory, and put them into machines.

There are countless mechanical priests supervising this process. They sing and pray under the forge as high as a mountain, and give preliminary blessings to these simply processed weapons.

Of course, the more complex and difficult to produce the weapon, the longer this process will be, but Delia is not prepared to talk to them about these things.

Then the weapons were distributed to each legion. After they were distributed to the soldiers, they were supervised by the political commissars and army mechanical monks, so that the soldiers should take good care of their weapons at all times.

This stage is mandatory. The empire has always been about people waiting for weapons, not weapons waiting for people.

If a soldier is unwilling to show full respect and devotion to his weapon, the commissar does not mind demonstrating the power of the bolt pistol in front of the soldiers.

"So, will our future productions be like this?" Yiou then asked, but Delia just gave him a polite smile.

"Considering that your subspace projection is weak and insensitive, you can relax the requirements in the production process, but in order to deal with possible demonic threats, my suggestion is to ask them to perform piety on their weapons after they are distributed to the army. And the awakening ritual, just like what I taught you before."

Yiou said that he understood, and Masha beside him remembered some of the feedback from the Fire Caste warriors after awakening the machine soul.

According to them, the pulse rifle's machine spirit is gentler, while the laser gun's machine spirit is more anxious.

Doomsday Scythe, ceiling fighter, it turns out that the Titanium and the Undead were at war, and the Qi family defeated these top-notch technological creations by relying on their special sense of flight.

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