Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 421 The Space Marines are somewhat dissatisfied

The scientific research meeting on subspace and demons was over. In the end, the demon in the cage was scraped to death by Lin Fan with a pencil sharpener that was handmade and blessed by the Sisters.

According to Lin Fan, such a comparison can make the impression on these Tau people even more profound.

Judge Kripmann sat next to Lin Fan, "Is this really going to be okay? These subspace sciences have been taught, even if someone mentions them, it is enough for the Inquisition to come to clean up."

Lin Fan waved his hand and told him that it was okay, "The soul projection of the Tau people is very small. As long as a stable subspace rift suddenly pops up here in the Tau Empire, no demon will be able to see their souls."

Feeling that this was not enough to appease Kripman's suspicion, Lin Fan added, "Just think about it, you are a devil. To your left are human planets that are out of control, and those delicious and juicy souls are waiting for you." Holding you. And to your right is a bunch of dehydrated, shriveled Tau people who eat to their teeth but are not full. And they manage it very well and will not leave you the opportunity to incite the people to create bloody rituals. "

"It's such a thankless task. Would you do it for me? And humans have to do it many times more than Tau people."

Kripman's face turned dark. Lin Fan's description made him feel unhappy, but he could not refute this statement. He could not kill this great god. "It sounds like we are the devil's food."

"It's not right to say that. We are their parents and also their food. I can only say that this is the price of evolution." Lin Fan sighed, and then asked Kripman for other news, "The Education Department of the Tau people How is it now?”

"I have to say that they learn quickly and their average educational quality is very high. In this regard, they are much better than the empire. Is there any problem with their AI equipment? Iron Man Rebellion, Electronic Demon and so on."

"They haven't reached that stage of development yet." Lin Fan pouted. According to Rebecca, if they want to create an AI as smart as her, it will take at least several thousand years.

But Lin Fan thought about it. When he was using M42, he didn't hear any signs of the Tau's AI equipment going crazy. But in order to reassure the people of the Mechanicus, Lin Fan still discussed with Yingyang Yuanyuan and told them to put less effort into AI research and just maintain the status quo for the time being.

The technicians walked past Lin Fan one by one and handed the parchments in their hands to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan is the best subspace detector. He can find out who has problems with just a few scans.

As he put the parchment away and piled these things on Kripman's lap, the demon inquisitor liked to see what kind of language the Tau would use to praise the Emperor.

This brought him a different kind of novel experience.

"Look at this Tau man named Yiou. He writes really well on parchment. He memorizes the prologue to the Emperor's Words very completely."

Kripman nodded with satisfaction, believing that people in the state religion would also be happy to see this neatly written parchment.

When all the Earth clan technicians walked out of the hall, Lin Fa did not feel any subspace pollution. He and Delia went to find the Space Warriors together.

In the first half of the counterattack, the strike team composed of three Space Marine Chapters could be said to have caught the Orks off guard.

They were used to the experience of shooting and exploding with various large guns against the Tau. Suddenly, a group of Space Marines with extremely fast movement skills and extremely strong close combat skills came down. They were a little clumsy.

After bullying the Tau people in close combat for a long time, his own methods of killing people have also deteriorated a lot.

Many of the bosses of the Ork fleet were beheaded by the Space Marines, and then fell into civil strife over the position of boss. And according to the feedback from Kaiser White Fang, Kosaro Khan and Chapter Master Colvin, fighting side by side with the Tau is quite efficient.

Kaiser White Fang: "Although saying this is somewhat mocking the Astra Militarum, I still want to express my approval for the Tau people's ability to keep up with the wolves' hunting."

Corsaro Khan: "Although saying this is somewhat mocking the Astra Militarum, I still want to recognize the high movement speed of the Tau Empire's hover vehicle."

Chapter Master Colvin: "Their stealth suits are pretty good."

In short, the cooperation between the Space Marines and the Tau Empire is much better than that of the Imperial Astra Militarum.

The Tau Empire's military is very powerful, and its joint combat capabilities and information collection capabilities are a level higher than those of the Astra Militarum.

After cooperating with the Tau Empire Legion and fighting several waves of exciting annihilation battles, the Space Marines began to be dissatisfied with the Astra Militarum's combat mode of only piling up manpower and armor.

What the aliens can do, there's no reason humans can't do it.

But Lin Fan had already started to do this. After several battles, the Thirty-seventh Regiment also collected a large number of remnant troops. At present, the size of the Thirty-seventh Regiment has reached more than 400,000.

However, the expansion of the legion means that equipment is stretched thin. The Great Sage Kaos' Mechanical Ark is very busy. He has to be responsible for orders from many legions and cannot throw all the manufactured armaments on the Thirty-seventh Regiment.

But at least Lin Fan's group is well fed, and everyone will undergo compulsory study under the bayonet of the gentle and friendly teacher Krieger.

At present, the attack of the orcs has been contained, and the Tau people have created their own series of weapons to suppress the beasts.

Shadow Sun and Vision plan to expel the orcs in the southern sector to the Red Sun sector in the next few days, and then join forces with the Tau in the eastern sector to redevelop the dead land in the northern sector.

For a long time, the Tau Empire will have to maintain the territorial reconstruction and development before the third stardom expansion, and will have no time to expand externally.

Lin Fan and Delia walked out of the door. This place used for scientific research meetings was actually a fortress.

Tightly surrounded by several legions, the Ecclesiastical Sisters of Battle and the Stormtroopers of the Inquisition established a tight defense around the Pious Fortress in order to prevent possible subspace contamination.

It's always good to be cautious.

The Raven Guard's Thunderhawk slowly descended and opened its hatch on the tarmac.

Third company commander Shrek took a few steps and forced a smile on his face.

"If you can't laugh, don't embarrass yourself. I'm not that kind of person."

".Ahem, the Chapter Master asked us to do this."

"Then I'll tell him later that we're all brothers, so there's no need to be so polite."

Lin Fan asked Delia to go about her business first, while he and Shrek entered the Thunder Eagle.

The Thunderhawk broke through the atmosphere and entered an Imperial destroyer.

Colvin and Corsaro were waiting for Lin Fan's arrival. Next to them was the Tau killer whale transport plane, and many dazed Tau people were being helped in.

Imperial and Titanium Cooperation ()

Space Marine: I have to be honest with the aliens, we had our doubts about hiring you before. Our budget is tight, and it's not every day that we have time to rebuild the walls of our Chapter Fortress. But that's all you and your working drone do.

Another: I’m the fucking king of the planet!

Space Marine: Titanium is really beautiful.

Tau: Your apothecary seems to agree.

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