Whenever she and Vision felt confused about the Tau Empire becoming a vassal of humanity, they would seek help from Lin Fan and take them on a tour of the warp.

Every time they saw the madness in the subspace and the golden sun called the Emperor at the far end, Shadowsun and Vision put aside their worries.

Falling to the human empire may result in the loss of part of their sovereignty, but if one day their race without the blessing of gods is targeted by demons, it will not be up to them to decide how they will die.

This kind of wandering in the subspace is sometimes safe and sometimes dangerous.

Several times, an army of red demons in the subspace could be seen rushing towards them on the ship, and at the far end was an angry shadow of the God of War staring at them.

Yingyang and Yuan Yuan felt cold all over. They looked at Lin Fan and found that he was also distressed.

In the end, they enjoyed several devastating battles between gods in subspace, with golden suns, pink phantoms, and red warriors fighting fiercely.

The more they experienced, the more deeply Shadow Yang and Yuan Yuan felt about the power of the Emperor. The two of them were also praying to the Emperor in the meditation room, praying to protect their people.

"Now that you're leaving, do you need any help?" Yingyang asked with concern.

"Well, there's nothing to prepare. You just need to build your own. Remember to add more defense lines in the eastern sector and self-destruct devices for mutual destruction. I've left some information about the insect swarm to you."

"Yeah, okay." Yingyang nodded, not panicking about the approaching insect swarm. She had already passed that stage.

Moreover, Lin Fan also prepared a detailed combat manual for her and promised to bring troops from the Human Empire to support her in the future.

"Then I'm leaving. When I finish the construction, I will send you a message."

Lin Fan waved his hand to indicate that he was leaving, and then announced the news to Rebecca and Delia, asking them to prepare quickly.

A week later, all the soldiers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment boarded the Flame. This ship, commanded by Captain Wormit. Also very impressive.

"Thank you, Captain Mitt. I remember that you are the last Imperial ship in the Tau Empire." Lin Fan enthusiastically held Captain Mitt's hand and thanked him for waiting.

"They are all serving the emperor, there is nothing to be grateful for." Captain Mitt also responded with a perfect smile, "Other ships have their own missions, and my mission is to serve you."

"Ha, this is too much to say, I can't afford it."

Since the human-Titanium alliance gradually stabilized, the empire's fleets have gradually evacuated this area. After all, the empire will always have fewer ships and more wars, so it cannot be wasted here forever.

So Lin Fan's thirty-seventh regiment was left alone, and the Space Marines also returned with the fleet. They needed to return to their home planet to replenish their troops and recover their gene seeds.

The Space Marines actually wanted to follow Lin Fan to help, but Lin Fan felt that these warriors should help elsewhere, so he did not let the Space Marines accompany him to monitor the cooperation of the Tau Empire.

The Great Sage Kaos also left with the Mechanical Ark. For him, the Tau Empire no longer had any technological creations to miss.

The Flame ship crossed the Gulf of Damocles. Captain Mitt was issuing orders on the bridge. Lin Fan, Delia, and Rebecca were also staying here. They were showing the star map of Trazin to the navigator. coordinate.

"This place does not exist on the empire's star map. Is it a lost colony?"

The navigator searched the imperial star chart for a long time but found no record. "How about changing to another place? A world without news is really too dangerous."

"No, just go here. This is the forgotten world consecrated to the Thirty-seventh Regiment by the Emperor. For the glory of the Emperor, we will return this planet that has been separated from human management to the embrace of the Emperor."

Lin Fan made a lot of nonsense and made their transportation a lot better.

The navigator had to reprogram the star map position into the Imperial Star Library, and constantly correct and adjust the relative position of the ship in order to find the fastest route.

After two short subspace jumps, which took a total of 17 days, the Flame finally stopped in a galaxy near the star map position, and relied on the sublight speed engine to move towards the unknown area.

"To be honest, this place makes me a little uneasy. Although the universe is already empty, it is too empty here. Look at the front. I should be able to see the light emitted by the supernova of the Elps galaxy from here, but I There was nothing but darkness."

Captain Mitt is sitting on the mechanical seat that controls the ship's navigation. From here, he can connect with the machine soul of the Flame and feel the situation of the entire ship.

"Don't panic, Captain, I believe that according to the parameters of this star map, we will find the place." Lin Fan comforted Captain Mitt. He thought that old bastard Trazin couldn't lie to him, right?

As a figurine king with great reputation and credibility, Lin Fan didn't think Trazin would tease him with a bad joke.

The ship walked for a while, and then Captain Mitt informed the ship to reduce the engine output rate, "We have arrived. This is the edge of the coordinate system. If there is a difference, it is only one or two thousand miles, but I still don't know anything. did not see it."

"What?" Lin Fan also looked out of the window. There was still a cold and dead universe outside, with nothing there.

"Then what to do?"

"What else can we do? I'll take the people down to have a look."

Lin Fan asked the Flame to wait here first, and he took Diliya, Rebecca, and a team of mixed soldiers to a high-speed shuttle.

The soldiers were discussing how to live on the planet in the cabin, which was very lively. Even Commissar Kane nodded from time to time for their ideas.

At the head of the shuttle, in the cockpit, Rebecca was holding the shuttle's detector cable in her mouth and strengthening the detection efficiency of this device.

"Diliya, drive forward, but slower."

Rebecca and Diliya communicated by radio. She frowned while holding the cable in her mouth, as if she had found a clue in the dark universe.

"Okay, it's almost done, reduce the speed to 10m per second."

"Isn't this a bit too slow?" Lin Fan asked.

"It's dangerous if it's faster." Rebecca replied.

After moving forward at this slow speed for a minute or two, the bottom of the shuttle seemed to collide with something, making a sound of metal dents.

Upgrade of Drones

(Here is a small summary)

(Human Empire-Death Army: Local verbal alliance, not yet on the table.)

(Human Empire-Tau Empire: Terra has completed the political process and started to promote the alliance, but it has not been popularized.)

(Human Empire-Orcs: It is easier to deal with than before.)

(Human Empire-Dark Eldar: Gomor was eroded by the power of Slaanesh, and it is currently as chaotic as a shit pit. The surviving conspiracy group is fighting for power in the civil war)

(Human-Deathfear: The sober dynasty decided to see the attitude of the subjective, temporarily postpone the cleansing of humans, and mobilize the army to go to the outer galaxy and hunt down Amalaja)

(Human-Subspace: Subspace navigation has been very stable recently.)

(Lin Fan's potential allies: Wolf Group, White Scars, Dark Raven, Sage Chaos, Guards, Ecclesiarchy Insider, Inquisition Insider, Astra Militarum, and the Necrontyr Dynasty that has not yet become demented)

(Amalaja's current technological achievements: its combat capability is lower than that of the Space Marines, and it is possible to be controlled by the Warp Demons. It relies on processed Titanium skin to isolate the Warp pollution. As a creation of the Annihilation Virus and the Hate Virus, it does not require weapons and medical repairs. Occasionally, a few particularly powerful things will mutate.

Long-distance transmission using the Invisible Abyss, including black spheres for deploying ground troops, and Warp rifts that directly tear the universe apart.

Mastering the Mantra: Emerald Slate "Life", Page of Reith "Death", Slave Mother Bone Plate "Attachment"

Currently appeared mantra: the mantra in the hands of Aurora, who is suspected to be Alpharius "Stop"

Amalaga's life: It is said that he was a researcher in the peak period of the middle period of the Spirit Empire. Later, he led a team to explore outside the galaxy and was later identified as crazy. During the battle with the Executioner Dynasty, he had contact with the Star God Landugol the Flayer. The final purpose is currently unknown.)

(Situation in the Warp: Tzeentch and the Emperor (injured by Khorne) stared at each other, Slaanesh was busy with Khorne (injured by the Emperor), Slaanesh and the Emperor formed an alliance for Lin Fan's sake, slowed down the requirements for believers, and did not think about protecting her followers. Nurgle turned a deaf ear to the outside world and only wanted to make soup.)

(The Emperor is currently the leader of the Greater Good faith)

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