The speed of the shuttle was getting slower and slower until Dilia, who was operating the ship, felt that they were parked on a plane.

"I think that galaxy has always been in front of us." Rebecca pulled out the cable in her mouth and asked Lin Fan and her to put on the void suit and get off the ship to take a look.

The void suit is equipped with an accelerating rocket engine and a jet device for fine-tuning movements, which can keep the user flexible in space.

But strictly speaking, these two people don't really need the protection of the void suit, they just facilitate their own activities.

Rebecca touched the dark surface with her hand, and there was a floating shuttle in the distance.

"I wonder if you want to punch this place? I always feel that this is a barrier with anti-physical properties. This thing isolates everything, and there is no reflected signal at all."

"Maybe it's some equipment of the Death Fearers." Lin Fan answered Rebecca, asked her to hide behind him, and then punched the unknown plane with his fist.

Cracks like glass appeared. In this vacuum area, it was against common sense to hear the transmission of sound. Captain Mite nervously loosened his collar with his hands. He felt the uneasiness of the Flame Machine Soul from the cables behind him.

Lin Fan's fist hit it. He could feel that his arm was wrapped by something and resisted to push his arm away.

Is this thing alive? Or something else?

Lin Fan couldn't figure it out, so he simply hit another fist into it, and finally tore the cracks to both sides with his two hands.

The huge cracks spread along Lin Fan's hands, which seemed particularly abrupt in this dark universe.

Captain Mite's eyes widened. He felt that he saw the legendary scene when the gods created the world. In front of such a huge crack, the Flame ship seemed so small.

"Dilia, you go first. Rebecca and I will stay here." Lin Fan always felt a little dangerous. He used the built-in communicator of the void suit to order Dilia to go away. At the same time, Rebecca separated her core nanoworm swarm and entered Lin Fan's body.

When Lin Fan felt that the cracks he had torn open on this surface had expanded to the limit, and there was nothing to resist his hands, he pushed hard to both sides.

The broken cracks were completely opened, and a ray of light suddenly appeared from it. The space was also expanding rapidly, pushing the Flame and the shuttle to move a few light years relative to Lin Fan's position.

This picture is like a balloon filled with a lot of water in the center of a puddle, and Lin Fan is the needle that makes this water balloon burst.

The water contained in it filled the puddle and pushed the leaves floating on the water to retreat further.

The discomfort caused by the sudden expansion of this space was unbearable for many people. They fell into a self-protective coma on the spot, and because the shuttle was close, it can be said that all the staff were unconscious except Dilia who was still awake.

Captain Mite controlled the chair and injected himself with three units of medicine, ensuring that he would not die directly in the data space connected to the ship. He immersed his thoughts in the detection network of the Flame and felt the current situation in the void.

A galaxy composed of multiple planets appeared in the area that was originally empty, and the stars in it were emitting scorching light.

"This... Is this the creation? Or something else?"

Captain Mite didn't know what happened, so he had to ask the mechanical priests on the ship and take the shuttle not far away back into the hull.

As soon as the hatch opened, the sailors saw Dilia checking the health of the unconscious people.

"Priest Dilia, we are here to help you."

The navy members helped Dilia transport the unconscious soldiers outside, and Dilia quickly walked towards the bridge. She needed to communicate with Captain Mite about the current situation.

The mechanical priests quarreled in the bridge. They first sighed that this was the holy relic of the God of All Machines. Then they started arguing about the reason for the birth of this galaxy. The bridge staff could only put their hands behind their backs and wait for the group of mechanical priests who were arguing so much that they were smoking to come to a conclusion.

"Quiet." Diliya stamped her feet impatiently, and her metal reinforced limbs collided with the ground, making a huge sound that echoed in the bridge room.

Looking at Diliya's gloomy face, the mechanical priests shut up tactfully. They knew that "Butcher Saw" had a bad temper and cruel methods. She was one of the most crazy women in the expedition fleet.

"Captain Mitt, please let the ship enter the galaxy directly."

"Priest Diliya, we don't have any information about the galaxy, we should ensure safety first and then."

"There is no chaos pollution in this area, and there are no dead alien species. This is a former human colony."

"What is your basis?"

"The last message from Colonel Soap and Rebecca's communication soldier."

Captain Mitt looked at Diliya for a while and found that she had no intention of giving in. He sighed, "I hope the emperor will bless us, and we will go to this galaxy."

Diliya was also relieved. If Captain Mitt insisted on the imperial order, she really had no way to make him act quickly.

Finally, when the rift was completely opened, Diliya clearly heard the last message from Rebecca.

"We made a lot of money this time."

There was some emotion and relief in her tone, but there was no fear or hesitation.

Through getting along with Rebecca, Delia thinks that this God of All Machines is quite timid. The fact that she can say such things shows that there is indeed no serious danger in this galaxy.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there is danger, but the treasure inside is enough to make this timid suit take risks.

The Flame entered the outer reaches of the galaxy and used scanners to detect the conditions of various planets in the galaxy.

The star has a similar lifespan to Terra's and emits an orange glow.

However, the number of planets is much smaller than that of the solar system. There are a total of five planets slowly rotating around the star, one of which is a gaseous planet.

Only one of the four solid planets has a little green color and a formed ocean. It seems that basic life has developed. As for the status of civilization, it is difficult to infer.

The galaxy is filled with all kinds of huge mechanical debris, each fragment is thousands of times larger than the Flame.

The outer galaxy belt is almost entirely composed of mechanical remains. It is like a cemetery where wars are buried, and the Flame is a small creature swimming slowly among them.

The priests of the Mechanicus were all staring intently. They were lying at the window, eagerly recording these devices, and emphasizing how much they wanted to investigate these technological remains.

Guilliman fights Chaos on Calth: Guilliman walks Macragge

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