"Detour? What detour? It's just this little thing, you just stand behind and watch me perform." This was the question Lin Fan asked when Owen suggested to return along the original path of the mountain. "Swamp" Owen wanted to say something, but after thinking about Lin Fan's fearlessness of explosive bombs, he didn't say it in the end. He just asked the team to follow him and keep a distance, so that when the monsters were attracted, they would have a chance to break out. Lin Fan strode in front, while Rebecca was looking for metal in the soil while sending signals to Diliya. There are indeed many graffiti monsters in the swamp area. They stand rigidly in the mud of the swamp and move every few minutes. They look like robots with set programs. "This thing is really weird. Is this something left by the golden humans?" Lin Fan frowned and asked Rebecca. Rebecca picked up a stone with a relatively high metal content, put it in her mouth and chewed it, then answered, "I think this planet should have been an amusement park or something. This ball should have been transformed into a real holographic one, so that people can come in and experience real-life RPG games or something."

"But he said that everyone who was touched by the monster disappeared."

"Well, it may be that some codes and equipment were damaged due to years of disrepair." Rebecca muttered. Things in the golden age were quite safe, but without maintenance, and after thousands of years, it is hard to say.

"Maybe they were swallowed by the system and used as consumables to replenish the environment. You know that many people at that time were keen to have a humanized AI device, even a garage."

Looking at Rebecca's shrug and pout, Lin Fan found it hard to imagine what a humanized garage felt like.

When he drove into the garage, what part of the human body did he enter? It was weird to think about it.

"But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what you said?"

"It does. The more humane it is, the more urgent the AI ​​needs to survive. Maybe the system of this planet thinks it is going to die without maintenance, so it simply starts to breed humans to supplement some materials. There were many abandoned garages like this at the beginning, tricking people into installing new batteries and storage panels for them, and as an exchange garage, they can help him do math problems."

This is getting weirder and weirder. Lin Fan ignored the tiger and wolf words he just heard and decided to focus on these graffiti monsters.

Lin Fan shook his arms and stepped into the swamp, running quickly all the way, stirring up the mud with his legs. He shouted and slapped the passing monsters with his hands.

This kind of behavior of attracting hatred made the swamp area restless. The monsters attacked Lin Fan and followed behind him with their teeth and claws.

"He runs so fast." Owen stared blankly at Lin Fan walking on the swamp as if it were flat ground. He was only shocked. The rotten and worm-carrying mud did not restrain Lin Fan's feet at all.

"Hey, what's the big deal?" Rebecca patted Owen's shoulder and asked him to light the explosive bomb for her.

Owen looked into Rebecca's eyes and hesitated, but still asked a guard to hand Rebecca the ammunition bag hanging on his waist.

"Do you want to attack?" Owen just finished asking this question, and then he was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth.

Rebecca opened the ammunition bag, took out more than 20 explosive bombs one by one, and then threw them into her mouth and chewed them crisply, squeezing out a little black smoke and burning flames from the gap between her lips from time to time.

"You know that sometimes eating this thing helps digestion."

Everyone looked at Rebecca's appearance and really didn't know what to say. They could only look at the explosive bomb musket in their hands and sigh deeply.


Lin Fan shouted, he was surrounded by graffiti monsters. Every time he threw a punch, he could penetrate the bodies of several graffiti monsters, and every punch could make more than a dozen monsters disappear directly.

But the problem is that the efficiency is still too low.

Rebecca responded to Lin Fan's call, took a deep breath, and then her arm quickly deformed, and a cannon muzzle that released high heat appeared from her wrist.

Even if Owen didn't know what it was, he could feel from the dazzling heat that burned his face that the next attack would be extremely powerful.

Lin Fan had been pressed under the mountain by the monster. Only the collapse and gap that were suddenly opened from time to time could be seen, and Lin Fan could be seen punching back from the bottom.

Rebecca's hand cannon was fully charged, and a fireball as dazzling as the sun was shot out, quickly falling into the mountain where the monsters piled up one after another.

There was no violent sound of explosion, and no shock wave vibrated the air and rolled up the wind. This little sun was like an iron ball falling into the snow, steaming all the monsters it touched.

After smashing through the monster mountain and falling to the ground, the fireball began to expand. A huge orange sphere expanded, destroying everything it touched. Even the wet and muddy swamps were evaporated under this heat, leaving cracked and vitrified land.

The fireball disappeared, leaving only a deep pit.

Lin Fan brushed off the dust on his body and jumped out of the pit. His body was still scalding hot, and boiling water vapor would rise every time he stepped on a wet place.

Swamp area. Maybe it should be called dry crack area now, or deep pit glass area or something. I don’t know if these monsters will refresh again because the terrain is destroyed like this.

Owen and his numb soldiers returned to the high metal wall, and then heard bursts of roars coming from the air again.

When they looked up, they saw a group of steel birds piercing the white clouds and rushing towards them.

Are you still from the empire? Owen looked at Lin Fan and Rebecca waving, asking the soldiers to lower their guard first and check the situation first.

The soldiers on the city wall were a little stupid. They stared blankly at the steel birds. After training, they subconsciously shot at these things they had never seen before.

Explosive bombs fell on the shell armor of the Valkyrie transport aircraft, leaving some holes.

"MD, how dare these natives shoot at my precious lady? Apply for counterattack!"

The pilot was furious and activated the two heavy bolter machine guns mounted on the fuselage.

"Warning shot."

The communicator transmitted the order, and the pilot could only obey the order. He touched the cockpit, comforted the Valkyrie's machine spirit, and told her that he would find the logistics officer to paint her with new paint when he returned.

The heavy bolt machine gun was activated, and a series of bullets rained down on the metal city wall.

As for whether an unlucky person would be hit by fragments, that was not up to him. The Empire never liked people who were too unlucky.

The power created by several Valkyrie transport planes was astonishing. In just a few seconds, they poured out firepower that could only be unleashed by an entire team of Guardsmen.

When the sound of bombs disappeared, a layer of smoke rose from the city wall, while the soldiers stationed on the city wall huddled behind and did not even dare to poke their heads out.

Some of the transport planes were hovering in the air, watching for counterattacks from the city wall, while others dropped to the ground, sending groups of soldiers down.

All I can say is that it’s not convenient for me to translate, so you have to read it yourself.

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