The soldiers of the 37th Regiment carried hell guns and full-body armor, and with their fully enclosed helmets and the eagle pattern with skulls on them, these people really didn't look like good people.

The stern warriors stared at these natives with the murderous aura they had cultivated in the cruel battlefield for decades, and their fingers were very close to the trigger. As long as they found the slightest bit of something wrong, they would kill these people without mercy.

Owen swallowed his saliva and felt his throat was a little tight. Knight Commander Xius was also facing a great enemy, and he dared not move his hands, for fear of being locked by the guns of these soldiers.

"Okay, don't be vigilant, they are fine."

Lin Fan walked between the two teams, put his hands on his waist and asked the soldiers of the 37th Regiment to put down their weapons.

"This planet looks pretty good." Political Commissar Kane walked down from the Valkyrie transport plane, and Dilia stood next to him.

"In fact, it's not that good. There are many strange things." Lin Fan answered.

Everyone entered the metal gate, and Lin Fan saw the area where the Knights were active. The stone houses were equipped with metal pipes and technological equipment.

The soldiers coming and going were curiously looking at Lin Fan and his group.

Knight Commander Xius quietly approached Political Commissar Kane and stared at his political commissar coat.

"Is there anything wrong with this dress?" Kane asked.

Xius just told him that there was a set of clothes of similar style in the Knight Hall.

Different people went to different areas. Lin Fan and Owen communicated in the castle and discussed how the empire would manage the city.

Owen did not think of resisting. After all, the military force of these people was too strong. In the face of such absolute power suppression, any conspiracy became a joke.

He even had to thank the imperial people he faced for being gentle and not having any particularly bad temper.

Lin Fan felt that the city had great development potential. There were no complicated interpersonal relationships and no nests like illegal buildings.

But in Diliya's opinion, this city was a bit too backward. When she entered the core factory area, she was shocked by the crude production environment.

These craftsmen must be apprentices left by the mechanical priests, but it seems that both the mechanical priests and the apprentices are not very skilled.

They only know the appearance, but not the inside.

The operating manual only states which button should be pressed in each time period, but does not tell you what the button is used for and why it should be pressed.

Knowledge began to change in this crude and simple teaching, mixed with many wrong experiences of self-exploration.

These production machines that have been running for thousands of years and have not been well maintained can produce explosive bombs and some simple by-products. It is already a blessing from the God of All Machines.

In the end, Dilia used her authority, that is, those saws that flashed with cold light and stained with blood, to convince the stubborn craftsmen to start maintaining these old machines.

Political Commissar Kane went to take over the planet's Knights. They inherited the coat left by the former political commissar as a holy relic. According to Kane's judgment, this old design empire has been out of production for a long time.

Power is being transferred quickly, and it is impossible not to transfer it.

If you don't hand over, just wait for the Star Army to knock on the door. Lin Fan doesn't have so much time to waste on such political links.

"You should still manage your own affairs and listen to the command of Priest Diliya and Political Commissar Kane, understand?"

"I understand."

"Then let's go and take a look at the coast."

Lin Fan said goodbye to Owen and others, and took Rebecca on a Valkyrie transport plane to the coast.

In the air, Lin Fan could see the changes in the city over the past month. The soldiers of the 37th Regiment were training the Knights on the planet so that these natives could reach half of their standards.

The Kriegs were teaching the local people how to grow high-yield crops, and by the way, they made reasonable use of the Jinkela produced by Lin Fan.

The Kriegs led by Colonel Erica like to tend to flowers and plants. They are as skilled in ridge-making and loosening the soil in the fields as they are in digging trenches.

There is no black smoke coming out of the factory area. Diliya is adjusting the recycling system. There are still many underutilized mineral components in these smoke and dust.

If they have to spray, they will spray white smoke from water vapor to dissipate heat. This kind of black smoke from insufficient combustion and processing has made Diliya very irritable these days.

She gets angry when she sees this kind of wasteful behavior.

The Valkyrie transport plane is flying in the air. Lin Fan can see some pale blue on the edge of the earth from the window. It seems that there is an ocean there.

Rebecca played a song, humming and recording the map of the planet. One of her legs was hanging on the bottom of the plane, and she was drawing a 3D image at high speed.

"The spectrum of this place is wrong. According to the rotation deflection of the planet and the reflection of the starlight entering the atmosphere, there shouldn't be such a gloomy sky here, and there shouldn't be these fogs."

Rebecca shouted into the communicator so that Lin Fan in the cabin could hear her.

"I hope we don't encounter a crazy plane." Rebecca sighed, and then her legs saw a majestic shadow in the depths of the ocean staring at the Valkyrie transport plane.

Under the cover of the ocean, Rebecca could not see what it was at first. She could only tell from its huge red eyes that it had bad intentions.

Thick tentacles flew out from the depths of the ocean, creating huge waves that hit the coast.

Rebecca quickly scanned and discovered that this thing was not a hard-light holographic projection, but a robotic octopus wrapped in artificial skin.

"What is this?" Rebecca was still wondering here. The monster in the deep sea seemed to be coming out, and its huge body pushed up a huge water ball on the sea surface.

The exposed body grew taller and taller, quickly surpassing the high altitude where the Valkyrie transport plane was flying smoothly.

Rebecca stared blankly at the huge thing that suddenly pulled up, and told Delia that she probably wouldn't be able to go back for dinner tonight, so she would have to give her less steel practice.

Lin Fan felt that he recognized what it was. He put his hand on the hatch and leaned out, trying to see the whole thing clearly to verify his thoughts.

The tiny transport plane was then wrapped in tentacles and pulled into the ocean.

This place once again fell into a dead calm. The gloomy sky and thick fog obscured the entire view of the ocean, telling life that they should never enter this place.

The transport plane was pulled into the deep sea. The strong water pressure made the Valkyrie fighter make some compressing sounds, but it did not deform this sturdy and durable battlefield weapon.

Rebecca quickly retracted her legs from the outside, and she turned into a swarm of nano bugs and squeezed out of the gap between the cab and the transport cabin.

Warhammer does have sharkmen, but they are not so fat, they are very thin, and they are quite abstract.

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