Rebecca appeared next to Lin Fan, and her voice vibrated in the seawater and reached Lin Fan's ears, "What is this?"

"This shouldn't be the case." Lin Fan stabilized his body, feeling the slight squeezing sensation brought about by the rapid penetration of sea water and the strong pressure, and his face was full of doubts about life.

"Hurry up and say it, then go and tear this thing into pieces."

"This place might really be an amusement park, and it has a theme. I wonder why the paintings of those graffiti monsters look so familiar. This thing is Squidward."


Rebecca frowned, she didn't know what it was. But it is also very reasonable. When the SpongeBob SquarePants series appeared, not to mention artificial intelligence, not even artificial retardation had been born.

Lin Fan did not act rashly. He wanted to see where this mechanical version of Brother Squidward would take him.

The surrounding environment became darker and darker. Rebecca blinked her eyes and created a light source, but it still could not penetrate the dark and dark sea water.

Rebecca's detector scanned Squidward's huge body and calculated how long this living creature had existed in this deep sea.

I don’t know how long this surging sea water and dead darkness lasted. Along the way, Lin Fan and Rebecca saw dark objects floating in the deep sea. They rushed towards the light, but were torn apart by Squidward’s angry tentacles. Crush.

Spots of liquid and electromagnetism flashed in the seawater, and these terrifying sea monsters looked like machines.

"Golden Humans are very good at playing, and there are also deep-sea adventures." Lin Fan complained, and then they penetrated a shield and membrane-like thing.

Everything in front of him became much brighter, and the water was especially clear and transparent. Lin Fan felt that his lungs did not feel any discomfort after inhaling the water, as if he could breathe in the water.

"Ah, this is something made by enriching and liquefying air. It has the properties of water and can ensure the breathing of the lungs. It is a luxury product used by rich people to experience life under the sea."

Rebecca could tell what it was at a glance. She opened her mouth and inhaled a few times, then frowned, "But this thing is broken. The air content can no longer support the lungs."

"I thought people in the Golden Age were all reformers." Lin Fan sighed.

"No, no. Later, poor people were all modified people. Compared with genetic modification, prosthetic body upgrades are cheaper, just like the difference between the original gene and the servitor. Rich people will retain the genetic sequence of the original organ, and use it for leisure and entertainment. They say it will bring them closer to their ancestors."

"It's like a traditional revival activity. Rich people play with whatever is rare. When artificial intelligence first emerged, the prices were ridiculously expensive. When artificial intelligence became popular, rich people began to play with purely natural things. ”

Rebecca shrugged, "Human beings are like this. They always rely on rare things to ensure that they are different from others."

The Valkyrie transport plane trembled, and Lin Fan and Rebecca were thrown out. Their butts landed on the soft beach. They watched the Valkyrie transport plane being thrown far away by the huge Squidward, in a funny animation style.

Lin Fan watched as Squidward's body shrank and became smaller, almost as tall as him. His clothes matched Lin Fan's memory, wearing a yellow top and a classic no pants underneath.

It's just that the eyes are very strange, scarlet eyes with some red tears hanging on the face, the mouth droops into a figure eight in despair, and the head is shaking.

"SpongeBob, I told you to leave me alone."

With such a sentence pulled out of his throat, Squidward carried Lin Fan and Rebecca away, entering his blood-stained stone house that looked like a haunted house and never came out.

".I thought he was going to attack us. I thought this should be the running program left behind by this amusement park. He should treat us as tourists, do you understand?" Rebecca turned her head and looked around.

"So he should have often come out from the bottom of the sea to catch tourists. However, due to the lack of protection measures, those people either died from the high pressure of the seawater, or were suffocated to death by the gas that was not suitable for survival."

Lin Fan took a deep breath at the beach and let the sand rise. He could see some broken bones buried under some of the sand. The texture was quite like human bones.

He is also a veteran who has seen many dead people and corpses, and he can still make a simple analysis.

"Then what's next? You can't continue playing with these crazy machines that are out of repair, right?"

“Do you think these things can be recycled?”

"We can try. Maybe we can find an amusement center or something to deprogram this planet."


Rebecca's power was fully turned on. She kept scanning the seabed and led Lin Fan along the way.

The environment here is so bad that even with Spongebob's childhood memory correction, Lin Fan would not think that this place called Bikini Castle is a good place to play.

The abandoned buildings are twisted and twisted, and there are fish residents with exposed mechanical skeletons inside. They walk stiffly on the road, replaying the routine life that has lasted for thousands of years.

Sometimes the artificial water wind would carry a string of bubbles onto Lin Fa's face, allowing him to experience this novelty, but the smell was not pleasant, with the smell of rotten corpses.

"Hey. Rebecca, can you follow this smell?"

"Smell? You mean these smell like fermented corpses? Okay."

Rebecca took Lin Fan through the streets and came to a familiar street. On the left was the Sea King, which looked like a barrel, and on the right was the Crab Crab Burger, which looked like a treasure box.

No matter how you think about it, it can only be the weird smell coming from the Hegemon of the Sea, right? Could it still be a Crab Crab Burger restaurant?

How can tourists make money if they don't eat good food?

But Lin Fan obviously misjudged this. Rebecca walked straight towards the Crab Crab Restaurant and was about to push open the glass door.

In Kara Kara, these weathered glass doors are cracked inch by inch, reflecting little bits of light on the ground.

The smell of corpses and fishy smell blowing out from the door became stronger and stronger. Lin Fan frowned and stood in front of Rebecca.

"Welcome to the restaurant."

Mr. Krabs rushed out of the office, walking with funny and twisted steps. His two long eyes were covered with oil and looked very disgusting.

"I want a Krabby Patty."

"Good customer, please give me money."

Mr. Crab stretched out his pliers, but Lin Fan didn't have any money to give him, so he could only take out the supply ticket distributed by the Astra Militarum and stuff it into Mr. Crab's hand.

"This is money."


Mr. Krabs fell into silence for a long time, and then turned around and walked away with a sizzling sound similar to an overload.

I remember it was mentioned in the background that Fenris was an amusement park in the Golden Age, but I don’t remember what book it was.

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