"I think we should go to the kitchen and have a look." Rebecca watched Mr. Krabs crunching into the office without making any movement, and then led Lin Fan towards the kitchen door.

There was heavy dust on the radio, and the condition of the equipment below could no longer be seen clearly. The small window was also tightly sealed by iron bars and wooden boards, and it was difficult to see what was going on inside through the little gap that leaked out.

You can only smell the rotting corpse odor from the animated green gas.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Ahhhhhh!"

Rebecca tried with all her strength to open the sealed metal door. Her teeth were clenched, and she pressed her feet against the doorpost to hold the door and pull it out.

Although the door opened from the inside, it was too strong to be able to remain motionless under Rebecca's strength.

"Phew. I can't open it. Come on."

Rebecca rubbed her hands and asked Lin Fan to do such tiring work.

Lin Fan's hand grabbed the doorknob and pulled hard. The sound of metal cracking was heard, and he pulled the doorknob off.

Scratching his head in frustration, Lin Fan inserted his fist into the door and sawed it open like a saw. He felt that his hand was being pressed by something and it felt soft.

Lin Fan threw the door aside, and only saw a yellow square next to the door, with the mark left by Lin Fan's fist on it.

This thing is covered with holes, which contract and expand with breathing.


Lin Fan asked, but did not get any response, then he kicked up and smashed the sponge-like thing.

The crushed sponge block was still squirming on the ground without losing its activity. The powdery debris scattered together and reassembled into the original block.

This characteristic reminded Lin Fan of the nano-bug swarm. He looked at Rebecca and found that she was separating a part of the nano-bug swarm to communicate with the yellow nano-bug swarm.

Lin Fan looked at the dark kitchen and took a few steps forward, only to find that his feet were not stepping on a creaking wooden floor, but something soft, as if he had stepped on a piece of meat.

"Rebecca, give me some light."

The light illuminated the area, and the ground was covered with rotting or undecomposed corpses. The skin and flesh were stuck under the tread of Lin Fan's boots, and the deeply fermented green internal organs were exposed.

The current situation was getting more and more weird and disgusting. Lin Fan frowned and walked past the deep pile of corpses.

The kitchen was much larger than he thought. The extension and error of the space made the end of the kitchen seem particularly far away, and even the strong light created by Rebecca was difficult to illuminate.

Only more and more corpses piled up the walls and the ground, exuding an increasingly strong smell that irritated Lin Fan's nose.

This place is not being targeted by Nurgle, it is really a ghost.

Lin Fan walked deeper and deeper, and then he heard Rebecca following him.

"How's it going? Any good news?"

"Good news, this is indeed an amusement park. A place for rich people to play."

"Bad news, the thing on the ground is not a holographic projection, but something transformed by something. All the service robots are out of control, and this place is more like a prison in the name of an amusement park."

"Prison?" Lin Fan was about to ask something when he heard Mr. Crab's voice.

"Welcome. Click."

Another muttering voice came, and Lin Fan could not hear what was said, but the corpse tunnel where he and Rebecca were in began to change.

Some organ parts were squeezed out from the corpse, and they were sucked away by the sponge, and then a dirty hamburger-shaped object was spit out from the hole.

A five-pointed star-shaped shadow appeared at the door, and its fine carpal tunnels moved like wind blowing grass.

Patrick robot?

"This is not a machine, it is the weird thing I told you."

Rebecca answered cautiously, having transformed her weapon and pointed it at the starfish-like object.

Lin Fan ran towards the door, and Pai Daxing also noticed him. The lines on his body split open and bloomed like flowers.


With a disgusting sound, the flesh was squeezed out, and a huge stomach bag was thrown on Lin Fan's body, which also wrapped the Crab Crab Burger made from the corpse.

The corrosive liquid flooded Lin Fan, and corrosive white smoke emitted from his armor.

Lin Fan grabbed his flexible stomach bag and pulled hard to escape from the siege.

The torn stomach bag was visibly repaired and wrapped around Lin Fan's body again.

Rebecca shot at the stomach bag. The heat light and ions did not cause any damage after hitting them. Instead, the energy was absorbed by these fragile-looking bodies.

But Lin Fan didn't really need Rebecca's support. If he was just facing a weird thing, it would be enough for him to get close enough.

Both feet stamped on the ground, and the ground tilted up, just in time to lift Patrick up and send it to Lin Fan.

Under close observation, this Patrick Star is quite scary. The gray hard bark is like tree bark, with complex textures. From the gaps between the skin and the skin, you can see the black eyes below staring at him. There is no emotion left.

"md!" After cursing casually, Lin Fan punched the unknown starfish-shaped monster, and his fist penetrated the monster's body.

Lin Fan saw threads in the gaps between his arms and flesh.

Wire? Why line?

More and more threads wrapped around Lin Fan's body. These threads, which had no thickness or physical weight, entangled him like shadows and tried to bring him into another world.

But this process failed. The threads that got tighter and tighter wriggled on Lin Fan's skin, and the threads that escaped from the starfish monster also hung weakly to the ground.

The original complex ground composed of wooden boards and corpses was simplified by lines, the physical light and shadow were filled with simple light and dark colors, and the soft transitional colors were replaced by thick black lines.

Lin Fan felt as if he was standing in a world made of paintings.

Not daring to delay any longer, Lin Fan bit the starfish monster's arms and legs and stuffed it into his mouth as hard as he could.

He didn't know why the monster's body was filled with two-dimensional lines. In order to prevent the lines inside from spilling in all directions after he tore the thing apart, Lin Fan decided to use his indestructible body to contain the thing.

Lin Fan devoured it with big mouthfuls. This monster had no ability to resist. The flesh was swallowed into Lin Fan's throat, and the overflowing lines in the body were also sucked clean.

"Ugh." Rebekah looked at Lin Fan's ugly eating expression and felt disgusted. "How can I study it after you eat it? The information left by these service robots is not enough to fill in the truth."

"But this two-dimensionalization is really too dangerous, isn't it?"

The difference between saints and heretics (actually almost the same - bang!)

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