Khorne left, and the God-Emperor also withdrew his power, sat back on the throne, and looked at Odemair indifferently.

This strong change in attitude surprised Odemeyer. She looked at the guy called the Emperor in front of her who had changed his face twice.

Lin Fan came over and explained to her, "It's okay, he is just a little schizophrenic. He has no ill intentions towards you. He is cold to everyone now."

"Okay." Odemeyer said nothing more as he watched Lin Fan being hugged and kissed by Slaanesh again.

The power of the God Emperor pushed the two of them away. Their eyes blurred, and Lin Fan and Odemeyer returned to the office.

Lin Fan took off the icon from his neck and gave it to Odemeyer.

"What's this?"

"This is a sacred object that can protect you. God knows what Tzeentch wants to use you for. It's always good to have multiple insurances."

"Isolate the interference of subspace?"

"Ah, it does have this function."

"Then I don't need this thing." Odemeyer waved his hand, indicating that he had other things to protect himself, "When we developed the subspace engine, we found that something was wrong with the subspace, otherwise there would be nothing wrong with it. It may be that after Geller's position has matured, we will fully equip the subspace engine."

Odemair activated his personalized Geller stance, and a familiar bubble-like shield was generated against Odemair's body.

"This is what it looks like when the power is fully turned on. Normally I only turn on 55% efficiency. If this thing is turned on at full power for a long time, it will easily become a living dead."

After that, Odemeyer made another adjustment, lowering the efficiency of his personal Geller stance.

" this thing of yours productive? If the empire had you, a lot of troubles wouldn't have happened." Lin Fan's eyes widened, feeling that it was just as Trazin said, it was a worthwhile trip. .

"Mass production? It depends on how many black stone mines you have. Geller's position is essentially not an innovative invention of mankind, but an imitation made by observing the creations of other civilizations."

"We discovered many black obelisks during our exploration. These stones vibrated microscopically at high frequencies. We found that this vibration can make the surrounding space dense."

"But if the vibration mode is reversed, the Blackstone Obelisk can loosen the space until a stable subspace gap opens."

"The subspace engine and Geller's stance are the research results of this theory. It's just that the subspace engine borrows the technology of the Point Eldar to facilitate gliding through the waves of subspace."

"So you have a blackstone mine?"

Looking at Odemeyer, Lin Fan's heart, which had just been a little surprised, cooled down again. He really doesn't have any black stone mines. He has been in space for so long that he has never seen a single black stone except the black stone obelisk that Trazin installed on the world of Landers.

Oh yes, and the black stone disc necklace hanging around his neck.

And as Odemeyer said, there are pros and cons to the Blackstone Obelisk.

Not to mention the problem of the reverse vibration frequency causing the subspace portal to open, you must know that the Necrontyr's exorcism dead zone is also activated by the vibration of the black stone obelisk.

In the war between the Necrontyr and the Eldar, the Human Empire, and Chaos, they hated this kind of soul witchcraft from another space. These things simply mocked the Necrontyr for having no soul.

What others don't have, you have to work hard to have.

Necrontyr is something you don't have, so don't even think about it.

Simply completely cutting off the subspace from the battlefield.

When the Exorcism Dead Zone is activated, the barrier between reality and the subspace will be thickened. At the same time, the soul waves in the subspace corresponding to this area will also be forcibly contained.

Initially, those with psychic talents in the area were unable to manifest psychic powers or feel the presence of the Warp. If viewed from within the Warp, a psyker can see that the area has become as calm as a reservoir in a reservoir.

This sounds pretty good, after all, demons and corruption have been isolated.

But the problem is that human beings are now particularly closely connected with the subspace. Even if their souls do not point to the Four Gods, they must point to the Golden Throne.

At first it was only the psykers who felt the discomfort, but then all non-psykers felt the pain as well. Psykers will be the first to choose suicide in the pain of this gradual separation of souls.

Those without psychic talents will be affected by mental illness and become tired, sleepy and numb, and even political commissars will not let them lift a finger when executing soldiers.

Space Marines also enter a vegetative state, with servitor and cogitator engines silent. Non-necromantic beings will die in the slow pain of losing their souls.

Moreover, the empire currently relies on navigators for navigation, and astropaths for inter-galactic communication.

When the subspace was isolated, the empire and the planet were directly disconnected in routes and communications, and it was still the kind of complete loss of communication that could not be found at all.

Moreover, the essence of subspace jumping is that the ship is pushed forward along the soul waves in the subspace. In a world without the concept of space, the ship itself cannot move at all.

When the frenzied waves stop, the ship can only be anchored in the dead subspace, never being able to come out.

This was troublesome. Lin Fan sighed. At least until humans had the Webway technology, large-scale construction of black stone obelisks was basically suicide.

After all, the erosion of Chaos has been isolated, and the greenskins and Tyranid swarms will not let go of humans who have abandoned their martial arts.

So what to do? Produce a large number of Ironmen and fit them into miniature Geller stands? So what should I do if the Void Dragon cuts off my beard again?

In the end, will it be up to people to end it all?

What about increasing production?

Lin Fan thought of the Tau factory area, a high-tech industrial park maintained purely by artificial intelligence and Tu clan technicians. Although the total output is lower than that of the Forge World, after all, the Tau Empire does not have such a large demand, the unit output is much higher than that of the Forge World.

After joining the Human Empire, Yingyang was a little nervous due to the threat of demons. He added a link of prayer and blessing, and by the way, reduced the proportion of artificial intelligence involved in production. However, this model is still more efficient than the crude production of the empire purely stacking manpower. many.

As long as the efficiency of production and administration is improved, the human empire can develop in a good direction.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan raised his head and looked at Odemeyer, "How long can ordinary people bear the impact of personal Geller's stance?"

"Maybe we can do an experiment, what? Do you have an idea?"

"Yes. But it depends on the situation."

(The Internet is not very good these days, so I won’t plug it in for now. I’ll wait until the network cable arrives.)

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