A few days later, Odemeyer built a sealed cabin. She connected her personal Geller stand to the cabin, and asked the volunteers to enter the cabin to sit in the comparison experiment.

An ordinary resident of the planet, an Astra Militarum with average physical training, a servitor with more parts than meat, and a Captain of the Atonement Corps who was once a Battle Sister.

These several bodies already represent the vast group of people in the empire. Their situation probably applies to other people as well. Even if there are differences, I believe they won’t be too much.

Odemeyer twisted the knob, adjusting the output rate of his personal Geller stance bit by bit.

If it was just to resist the general chaos corrosion, Lin Fan wasn't too worried about this problem.

But when he really wants to rely on new technology for production, Tzeentch will definitely cause trouble himself.

The output rate was adjusted to 55%, which is the frequency Odemeyer usually uses.

The comfortable room was designed to allow the people inside to stay for a long time. At first, the resident of the planet was a little out of breath. He pulled his collar with his hands again and again, trying to make himself breathe easier.

Then the Astra Militarum and the servitors showed obvious discomfort. As for the captain of the Atonement Army who was once a battle nun, there was no more negative reaction.

Six hours later, the ordinary resident of the planet passed out, and then he was carried out by Lin Fan.

Ten hours later, everyone except the battle nuns fell into a state of coma, with their eyes closed and their bodies tense.

Lin Fan quickly went in and pulled these people out first, placing them on the ground to let them relax and let the separated souls re-possess them.

Later, a group of people with similar circumstances were replaced, but the captain of the Atonement Army was not replaced.

Odemeyer adjusted the energy output rate to 75% of the energy commonly used for diving into subspace. This energy is enough to deal with the pollution in subspace.

The situation this time was even worse. The testers who originally took 6-10 hours to completely lose mobility could only last 3-4 hours this time.

Moreover, the captain of the Atonement Army finally showed a hint of discomfort. Lin Fan could see some sweat on her forehead and her breathing became heavier.

After sending the personnel out again, Lin Fan nodded to Odemeyer and asked her to maximize the output rate.

The full output position exuded nauseating fluctuations, and everyone observing the scene felt like something was leaving their bodies just by looking at the cabin.

Commissar Kane even smelled a familiar odor, which immediately reminded him of the untouchable Jurgen.

The full energy output of the Geller Field was so effective that it shocked not only Commissar Kane, but also Priest Delia.

Priest Delia felt her body feel nauseated and even vomited a mouthful of engine oil. She narrowed her eyes in pain, thinking of the Geller stand currently installed on the Imperial battleship.

None of those huge creations can compare with the output efficiency of Odemair's personal Geller Stand. Even the overloaded Geller Stand on the Emperor-class battleship has only the same effect as Odemaire's personal Geller Stand. Le position is similar to 50%.

It turns out that there is something wrong with the empire's position on Geller. No wonder some people will be corrupted by Chaos every time they sneak into subspace.

Every subspace jump will cause a reasonable loss of hundreds to thousands of people. If the empire's ships can upgrade Geller's position, maybe these losses will not be there?

Delia thought so, considering how the imperial ships should be improved.

But Odemeyer and Lin Fan just stared at the state of the captain of the Atonement Army, watching how long she could sustain in this state of emptiness where she couldn't feel her soul.

The captain of the Atonement Army closed her eyes, her heart trembling violently. She was a little scared because she could not feel the power of the Emperor from any prayers and hymns.

She felt that this comfortable and warm cabin was particularly cold and uncomfortable. She knew that this was what she was reminded of before the experiment, coming from the pain caused by the soul being separated from the body.

Odemeyer did not stay in this state for long. She stopped the experiment 15 seconds after starting at full power in the Geller Stand.

At this time, except for Odemeyer and Lin Fan, few people in the experimental area were still able to move.

Priest Delia relied on the mechanical structure to support her body, but her dull eyes revealed the fact that she was also unconscious.

Commissar Kane lay on his back, his face covered with a large-brimmed hat.

Colonel Serena and the captain of the Atonement Army were in similar states. They could still stay awake, but judging from their trembling bodies, Lin Fan didn't feel that they had much fighting power now.

But to put it another way, since they are all so virtuous, wouldn’t the situation of the demons in subspace be even worse?

Although Odemeyer's Geller position cannot be popularized in the army, after all, the human empire still has to deal with other monsters and monsters, but it is still very useful to protect the production line in the rear.

After setting up a semi-automatic high-tech production line and fully automatic production, Lin Fan was worried that the Void Dragon would cause trouble. That guy doesn't care about the situation in your subspace.

If the Void Dragon really wants to do bad things, the semi-automatic production line can at least guarantee part of the production, and the human empire's huge manpower should be put to good use.

Then the next thing to do became very clear. Geller Fields were set up in important administrative centers and factory areas. In order to ensure that personnel can work efficiently under the influence of Geller Fields, reasonable working hours must also be established.

Reasonable working hours will prevent people from becoming mentally ill or even dying while working at Geller Field. The Battle Sisters with firm faith can become security guards. When demons really penetrate the Veil and the Geller Field and force interference, the Battle Sisters are responsible for expelling them.

If the demons that come are too fierce, then the energy of the Geller Field can only be further increased, and the energy will be fully charged for 15 seconds.

By then the devil will be weak, and even starving to death is not impossible.

But it still has some impact on production.

Lin Fan looked at the people who had not yet woken up and sighed.

If just observing from the fringes can have such a negative effect, then the Geller Field will be fully opened and the people in the factory who have not yet evacuated may die together with the devil.

After telling Odemeyer what he was thinking, the scientist did not raise any objections. Having witnessed the Iron Man War, she was indeed unwilling to let artificial intelligence take over everything.

"But I still have a question, why are these Battle Sisters so resistant to Geller's stance?"

"It could be a matter of faith."


"Look." Lin Fan found a blank blueprint and started sketching it.

There is another problem with the empire's immature position on Geller, which is that it can produce something like the Geller Iron Plague, which is classified as a dirty pipe.

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