Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 448 You are also a smart person

The relationship between the universe, the veil, and the subspace is clearly drawn.

"The essence of Geller's stance is to repair the curtain. Whether it is the Geller stance generator we use or the black stone obelisk used by the Necrontyr, their essence is to repair the curtain, making this barrier that isolates subspace It’s getting thicker.”

"But as to whether it generates new curtain energy to fill the gap, or allows the unevenly distributed curtain to redistribute its thickness, I'm not sure."

Lin Fan was really unclear about this, because when he was reading the book, the evil GW did not give a clear explanation for this paragraph at all. Taking into account GW's tradition of eating books, maybe this paragraph would not even be a rule of this universe. .

God knows what version of the Holy Scripture setting the Warhammer universe that Lin Fan traveled through obeyed, but looking at Odemair's focused expression, Lin Fan decided to say more, maybe she had some inspiration.

"Belief in the Emperor can create a spiritual barrier. This barrier can become a defense against demons when the curtain fails. I think this is because faith can involve the Emperor's power to a certain extent, and As the most devout believers in the empire, these nuns also have faith as an insulator between their souls and the curtain. When the power of faith is exhausted, the dense curtain can drag their souls. "

"In addition, whether it is the ritual of chaos summoning demons or the imperial subspace navigation, the curtain needs to be destroyed, so where does the destroyed curtain go? Is it annihilated? Or is it squeezed out of other areas to form a dense area of ​​the curtain?"

"I don't know the rest."

Lin Fan looked at the messy draft, clicked on the blueprint with a pen, and looked at Odemeyer.

"I didn't expect you to study this kind of thing?"

"Haha, I understand a little bit, but I don't really understand."

However, Odemeyer was very interested in the so-called barrier of faith, and she made several more comparisons and experiments, putting together the Battle Sisters of the Atonement Army and other Astra Militarum soldiers who were considered devout.

The Battle Sisters still lasted much longer than the devout Astra Militarum. As for what caused this, it can only be judged that the Emperor looked more towards the Battle Sisters.

The Astra Militarum are too numerous for the Emperor to handle.

As warriors made from gene seeds, Space Marines themselves have a close connection with the subspace, and their resistance is naturally not as high as that of mortal nuns.

But no matter what, Geller's stance is finally not limited to subspace navigation, which is indeed good news.

Odemeyer was also invited by Delia to the Flame battleship and visited the subspace engine and Geller stance currently used by the human empire.

"You engine."

Standing under the subspace engine, Odemair looked up and looked at the huge subspace engine shining with a faint blue light.

The engine, which was dozens of meters high, was buzzing, as if the contents inside were shaking as the engine was running.

The surrounding mechanical priests responsible for management and maintenance only let Odemeyer in because of Delia's reputation. However, seeing Odemeyer's frown, the manager responsible for the operation of the divine machine was very angry.

But Odemeyer was not in the mood to explain. She first used strong magnets to immobilize the movements of the Mechanic Priests, blocked their communications, and then dismantled the casing of the subspace engine.

"No! Wait! You blasphemer! You blasphemer! No! Don't take off that sacred inscription!!!"

The transcoder of the Engine Chief Priest flashed extremely fast, but as a scientist, Odemeyer naturally looked down on the mechanical priests who used binary codes to replace communication. This reminded her of those self-proclaimed end products. those.

Therefore, Odemeyer ignored him. She rearranged some of the messy cables inside. She did not open the hatch made of fine gold rashly, but just scanned the internal structure with her eyes.

After a long time, Odemeyer reinstalled the subspace engine. Turning around, he saw the Mechanic Priests looking like they were about to kill someone, but these cyborgs had no meat on their bodies and couldn't make any expressions. Odemeyer could only tell what they were saying from the binary transcoders installed on their faces.

Most of them were blasphemers and disrespectful to the God of All Machines. They also scolded Delia for introducing this person into the heart of the engine.

"Can I clear their memory?"

"You can do whatever you want. I'm actually ready to kill you when I bring you here today." Delia shrugged nonchalantly and took back the weapon.

".Are all humans this way nowadays?"

"Absolutely. If we can't reach an agreement, then only living people are qualified to speak."

Odemeyer blinked and sighed. She has already said that she will accept the reality and there is no reason to be upset about this situation.

Take out a jar and release the nanorobot inside, which Odemeyer rubbed out by hand in the laboratory.

It is indeed convenient to cut off pieces of Rebecca's body, but that stupid nanorobot has been avoiding her these days, and it is difficult for Odemeyer to catch her.

Nanorobots floated in the air like silver streams, piercing into the memory of the mechanical priests under their horrified gazes?

Odemeyer frowned. It was hard for her to describe this weird thing that was half a brain and half a wire. At that time, even the poorest people had technological equipment that was cleaner and neater than what they had on them.

At this time, Odemair was a little hesitant. She couldn't start because of the Mechanic Priest's too crude design.

After more than 10,000 years of barbaric development in the human empire, these crazy technologies made it impossible for Odemeyer to find any shadow of the past.

"Ah. This is too troublesome."

Odemeyer decided to change his mind. He didn't know how to adjust it, so he might as well just give them a better one.

Nanoswarms surround the crude brains of the Mechanicus, creating a stasis field surrounding the brains. Then the nanoworm swarm quickly separated the brain and cables.

The original wound pierced by the cable in the brain was repaired, and more advanced reinforcement equipment was left for the brain shell.

As for the memory issue, the nanoworm swarm is stimulating the cerebral cortex through electric shock, erasing the new images left in the past hour.

Odemeyer took back the nanobug swarm, stood still, and snapped his fingers.

The mechanical priests who maintained the engine woke up, and the leading engine manager paid tribute to Delia as if Delia had just arrived.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see." Odemair shook the red robe of the Mechanicus Priest and said goodbye to the Mechanicus Priests like Delia.

"Wait. I can't hear the holy engine sound."

Space Marine and Ork Boy

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