Odemair slapped his face with his hands speechlessly. It was obviously the subspace engine that had problems with its operation and shock absorption due to the wrong layout of cables and pipes.

As a result, in your eyes, the sacred engine is communicating with you, right?

What, it means that you can listen to the noise and vibration of the engine when it is running normally. If the noise is not loud, it means the engine is running well, and if the noise is loud, it means the engine is in poor condition, right?

This reminded Odemeyer of when she was learning to fly a spaceship at the driving school. Those old and broken training boats were shaking violently. Once she was used to driving, Odemeyer only needed to feel the degree of shaking in her body to judge how well the spaceship would fly. Will not turn off the flame.

But there is a disadvantage of getting used to bad boats. When driving new boats that are smooth and comfortable, Odemeyer cannot feel the vibration of the hull, and thus cannot control the output rate of the engine.

Forget it. They have lost so much technology and tried their best. There is nothing to blame.

It's better to install a vibrator on these silly boys, and just link the engine's output rate to the frequency of the vibrator.

Odemeyer secretly operated the nano-worm swarm to infiltrate into the engine and reinstall it. He watched speechlessly as the mechanical priests poured repair nano-incense and lubricating cold liquid oil around the subspace engine.

The mechanical priests lying on the ground were mumbling words, and they sang religious hymns in binary.

Although nano aromatherapy and cold liquid oil can repair damage and release heat to the equipment, you can't rely on these two to repair everything, right?

Odemeyer didn't even want to open his eyes, he just wanted to install the vibrator and leave.

The vibrators were installed, and the warp engines once again emitted the familiar hum of the priests.

"The machine soul is so happy! The machine soul is so happy!"

The Mechanicus Priests worshiped more vigorously, and their trumpets sang louder and louder.

Odemeyer couldn't bear to see it, so he quickly dragged Priest Delia away.

"Take me to see where Geller stands."

Delia hummed and walked in front of Odemeyer. On the way, she met many floating servo skulls and busy sailors.

Odemeyer is not eager to see what Geller's position is. She also wants to see the state of human life today, even if she can only see fragments of life.

Except for the servitors and servo-skulls that made Odmyer feel creepy, Odmyer was deeply impressed by the appearance of the remaining sailors.

Although the soldiers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment under Lin Fan were a little fanatical, the advantage was that their commander was a normal person and his military education was quite satisfactory.

That idiot-like nanobot was considered smart compared to them. If she could delete some of the pornographic images in the database, Odemeyer believed Rebecca could do better.

But this ship and these sailors gave Odemeyer a deeper understanding of the Human Empire.

The thin sailors wore simple clothes and had religious tattoos on their bodies. Basically all the members have bald heads, and their eyes shine with ignorance and piety.

But in Odemeyer's view, what shines in these people's eyes is more of a numbness to life.

The vast chamber is filled with metal skulls and sculptures of Imperial Skyhawks. Statues of hooded giants stood on both sides, and on the high platform, there was a burning scepter.

These works appear particularly abrupt on a battleship, with the huge religious decorations and the small crowds forming a sharp contrast.

Individuals are extremely small in this hall, making everyone's sacrifice and death seem extremely cheap.

Odemeyer is not prepared to criticize. Over the past few days, she has gradually understood the complex and dangerous universe today.

If the human empire can rely on such a backward system and struggle for so long in the dark jungle surrounded by demons, it proves that this set of mechanisms is indeed useful.

If this cruel empire was as unbearable as Odemeyer thought, perhaps humanity would have perished long ago.

With a heavy heart, Odemeyer stroked the cold metal wall. The touch of the entity that he longed for so much in the two-dimensional world turned out to be so cold.

"Do you think he can do it?"

Delia stood still, looked back at Odemeyer, then took steps to lead the way.

"He's done a lot of things. Things I can't even imagine. Maybe he can do more."

"That's right. So are you considered a stranger who was influenced by him?"

"If you are referring to the Mechanic Priest, I am not the only one. Sage Chaos is also a respectable scholar."

"Then I really want to meet this sage of Kaos."

"You'll see him."

The two entered the installation room of the Geller Stand. This time, Odemeyer did not act rashly. He just relied on the nanoworm swarm to observe the operation of the Geller Stand.

These Geller positions are to simplify the product, weakening the demand for black stone ore, in exchange for more unstable energy utilization.

These simplified Geller positions rely entirely on luck, just like a person wearing trousers without a belt. When the trousers hit the ground, it depends entirely on how long the trousers can be blocked by friction.

Odemeyer narrowed his eyes. If we only relied on these designs from Geller's position, it would only be a matter of time before the new industrial zone was infiltrated by demons. It would be too dangerous.

You have to find the black stone mine.

After completing their investigation, Odemeyer and Delia returned to the planet and entered Lin Fan's office without any rest.

"We have to find the blackstone mines, and we have to redesign the new warship structure."

"Ah." Lin Fan put down the document in his hand, "Black Stone Mine, I think some of my old friends should be able to help me. But designing a new battleship... can we afford it now? You have to know that there is no shortage of food now. , but everything is in short supply except food, and we don’t know when the supplies provided by the empire will arrive.”

"Don't worry about it. Just lend me Rebecca and Delia. I have my own way."

"Okay then, I'll ask my friend if he can give me some black stones. As for Rebecca." Lin Fan pointed out the window, "You can go to the tarmac to find her. These days She's been hiding from you by pretending to be a Valkyrie transport."

"Thank you." Odemeyer turned and left, taking a pot of Reka coffee from Lin Fan's office.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Rebecca is going to suffer again." Lin Fan sorted out the documents, and then contacted Trazin with the metal disc around his neck.

Lin Fan stared at the metal disc for more than ten minutes before Trazin's familiar and elegant metallic voice came out.

Star Wars style Custodes (if the Human Empire had the super-light speed technology of the neighboring Galactic Empire, it would have been developed long ago)

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