"Oh let me guess, you have found the galaxy I left for you, right?"

When Trazin opened his mouth, he showed a confident attitude of being in control of the overall situation.

"I have found a galaxy, but I am not here to talk to you today about how valuable this planet is. I want to find some planets that produce black stones. Can you recommend a few to me?"

"Are you serious?"

For some reason, Lin Fan always felt that Trasin's tone was a little subtle, as if someone was supervising Trasin.

But he did need the black stone mine, and Lin Fan repeated his needs again.

"Make a price, just a few full points of mine."

After a long silence, Lin Fan felt that Trazin had been disconnected.

"I'd better go back." Trazin sighed, and then appeared behind Lin Fan the next second.

The cold metal claw touched Lin Fan's shoulder, and Trazin saw Lin Fan's surprised expression when he turned around.

"Why did you come back so quickly? Have you been staying by my side?"

"You might as well think so."

Trazin did not discuss this issue with Lin Fan. He picked a chair and sat down, took out a bottle of wine from the space and threw it into Lin Fan's hand.

"This galaxy is quite interesting. It turns out this is what's behind the barrier."

"I thought you were responsible for that barrier."

"If we did it, this galaxy wouldn't be your turn to explore. It's probably a conceptual barrier created by a containment object on Terra."

Lin Fan then remembered that he had not asked Odemeyer about the origin of these objects and Terra's underground prison, but it seemed that Trazin knew this very well.

But he had more important things to ask. Lin Fan put on a smile and raised his eyebrows at Trazin, showing that the two of them had a good relationship.

"The black stone."

"What do you want Blackstone for?"

Trazin sat up straight, his cold metal face full of tension. He was thinking about why Lin Fan needed the black stone so much.

Did he discover the special qualities of the black stone? No, it shouldn't be discovery, for him it should be remembering. If he remembered the characteristics of black stone, would he rely on black stone to make sector-level weapons?

Does he know the blueprints? No. Maybe it doesn't matter if he doesn't know the blueprint. As long as he thinks it will work, then weapons built with black stone can really run.

The more he thought about Trazin, the more nervous he became. Although his body did not sweat or show any uneasiness, the slight flicker of the logical core deep inside revealed what he was thinking.

Lin Fan looked at Trasin's serious look and told Trasin about the idea of ​​using black stone to build the Geller Stand and create a high-tech production line.

"Just...ahem." Trazin wanted to say that, but in his eyes, what Lin Fan was going to do was really not a big deal. He thought that Lin Fan was going to do something, but the result was to pave the way for the production line. Just an anti-subspace shield.

This is like a house war between the Empire of Man and those two idiots Abaddon. It is clear that the function of Blackstone Fortress is to wipe out an entire sector, but in the end, both forces use Blackstone Fortress as a solid base for placing turrets. Fortress is used.

Of course, if Trazin knew that Abaddon would use the Blackstone Fortress as a kinetic weapon in the future and smash the Cadian planet, he would probably be even more speechless about the Black Crusade.

Trazin did not show joy because Lin Fan had not yet awakened. After all, the King of Silence was watching behind him. His ability to run here from outside the river so quickly also relied on the power of the King of Silence.

But Trazin's awkward posture was interpreted by Lin Fan as meaning that the Necrontyr had no food left. Lin Fan was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and swore to Trazin, "If you can introduce me to a black stone origin, I can help you steal some collectibles from other people's homes."

"Oh? Collection?" Trazin was intrigued by Lin Fan's proposal. He did have a deep interest in a dynasty, but it was extremely dangerous there, so Trazin really didn't dare to risk death. Go steal the stash.

But what if there is help from a subject? Maybe.

"Okay, give him the mineral land of the Enko Dynasty. I remember they have already exploited 90% of it, right?"

"Yes, great king, the Enko Dynasty completed the overall mining before the Great Sleep."

"There's enough left for him."

Trazyn's core echoes with the voices of the Two Saints, who brought down the Silent King's will for Trazyn.

"Then shall I go back?"

"You stay and act freely, but you must not violate the agreement."


Trazin completed the communication with the king in an instant, and pretended to be convinced by Lin Fan.

"Ah, I think I can find you a black stone origin, but you have to add some chips."

"Okay, what do you need."

"Three times." Trazin raised three fingers. "You need to help me three times. Of course, I won't let you do anything like rebellion. You have to help me find some collections."

"Okay, no problem."

Lin Fan held Trazin's hand to show that he would abide by the agreement between the two.

Trazin picked up the black stone disc on Lin Fan's chest and entered a new coordinate on it.

It can be seen that the Silent King has considered the distance between Lin Fan's galaxy and the Black Stone Mine. This coordinate point is north of the Tau Empire's territory. If the subspace navigation is stable, it can be reached in about two long jumps.

Lin Fan looked at the star map and discovered this. For the human empire, this is already a neighbor. And according to Odemeyer's research, it doesn't take too much black stone to create a new Geller stance.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, I'll leave first. If there's nothing important, don't keep calling."

Trazin clapped his hands, stood up from the chair, turned around and tore open an extradimensional portal before preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute, I have something else to ask you."

Lin Fan ran up to Trazin in two steps and closed the extra-dimensional portal opened by Trazin with his hands together. It was as simple as closing the curtains.

With his eyes flashing, Trazin was surprised by the smoothness of Lin Fan's unconscious movements, and judged how much his subjective side had awakened.

But it could be seen that Lin Fan was completely unaware of the feat of being able to close the extradimensional portal with his hands. He pushed Trazin back onto the chair.

"I remember you still have Dr. Odessus' vest, right?"

Trazin did not deny this. He wanted to see what Lin Fan would say next, and he also realized at this time that he did not see Rebecca's nanorobot.

"Among your colleagues, are there a man named Odemeyer and a man named Erth?"

Most of the foundry and mining worlds have Necrontyr tombs. After all, if these robots die badly, they can't be thrown into the furnace and burned.

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