The dusty memories were extracted, and Tracin recalled his life in the Human Federation.

Odemeier is the daughter of Ers, and Professor Ers is one of the best scientists in the Human Federation. He and another scientist almost single-handedly handled all the leapfrog developments of the Human Federation.

Ers specializes in biological genes, while his best friend specializes in super artificial intelligence.

Tracin could even hear that in the lounge of the Federal Truth Science Department, everyone hugged each other to celebrate their success in overcoming one scientific problem after another.

Although Tracin did not think much of their research, being with that group of energetic young races did make his dull and heavy core a lot easier.

"Your wine is really good. Where did you buy it?"

"I'm here."

Tracin raised his hand, and he saw Ers raising his glass to him in a trance, with a familiar smile on his face. At the same time, Bai Huan's face also appeared in front of Tracin.

Then everything collapsed, leaving only a simple office and Lin Fan's puzzled look.

Damn. Am I hallucinating again?

How long will it take for me to fall into the nihilistic madness? How many times will I be in this trance?

Taraxin looked down at his metal hand, the shiny shell showing Taraxin's skull face like a mirror.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just recalled the name."

"So what about Odemeier?"

"She has been studying with her father, but when I was Dr. Odessus, the little girl was only as tall as my calf. Since Ers created the technology to transform the golden man, his fertility has been lower than that of the Eldar. Of course, with such a long life span, low fertility is also a compensation mechanism."

"When I rescued Odemeier, I ate something called a conceptual body. According to Odemeier, this thing can cause the dimension to collapse and imprison people."


"Is that thing really called Patrick?"

"Ahem." Taraxin remembered what Lin Fan was talking about. It was a dangerous item created when he and Bai Huan conducted subjective construction experiments in the early years.

After Bai Huan disappeared, Taraxin threw all the dangerous goods she made to the earth in memory of Bai Huan.

It has to be said that humans are still very tenacious. They collected and recorded these dangerous goods, sealed them deep underground, and left behind one myth after another of gods subduing demons.

Taraxin still remembers that Ers also took over the containment organization and obtained the fountain pen that symbolizes the position of general manager.

But that fountain pen is not a rare thing. When Bai Huan shouted that she wanted to draw, the Three Saints Council specially ground the fragments of the star god into powder to make a warehouse of fountain pens for her.

"Anyway, you have a chance to let Odemeier return to Terra. The pen in her hand is for this kind of thing."

"Okay. If I really have time." Lin Fan shrugged. Lin Fan was not in a hurry to go to the dark prison under Terra, but if he went to Mars on the way, Lin Fan was very anxious.

He had to ask the attitude of the underground void dragon. If this guy was really determined to cause destruction, then Lin Fan could only crush this star god.

However, if the god of the mechanical concept dies, will it have a serious impact on the Mechanicus? After all, the Necrontyr did not choose to destroy the Void Dragon because of its ability, but sealed it up.

It is not a big problem that Lin Fan's territory cannot produce usable artificial intelligence, because they have already started to build alternative supplies.

Even if there is chaos at that time, it will only be a galaxy. The total number of people in the world will only die by tens of millions. This report was submitted to the population management department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they were too lazy to count these fragmentary data.

But as symbolized by the imperial double-headed eagle, half of the empire belongs to the Mechanicus. If the Mechanicus has a little problem, the entire human empire will face a serious crisis.

Lin Fan can't afford to gamble. The shit mountain of the empire is made up of more than 10,000 dangerous stone slabs. As long as one of the stone slabs slides out, the whole shit mountain will collapse.

It's better to develop the local area first. When the Mechanicus has a backup department, consider the reform of the entire empire.

Taking too big a step is easy to pull the egg.

Take care of your own little piece of land first.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and thought about the current time.


A very delicate time point. In a few years, the vanguard of the Tyranid swarm will arrive at the border of the Tau Empire. The pressure of Chaos invasion from the Eye of Terror of the Human Empire will become greater and greater, and the Necrontyr will gradually awaken.

The out-of-control dynasty will also drag down a large number of the defense forces of the Human Empire. Although these Necrontyr are not as smart as before, their arsenal is still difficult to deal with.

If the leader of the dynasty is not crazy, like a military genius like the Storm King, the Human Empire will have to go around.

In the future, Lin Fan will have to help the Tau Empire to block the swarm, fight the Necrons from time to time, and check the situation of the Human Empire.

The more he thought about it, the more headache he had. In the end, Lin Fan thought he should just have a chat with Trazyn and take it one step at a time.

"What do you think if I kill the Necrons?"

This made Trazyn's butt even colder. He asked cautiously, "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"Look, the Tysok Dynasty is so close to me. What if the Storm King doesn't like me and comes over to blow up my ball? Even if I can beat him, my men can't beat him. You Why don't you introduce me to the Storm King, and how about using your identity as a subject to blackmail him? You just say that I am the second generation of Bai Huan, do they still dare to believe it?"

"Oh. That's it." Trazin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Lin Fan was suddenly going to break up with the Necrontyr. If it was just this kind of worry, it wouldn't be considered a crisis.

After thinking about his words, Trazin swore to Lin Fan that he would speak out his rights and interests to the Storm King, so that Lin Fan would not have to worry about conflicting with the Storm King.

"If you have a conflict with some out-of-control dynasty in the future, just call me and I will bring someone to handle the funeral."

Trazin talked about this with some seriousness. Many small dynasties lost control in the Great Slumber, and their stasis tombs had more or less problems. This caused the Necrontyr of the entire dynasty to fall into fantasy and madness. He had already seen this clue since the last time he went to a meeting.

There is a power struggle within the Tesok Dynasty. The crowned king, Zahdek, believes that he is still in the period of civil war in the dynasty, and regards the Storm King who ascended the throne as a traitor and traitor.

The Emperor of the Executioner Dynasty also looked a little senile and became out of touch.

When you are silent, you will also remember that you are just a shadow of your past glory. The clearer the memory, the more painful it is.

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