Although many kings and overlords looked down upon the crudeness of the human empire, there were also serious crises within the dynasty.

The undercurrent of the Skinner virus and the nihilistic destroyer tendencies are increasingly being discovered within the dynasty.

The Silent King also specially ordered Xerath the Enlightened to research the technology of body transformation. If you lack manpower and material resources, just ask him for it.

When Xerath opened his mouth, he wanted the Aeldari to be the experimental subjects. After all, the Subjective Ones gave humans a platform, and it was not easy for him to capture humans as experimental subjects.

On the way to pursue Amalaga, the Executioner Dynasty imprisoned an Eldar Ark and several planets colonized by the Wild Eldar, and handed them over to Xerath the Enlightened for experiments.

The negative effects of missing souls are growing, Trazin thought.

Not to mention the war outside the river, Trazin felt a headache when he thought about the earth-shattering war outside the river.

When he and Orikan the Astrologer and other war-ready kings traveled beyond the river.

The Silent King pointed to the billions of dim stars beyond the river and asked for the answer obtained from Orikan's astrology.

Faced with the king's request, Orikan tried his best to extend and slow down the partial time, allowing him time to come up with a complete and perfect answer.

In the end Orikan had no choice but to lower his head and confess to the Silent King.

"My lord, I am not good at learning and cannot witness the future from those dim stars. Please punish me, my king."

"Those are not stars, but the eyes of the enemy."

The Silent King left a few words lightly, and then Trazin and Orikan witnessed the real war.

Since the untimely awakening of the Necrontyr dynasty, Trazin has wondered where their true armed forces reside.

Most of the participants in the war within the galaxy are Necrontyr civilians who have been transformed by their bodies. It is rare to see the regular army that conquered the ancient saints and eliminated the star gods.

But here, he saw the dynasty holy army left behind by the Battle of Heaven.

Insect swarms, they fill the vacancies in the universe, and all the astronomical distances between them are filled by insects of various sizes.

Every time the Gaussian light that destroyed the stars shot into the darkness, Trazin could see the dark universe lighting up with a slippery light.

That is definitely not natural light, but the reflection of Gaussian light on the carapace.

As the legions of the War in Heaven spread out their array, destroying the world and destroying the earth, attacks that were enough to destroy the current broken galaxy several times were launched into the dark distance.

The explosion cleared area after area, and then the bugs filled the gaps.

The kings and the accompanying Trazin and Orikan were so shocked by the scene before them that they could not express their thoughts in words. When they were still scheming in the Milky Way, they never knew that such a terrifying enemy existed outside the river.

The King of Silence stood on the throne and did not explain to everyone the origin of this powerful enemy, nor did he tell everyone how huge the enemy was.

He holds the scepter in his hand, and under his control the most powerful fleets and legions of the dynasty are blocking the approach of the insect swarms.

In the wall of annihilation created by the Gaussian beam and the Breath of the Star God, there were also lucky swarms of insects that sprang out from the gaps in the firepower, squeezing hungrily towards the Milky Way.

The king just slightly cast his gaze on the lucky swarm of insects, deducing that it would not threaten his rule, and then turned his attention to the vast battlefield outside the river.

"It is forbidden to awaken the subjective." The cold command came again, which gave up Trazin's idea of ​​trying to use Lin Fan to solve the problem.

No one knows what the Silent King's plan is. Maybe he has a plan, and these bugs just make him slightly troubled. Maybe he doesn't want a new chaos in the galaxy that he can't control.

Silently taking the fruit that Lin Fan handed him, Trazin took a bite. Apart from the taste, he didn't feel any satisfaction. It was like he often drank precious wine just to give himself a taste of life. That’s all.

"Is this fruit delicious?"

"It's okay." Trazin sent the decomposed pulp into the furnace to be burned, and then patted his belly to signal that he didn't want it anymore.

Lin Fan gave up and had no choice but to pour the wine Trazin gave him and drink it.

"I probably have nothing to do, just go about your business."

After listening, Trazin tore open the extradimensional portal again and disappeared.

Lin Fan picked up the communicator and connected to Odemeyer's channel. As soon as Lin Fan put it to his ear, he heard Rebecca's voice crying out for pain and begging for mercy. It seemed that Odemeyer had caught Rebecca who was hiding.

Silently apologizing for Rebecca, Lin Fan told Odemeyer that he had found the black stone deposit and was waiting to mine and transport it.

A few days later, Odemeyer called Lin Fan into the huge room of her laboratory and factory. Lin Fan could smell Odemeyer's signature coffee smell as soon as he entered the room.

"You drink so much coffee, won't something go wrong?"

"It's okay, it's just a habit I developed when I was a kid. It's not a big deal if I don't drink it." After saying that, Odemeyer poured another pot of coffee into his mouth and then burped.

There are no helpers or assistants here, just various blueprints and parts arranged chaotically and neatly by Odemeyer.

The scientist really couldn't believe that people nowadays could understand her needs. Even Delia felt a little stupid. After writing these two books on basic physics and basic biology, Odemeyer asked Delia to study on her own. .

Doors opened quickly upon sensing the approach of Lin Fan and Odemeyer. The process was silent, just like the Titanium equipment Lin Fa had seen.

There was a suspended core in the center of the field, and then came Rebecca's complaint.

"Did you change Rebecca into this?"

"For now, after a while we won't need Rebecca to offer herself."

"Hey, I hate you."

Rebecca's crying voice came, but Odemeyer knew that the nanobot was pretending to be pitiful again.

Turn the knobs and levers, and the ceiling opens to let in sunlight.

Several rocket engines are also connected under the suspended core, and are firmly stuck together under the action of strong magnetic force.

A transparent barrier rose in front of Odemeyer, as well as a simple console, just like a console for playing games.

Seeing Lin Fan's eyes, Odemeyer smiled, "What? Do you think this thing will be complicated?"

"Uh, more or less. I thought it was all about various shining lights, parameter screens, a bunch of buttons and levers and so on."

"That's something made by idiots. A really useful product won't be too complicated, at least it doesn't look complicated." Odemeyer teased, then started the rocket engine and sent Rebecca to heaven.

About the grading of psykers' powers (this picture is quite long, so I have divided it into two parts)

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