Rebecca entered space, Odemeyer silently adjusted the angle, and then let her fly towards the ruins at the edge of the galaxy.

Rebecca is like a speck of dust in these giant ruins left behind by ancient times. Lin Fan could see Rebecca navigating the ruins on the screen, but from a third-person perspective.

The rocket engine responded quickly to Odemeyer's operation, and the delay was negligible over this long distance.

"So you're going to let Rebecca come back with these ruins?"

"No, that would be too time-consuming." Odemeyer simply replied, and then controlled Rebecca to hover among the ruins.

After stretching his body, Odemeyer broke his hands and made a sound. She brushed her hand across the console-like console, and then the surface became flat, and layers of blue light stacked up to create hillocks of the same nature as sand.

Odemeyer's hands unfolded again, and complex and precise working twigs bloomed from his fingers. Odemeyer quickly and carefully piled up the blue sand with both hands, made a rough shape, and then began to carve out the important parts.

It's like a modeling job, except that the method of operation has been replaced by Odemeyer's flexible and complex hands.

At the same time, in space, Rebecca's body exudes a strong magnetic force, adsorbing large and small metal scraps and rotating around Rebecca.

The rotation speed is getting faster and faster, and the friction and collision of metal and metal create beautiful sparks. Thanks to the vacuum, which cannot transmit sound, otherwise the sound produced by the collision of so many metals is enough to make the noise warriors feel embarrassed.

The metal was ground into fine powder during the rotation and collision, and then quickly heated up, turning into strips of red and bright molten metal surrounding Rebecca.

The molten mass is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more metal debris is attracted by it.

The mechanical priests on the Flame also discovered such anomalies. They first expressed shock and anger at the anomaly, because countless ancient technological ruins were swallowed up by the molten mass before they were explored.

The Mechanic Priests urged the captain and gunners, loudly talking about revenge for technological creations and the God of All Machines, but some Mechanic Priests had different views. They believed that this was a display of the power of the God of All Machines.

The captain decided to make a tentative attack, turned the ship's direction, and fired a macrocannon shell with a huge amount of kinetic energy at the molten mass.

This cannonball crossed a long distance and was about to hit the molten mass, but it changed its trajectory and was involved in the surrounding metal group and exploded.

Another light spear shot in. This time there was no change in trajectory, but the energy carried by the light spear could only make the molten mass expand even more.

The molten mass expanded as huge as a star, and it was difficult for the Mechanicus Priests to estimate how much metal ruins this huge creation had absorbed.

It twisted and deformed, separating three molten masses of different sizes, but each one was far larger than any void city in the empire.

A molten mass moved towards the gaseous planet and formed a ring around the gaseous star. Many large thick tubes penetrated into the gaseous star, but there was no further change.

Another molten mass hit a desolate planet and was deeply embedded in the surface of the planet. Several mechanical legs held up the main body, and a huge drill extended from the bottom.

The last and largest mass of melt stretched in space, and the shadow of the imperial ship could be vaguely seen in the basic shell.

A statue of the emperor bulges at the rear of the ship. The structure of the entire ship is well-proportioned. The bow is long and sharp, like a spear, and the middle part is blocked by several partitions, like a shield.

The muzzle position of the macro cannon is not shown on the ship. There is only a row of turrets staggered on the top and bottom of the ship, which is completely different from the empire's layout that focuses on side firepower.

Odemeyer finally finished the operation. She yawned and twisted her arms behind her back, stretching her muscles.

"Rebecca, come back by yourself."


Rebecca now became the controller of the new ship. She drove the huge ship to turn around and sail towards the planet.

Everyone on the Flame was dumbfounded. Whether it was the ship's sailors or the mechanical priests, they were stunned and had no idea how to face the current situation.

Fanatics believe that this is a display of the Emperor's will. After all, the shining statue of the Emperor on the ship is so exquisite and beautiful that even the most critical believers can't say anything.

The Mechanicus Priests are praising the gift of the God of Machines. With their crude eyes and humble bodies, they are truly lucky to witness such a construction miracle.

Rebecca paused far away from the planet to avoid the effects of gravity. She opened the hatch and sent out a streamlined airship whose design was finally aerodynamic and flew towards the ground.


This was the highest praise Lin Fan could express after seeing Odemeyer's actions. All modifiers could not describe what Odemeyer had done.

Not to mention the two engineering equipment on the gas star and the desert planet that have not been started yet, just the fact that Odemeyer turned a pile of metal junk that had been floating in space for more than ten thousand years into a brand new battleship was enough to shock the entire empire. .

This process is so fast.

Lin Fan looked at Odemeyer's atomic watch and found that only more than twenty hours had passed from the time Rebecca flew into the sky to the time she transformed into a mighty and huge battleship.

"Can you make a few more lines?"

"If you could find that much metal, I could keep doing this."

"How much metal is that?"

"Considering that we will highly compress the metal at that time to reduce the volume and strengthen the properties. There will also be the loss of material transformation technology and the energy consumption of material plasticity."

Odemeyer wrote a few strings of data with his hand, and then patted it into Lin Fan's hand.

"If you can find me raw materials of the same quality as this, I will make as many boats as you want."

Lin Fan lowered his head and looked at the data that was difficult to see at a glance. He didn't even know what unit to use to describe such a long data, so he could only close his eyes in melancholy.

"Your current production capacity is too low, and the quality of your population is also low. Even if I have the blueprints, do you have the resources to support it? I am only a human being, and I am not a god who says that if there is light, there must be light."

Odemeyer sat up and patted Lin Fan on the shoulder. He raised his fist as if to encourage, "When we bring back a ship of black stone, make some Geller Fields, and hollow out the planet next door, we can build a second ship. Use the remaining two balls. Come for supplies and maintenance.”

"Then we can only make do with it like this for now."

Beta-level psykers are already wind-furred water chestnuts.

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