Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 454 The Empire on the Tip of the Tongue

When it came to the planet's production capacity, Lin Fan took out the data pad stored in his waist pocket, where he wrote down important data.

The unexpected place, as the inhabitants of this planet call it, is a disgusting aristocratic playground in Odemeyer's mouth.

But as a new place to start over, Lin Fan renamed the galaxy and planet, and asked Delia to be registered with the Imperial Ministry of Interior.

Because Lin Fan registered many meaningful names, he was warned about duplicate names, and a long list of garbled characters was added at the end to avoid duplication, so Lin Fan started to get angry on the keyboard.

Finding that face scrolling on the keyboard could not solve his problem, Lin Fan could only turn to Political Commissar Kane and ask if this traveling political commissar could give him some inspiration.

Commissar Kane narrowed his eyes and recalled, "Since I joined the army, I have seen countless planet names in the documents I have read. If you really want to tell me what type of names no one has chosen, then I really don't know."

"Why don't you call it Second Terra? The rest are called Second Mars, Second Moon, etc. I don't think anyone dares to name them."

"Wait. Ahem." Commissar Kane gasped in surprise, clutching his chest and gasping several times, "Why don't you try those things?"

Commissar Kane pointed to the plants in the vegetable garden next door. These behemoths, like giant trees that existed in ancient times, have become rare high-rise "buildings" on this planet.

The political commissar's original intention was for Lin Fan to give a unique name by combining the name of the plant with its appearance, just like what many garden worlds would do.

For example, names such as Emerald Kemisia Celery and Pious Yellow Delance Corn are used to prevent the problem of duplicate names.

But Lin Fan misunderstood what the political commissar meant. He first lowered his head and thought about it, then looked up at the sun for a while, and then named the galaxy and planet with a smile.

The galaxy is called the Grand Hotel, and this livable planet is called the Grand Canteen by Lin Fan.

The only gas star is named Pimple Soup, because when viewed from space, the non-stop storms and gaseous turbulence of this gas star are indeed like boiling hot and pulpy Pimple Soup, but it is a pity that it lacks some coriander and tomatoes. .

Lin Fan was going to call the other three desolate planets Braised Lion Head, but after thinking about it, Braised Lion Head 1, 2, and 3 sounded boring.

I simply gave them more appropriate names based on the rough colors of the planet, Bai Zhuo, Mala, and Thirteen Fragrances.

The stars of the galaxy are naturally called stoves.

As soon as the name was submitted, it was found that there was indeed no planet with the same name as these names, so Lin Fan happily continued to promote these names.

According to feedback from the public, except for canteens, restaurants, and stoves, no one can understand what the remaining words mean.

Even Political Commissar Kane expressed doubts about these words. He didn't even think that Bai Zhuo and Shi San Xiang were closely related to food.

When Lin Fan thought about this, he felt sad for the empire's extreme backwardness and inequality in food.

For example, what kind of food the army can eat always depends on the occasion. First of all, the best thing must be the food when stationed at the base, and the second is the food supply during transportation.

But when it comes to the battlefield, the quality of the food will fluctuate between the standards of "pretty good" and "even the orcs won't eat it."

Let’s see before he can produce a large amount of food with Jin Jiaola. Among the meals for the soldiers of the 37th Regiment, the most anticipated meal is a piece of hot, stewed meat that can even be torn open with a spoon. A big pork steak, topped with fragrant salty meat soup, and everyone can share a large bowl of starch mud.

Of course, this meal is not available every day. Most of the time, Astra Militarum soldiers can only chew starch sticks and slightly meaty hot soup in trenches and bunkers.

If the supply is still sufficient, the soldier is lucky enough to be given a CPR ready-to-eat ration pack, and he can taste a few bites of vegetables from the can, but what these vegetables are depends on what vegetables are produced in large quantities on the planet where the CPR ration bars are produced. .

If it were a ration package produced at the Armageddon factory, then the can would definitely contain a variety of pickled mushrooms.

Pork steak with starch paste, although it is a rare meal, it is still a bit too rough in Lin Fan's eyes.

The meat given to the soldiers was not even natural meat, but processed meat.

The meat is thrown into a machine and crushed, and the skin and other parts are separated.

The internal organs, bones, blood, skin and other things were all mixed into a mess of indescribable color. Finally, it is sent to a special machine to fix the shape and made into a frozen round steak that is easy to store.

If the legion is relatively wealthy and treats its soldiers well, then these meat steaks made of meat paste will be mixed with some elastic additives to imitate the taste of real meat steaks.

As for the process of cooking in the kitchen, it even more shows the attitude of not being afraid of those coming from the empire.

These steaks, which are expected by the majority of soldiers, are thrown into a large bucket several people high by the fierce-looking and muscular chef. Then the chef will ask the deputies to pour buckets of water, light the bottom to heat, and squeeze it in his hands. Holding a huge iron rod that could crush his head with a stick, he began to stir the vat.

The chef is not just messing around. Stirring the cooked steak will only make the steak loose and loose, with a corner missing in the east and a piece missing in the west.

The steaks stewed in this way were not easy to distribute evenly, which made the soldiers dissatisfied with the chef.

It ranges from being humiliated in person to being beaten with a thorn in the face.

Even the political commissar would not be dissatisfied with the chef's bruised nose and face. In his eyes, this was because the army cook failed to fulfill his duties and did not reward him with 20 lashes in accordance with military regulations. This was already an act of mercy outside the law.

As for the ingredients, this was already considered when making the steak. During the process of crushing meat animals, the mechanical priests have already invested a large amount of nutrients in accordance with standard proportions to ensure that the soldiers can maintain their physical needs. As for whether it's salty or bland, the soldiers can find ways to satisfy their own tastes.

And considering the harsh conditions on the battlefield, many soldiers must nibble on cold starch sticks in their hands amidst blood, water and corpses, and drink soup made from hot water purified with water purification tablets.

In order to ensure that the imperial soldiers can not be affected by alien germs in their enthusiasm to serve the emperor in this situation without sanitary protection.

An artificial flora was also added to it. All military supplies of the empire were added with this magical flora. As for some food products privately produced by the poor people, they could only pray to the emperor that these things would not be counterproductive. Come and eat their stomachs.

The original species of artificial bacteria have been scrutinized by the mechanical priests for more than ten thousand years, as well as the devout baptism and prayers of the state priests. They are precious and pure things. No one has ever seen the original species of bacteria under the sacred gaze of the emperor. Lower corruption.

There is also an α+ at the back, but I was told that it was too mathematical and I was not allowed to post it. (Note: The flora is self-designed, and the official design does not say it has anything)

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