Odemeyer told Rebecca to stop wasting energy, which made Rebecca fly around in the air feel more at ease. After landing, she turned into a familiar human form to Lin Fan.

But Lin Fan always felt that Rebecca looked a little silly now, as if she hadn't woken up.

"It's just that her computing power can't bear so much. You know, adjusting the engine output rate is a delicate job." Odemeyer told Lin Fan that there was nothing serious about her. When she starts up the factory on the spicy planet, she will A servo system matching the battleship can be produced and installed.

Odemeyer seemed to be in a good mood. She handed the empty coffee can to Lin Fan and asked him to take her to see how the planet was doing.

In the past few days, she had been sitting in the laboratory, adjusting the equipment on Rebecca. Although her body was superhuman, she still needed a way to relieve the fatigue in her heart.

After hearing this, Lin Fan took her to the new city that had just begun to take shape.

Lin Fan hasn't decided what to call this city yet. The name of the planet will be rejected due to duplication, but no one will care about the name of the city.

"How about a name for our scientist?"

"Let's wait until he finishes building it."

He pointed to the construction site in the distance, where unpainted engineering equipment was bulldozing the soil, and mobile furnaces, collaborative coolers, and rapid concrete mixers were rapidly building identical houses.

The soldiers were supervising the work of the residents, but they did not hold bloody whips in their hands, and there were no executed dead on the roadside to scare onlookers.

Those soldiers belonging to the 37th Regiment mostly serve as security officers. Lin Fan could hear the soldiers' roars from here.

"Damn you stupid heads! Didn't you listen to the public classes every night? How many times have I said that the optimal tempering temperature for a piece of solid condensed steel is 4300 degrees. Why do you always turn the knob to 4400? You Can’t you understand the numbers?”

"I.I'm sorry, my lord"

"What a big fart! You should apologize to Priest Delia! If it weren't for her excellent skills, you idiots would have been killed long ago!"

The angry soldier kicked the erring worker fiercely, but he didn't use too much force. He was afraid that he would directly kick the person to death.

During the training of the Astral Army and the food supplies of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, Lin Fan's soldiers were all hunky-backed and surprisingly strong. The other Astral Army made fun of them, they were like a group of orc boys, and their colonel was Orc warlord.

Of course, such remarks were quickly warned, as such jokes tarnished the Emperor's sanctity.

The people on these planets may not have enough to eat, and they are all very thin. After the Jin Kaila was put into production, a large amount of food was produced to meet the needs of the people of the planet.

However, considering the insufficient consumption of the planet, Lin Fan did not let the soldiers cultivate too many fields. He just asked Delia to build a secret warehouse to store gold and garbage.

The mobile furnace is a tall, sentry tower with tracks mounted on it, emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide in a chimney-like facility.

Although the plants spawned by Jin Kaila are magical, they still have some characteristics that plants should have. One of them is their willingness to absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.

The incompletely burned smoke is blocked by a filter designed like a honeycomb, and then put back into the furnace to continue smelting.

Workers put the rough ore that was transported into the furnace. The ore was not cleaned or screened after being mined, and it came in different sizes and colors.

But this is not a problem for the mobile furnace designed by Delia. These workers only need to continuously throw the ore onto the conveyor belt and wait for the furnaces of molten iron to flow out.

The condenser and rapid concrete mixer next to it will quickly mix the hot molten iron and the solid rapid concrete. Then these engineering equipment, which is higher than the building, will move forward. The door behind them will open, and a building will appear. The building appears.

These buildings are relatively short, with only three floors. The exterior doesn't look good either. These gray buildings look more like fortresses than houses.

The fortress has regular-shaped gaps, which will be used for future expansion and installation of defense modules.

Lin Fan's design concept from the very beginning was to shape the canteen into a fortress world.

In the future, his place will definitely become one of the key areas for enemy attacks. In order to be responsible for the people of this planet and his soldiers, the beautiful environment of this planet must be compromised for the fortress group.

The soldier who was breathless with anger also saw Lin Fan's arrival. He performed the standard Sky Eagle Salute to Lin Fan, and the workers under him also followed suit.

Lin Fan looked at the slowly moving engineering tower and then at the tools used by the workers.

Workers who seemed pretty smart and quick-thinking drove small forklifts. They wear a gear on the shoulder of their clothes, which is proof of academic excellence.

The remaining workers only had a shovel and a simple old basket that they seemed to have used before.

Lin Fan could even see a long piece of dirty cloth sewn on some people's clothes. It was not difficult to guess that they should have used this piece of cloth to carry the ore into the conveyor belt.

Seeing Lin Fan's frown, the soldier hurriedly explained to him.

"The factory is still producing. And the Delia priests think that if their knowledge is insufficient, it is safer to hold a shovel and a bag."

"This is also helpful to stimulate the competitive spirit in learning." Odemeyer also quietly tapped Lin Fan's waist. What she noticed was the mental outlook of those who have better tools.

It is obvious that the people who drive small forklifts are younger and smarter, and they are more confident and proud when facing other workers.

The workers who used pocket cloth looked envious and ashamed, and even some old men licked their lips, imagining the scenery when they drove forklifts.

But no one paid attention to huge engineering equipment such as mobile furnaces. For them, these miracle-like things were beyond their reach.

"I don't have a problem with your work. I'm just worried about other things. Just be busy."

Lin Fan patted the soldier on the shoulder, asking him to relax.

At the same time, a huge armored vehicle drove forward, traveling smoothly on the newly paved road.

As soon as the soldier saw it, he knew that today's meal had been delivered. He picked up a loudspeaker and shouted to all the workers that the meal was ready.

Half of the workers left their posts, while the other half followed the conveyor belt and fed more minerals onto it.

The furnace consumes less ore and releases the furnace more slowly. However, if no one delivers the ore, the furnace must be shut down to prevent the high temperature from accumulating and exploding the furnace.

Relighting the fire is quite a waste of time, so the workers should simply stagger their meals.

The atonement engine of the state religion (looks too much like a bad guy)

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