The armored vehicle stopped, and the hatch on the side opened upwards. Heat and aroma wafted out, mixing into white mist.

This scene reminded Lin Fan of his childhood, in his hometown in the countryside, where the whole family had New Year's Eve dinner in a snow-covered brick house.

My mother would steam a basket of soft and fragrant steamed buns and flower rolls in the kitchen. Someone else helped her open the curtain, and she put a plate of steamed buns and flower rolls on the table.

The steamed bun Hanaki exudes heat and the sweet smell of fermented flour. These delicious foods exude a white mist in the not-too-warm room.

The whole house was shrouded in mist, looking like the fairy palace seen on TV.

"so good."

Lin Fan sighed with emotion, the mist of these hot food was really great. Thinking about it, what he smelled most in this world in the past was the acrid green smoke left by the shells falling into the craters.

Suddenly, after a few days of peaceful life, Lin Fan suddenly felt that it was so wonderful to be able to live well.

Odemeyer looked at Lin Fan's expression and realized what he was probably thinking, so he teased, "I'm hungry, can you let me have a meal?"

Lin Fan knew that Odemeyer had passed the stage of eating food to replenish energy. Just like himself, it didn't matter whether he ate or not.

But he did not point this out, but happily followed the team, waiting for his turn to give himself food.

Soon it was Lin Fan and Odemeyer's turn to receive the food. The soldiers distributing the food were a little surprised and a little nervous.

Lin Fan looked at the trembling hands of his cooking hands, and there was only half a spoonful of food in one spoonful. If it weren't for the soldier who gave him another spoonful, he would have really suspected that this soldier was definitely the aunt in the cafeteria where he was apprenticed.

Odemeyer took off her white coat. The white coat immediately fell to the ground to make the shape of a chair, and Odemeyer sat on it carelessly.

She spooned the food in her metal rice bowl.

"Isn't this a bean?" Odemeyer looked at the green bean as big as a potato and felt a little funny.

She knew that Jin Kaila's fertility-inducing effect was very strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

Pound the beans and grind them into a loose puree. Spread the soup poured around the beans with a spoon to cover the pureed beans.

There were dots of black and red particles in it. Odemeyer smelled it and felt a slightly pungent aroma coming into his nose.

Odemeyer ate a spoonful and felt that the soup covered with beans tasted really good. The dryness of the refried beans was eliminated by the soup very well.

"Is this black pepper? There's some cayenne pepper mixed in? How did you get these things?"

"Haha, I have a friend who always has a lot of good things." Lin Fan smiled. Trazin gave him the seeds of these extinct crops. As for the cooking techniques, he taught him step by step. For army cooks.

Lin Fan, who was squatting on the ground, scooped up the food with a spoon, swallowed it in big mouthfuls, and quickly wiped out a box of food.

Odemeyer also gave up the idea of ​​chewing slowly, stuffed the entire lunch box into his mouth, stirred it for a while, and then spit it out, and the metal lunch box was empty.

After the two finished eating, they returned the metal lunch box to the armored vehicle, and then went to the new factory area to look for Delia.

Odemeyer smacked his lips with some contentment, "It's a pity that it's almost meat. I can make a set of equipment that can recycle plants and produce synthetic meat according to the ratio. About 1:10 or 1:15."

"It would be really great if you can. Although the vegetables are not unpalatable, if they can eat some meat, I believe their enthusiasm will be even higher."

Now that she remembered it, Odemeyer would start preparing. However, she did not set up the synthesis production line herself, but wanted to take this opportunity to see how Delia's study was going in the past few days.

This is equivalent to an exam.

He left Delia with a blueprint and some important data that Odemeyer thought she could not calculate, and left it to her to perform.

"You take good care of the house. Your sister and I will go out and come back in time for the mine."

Lin Fan touched Delia's golden hair, and then boarded the boat with Odemeyer.

As for the Flame that sent them here, it left after completing its transportation mission. They also need to join other naval squadrons to patrol the sector and complete tasks from the naval generals in the theater.

As for the engineering miracles that occurred in the galaxy and the events related to the manifestation of the God of Machines, Odemeyer made simple memory adjustments to the personnel on the ship. Let them just think of this galaxy as a new sector that has just been discovered and colonized.

This is the standard procedure for the Imperial Navy to transport Astra Militarum colonies. They carry lucky Astra Militarum soldiers to an uninhabited planet and declare this planet to be their land.

The supreme commander of the Astral Legion will become the governor of this planet.

Of course, the Empire will not let them develop on their own. The Adeptus Mechanicus will assist a group of priests and some daily necessities production factories. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Church will also dispatch colonial ships and pilgrim ships to fill the manpower gap on the planet.

If the planet is lucky enough to be targeted by some adventurous Rogue Traders, you can also look for local products on the planet to fill the planet's treasury.

As for the tax issue that every colony cannot avoid, the empire will allow two standard solar years for the development of new colonies. In the future, the tax fleet and officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will inspect the development of the planet and finally set the tithe tax and Blood tax.

But Lin Fan felt that if he could really develop in two standard solar years, that would be great news that he couldn't even imagine.

I'm afraid that even if it hasn't developed in the past 200 years, the empire will fall into a bad situation of internal and external difficulties due to the unfolding of the Great Rift.

"I don't know how well Ifreni and the others have awakened the God of Death." Lin Fan stood in the bridge. He suddenly remembered that when Gemo separated, Qianmen also gave him a spiritual bone, saying that it could be used To connect to the webway gate, Rebecca also recorded a large amount of data in Comor.

He looked at Odemair, who was busy in the middle of the spherical driver, and asked if they could create a webway gate to replace the subspace transportation system.

"It's not impossible. When I first met you, I already knew that Rebecca had some parameters of the Internet. But to be honest, these data are not important. Our Department of Truth Science already has them."

"So it can be built?" Lin Fan was pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, but where will the materials be collected? Building the Webway itself requires a lot of materials, which is exactly the same as creating the second universe."

Odemeyer said sadly that if the Human Federation had so many resources, it would not have tried its best to develop subspace engine technology.

The old Webway was in disrepair, and many of the gaps in the passages led directly to the warp. There is no material to build a new network channel.

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