Lin Fan saw Khorne's figure and his legions, and suddenly felt that this angry paraplegic madman was not so annoying.

But he did not further stimulate Khorne, but continued to resist the demon and not threaten Odemair's operations.

Khorne did not pay attention to him first, but just let his troops slaughter the masterless demons who knew the heights of the world.

Obviously, Khorne's demon army is more powerful. The blood demons formed in the army are crushing the masterless demons inch by inch. Among them are also the bloodthirsty demons that are irresistible to all demons. They are holding double axes and are furious. Tearing apart the already loose and disorderly formation of the ownerless demons.

Everyone could see that victory this time belonged to Khorne, and that victory would come very quickly.

Lin Fan finally felt that the number of demons on his side had become much smaller, and they were no longer a group of demons squeezing in from outside.

"Thanks! My old buddy!" Lin Fan shouted, and whistled briskly to Khorne. But Khorne didn't accept this trick. He didn't come to clear out the masterless daemons to save him.

Khorne's world-destroying blade was raised, and the war power it carried stirred the waves of the subspace. Although the sound was terrifying, it also accidentally created a huge wave that rolled towards the battleship.

Odemeyer also seized the opportunity and drove the subspace engine with all his strength to meet the impact of the huge waves. The entire battleship was on the top of the waves and rushed far away.

"Do you think you can run away like this?"

Khorne laughed a few times, and stretched his giant hands into the soul waves. The next moment, giant hands appeared on both sides of the battleship, ready to grab the battleship and break it into two pieces.

"Boy! Insert your icon into the groove!"

Under Odemeyer's urging, a metal pillar stretched out from Lin Fan's side, and there happened to be a sunken mark on it.

Lin Fan quickly placed the holy statue in it. The pillar exuded sacred golden light, covering the entire ship in an instant, and the emperor statue at the tail seemed to be alive, with the golden flames and Geller's stance merging with each other. , tempering the shield to become stronger and thicker.

The demons lingering and crowding around the ship were burned to ashes by the Emperor's power, and their souls were taken away by the fully powered Geller Stand, and they were quickly melted away.

And Odemair also seized the opportunity, escaped from the huge waves, opened a new rift and prepared to escape from the subspace.

Khorne's hands firmly grasped the golden shield outside the battleship, and even cracking it could not prevent the battleship from escaping from the subspace.

The battleship sailed out of the subspace and returned to the real universe, but when the rift was about to close, the tip of Khorne's long blade pressed against the rift, unable to close it in time.

The pollution of Khorne flows out from the gaps, causing scalding blood and floating flaming skulls to appear out of thin air in this cold universe. However, from its erratic flashing, it can be concluded that these subspace pollution cannot last forever.

The blade cracked under the pressure of the curtain, the crack became narrower and narrower, and Khorne's voice came from the other side.

"I remember! Bug! Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me!!!"

After shouting these last words, the sword tip shattered, the pollution of the subspace was cut off, and the universe returned to normal again.

"Tch. The stable subspace portal is far away from me." Lin Fan curled his lips and didn't pay much attention to the threat of Khorne. After all, after being threatened too many times, he no longer cared about these things.

"Haha, it was so exciting just now!" Odemeyer's voice came. Lin Fan looked back and did not find that she had escaped from the sea of ​​data, but was using a communicator to communicate with him.

"Let's look at the speed of time. We covered this distance in three days. It was so fast. Next time you go back, you can continue to block the demon's attack."

"no problem."

"But there's no need to provoke that guy. With the first detection, you will have experience the second time."

After Odemeyer finished speaking, he drove the giant ship towards the coordinate point. But the huge size of the giant ship also attracted the covetousness of others.

The massive Ork fleet was exchanging fire with the Iron Warriors' warships, and various crude Ork torpedoes were running rampant on the battlefield.

The Iron Warriors' battleships are painted with yellow and black safety stripes. The battleships' armor is studded with rivets and spikes. Every shot of the cannons and light spears can emit dark fire. This is the long-term erosion of the weapons by subspace energy. symbol of the future.

The fighting between the two sides stopped immediately after the Rebecca giant ship jumped into the subspace.

In the orc's perception, a super invincible and awesome baby appeared out of the blue.

From the mouths of the Iron Warriors' auspicious screams like crazy and the tightly bound and tortured demons, they also learned that an engineering miracle had appeared outside the battlefield.

"what is that?"

The orcs and iron warriors said in unison.

"We have to get it!"

The two inseparable battleship groups that had been fighting just now turned around and aimed at the Rebecca giant ship almost at the same time.

The captains of the ship understood each other well and did not fire at each other. They stared at the screen or the bridge glass, trying to witness the existence of the giant ship with their own eyes.

There are some rays of light flashing in the darkness. The ancient light cast by distant stars creates an extremely obvious boundary between light and dark in the void. On one side, the light is brilliant, and the shell of any battleship will shine brightly. On the other side, there is The darkness is so deep that if you only observe it with the naked eye, almost nothing can be seen.

And in this darkness, the head of the giant ship slowly broke through the darkness. The huge and thick head of the ship made everyone don't know how to deal with it. Whether they were greenskins or iron warriors, they were just witnesses with unblinking eyes. A full view of the giant ship.

"What a huge and majestic thing. What a smooth and neat surface."

Voices of praise and emotion came out of Commander Tie Yong's mouth, but when he saw the emperor's statue behind the ship, his admiration turned into anger.

"It's a pity that they are the lackeys of the Corpse Emperor. When did they possess such technology? Why are they sent to this corner? Could it be that they are also here for the Black Stone?"

Commander Tie Yong's sigh of admiration passed for a moment, and then he was taken over by a cold and ruthless war mentality. He ordered his soldiers to let the devil locked in the cage report the news to the headquarters.

He asked the ships to prepare to record the giant ship's information and prepare for an emergency jump to escape. As for the test, he believed that the orcs would conquer the giant ship at any cost.

Just as he expected, the orcs were really gearing up, with all their weapons aimed at the giant ship.

Before Angron became a demon, he still had the sense to speak. He once expressed his approval to the heirs who wielded knives against him and spurned those who licked him.

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