The Orcs poured into the huge and crude torpedoes. They held guns in their hands. There was an ax and a long knife on the gun head, which were tightly tied to the gun with screws and iron wires.

There is a heavy piece of metal at the bottom of the gun, but in the hands of the orcs, this heavy and rough metal is not a problem. Instead, it can become an instrument to create a fighting atmosphere.

The head of the torpedo is a grinning orc head, which is filled with explosives. The middle part is the cabin for carrying the orc boys, and the tail is an irregularly distributed rocket engine, some are large, some are small, some are thick and some are short.

As for whether the explosion caused by the torpedo hitting the ship will kill other orcs, this is impossible to happen!

We are squatting safely behind a big iron plate. What does the explosion of our heads have to do with our bodies? Of course we can jump on someone else's boat during the blast and start Waaagh! stand up!

"Ook! Ook! Ook! Ook! Green!!!"

Among the torpedoes, a huge boss led the group of boys. He was wearing shiny iron plate armor and had a red iron chin, which made him look very powerful.

"We are going to grab the big treasure! That thing suits us! We also need to decorate it! There are no beautiful patterns on it!"

The boss hit the ground with his firearm to make a noise, while using his loud voice to suppress the noise of the other orcs.

A loud fart sounded like thunder, and the orc boss's butt armor was lifted. The thick fart smell filled the entire torpedo room, making the space that was already mixed with the body odor of the orcs become even more stinky.

But the fart also won the respect and attention of all the orcs. They finally calmed down and whispered, covering their noses again and again, while admiring that the boss's fart was really smelly and loud.

The orc boss was very satisfied with this, and he raised his mouth in a huge arc.

But this kind of situation is definitely not the case in this torpedo room. Almost all the orcs who can be the first to approach the Rebecca giant ship in the torpedo room are in such excited emotions.

The orcs' junk fleet quickly approached the Rebecca giant ship. Under this acceleration, one or two boilers and engines blew up from time to time, creating insignificant chaos and small sparks in the ship's hull.

Even the shell armor was not fixed well, and the rivets and iron sheets fell off layer by layer, leaving a string of small garbage patches at the rear of the orc fleet.

They roared on the ship, waiting for the Rebecca giant ship to enter their range.

"Do you need my help?" Lin Fan asked Odemeyer.

"Ha!" Odemeyer laughed confidently, "I made this ship with high quality and quantity, and it is not a quick product. Although there is only one shuttle cannon that can be used, it is enough to deal with these little brats! "

As soon as Odemeyer finished speaking, the orc fleet group finally got close enough to the giant ship, and they couldn't wait to launch torpedoes.

The orcs' torpedoes continue to implement their illogical characteristics. The speed of these torpedoes is inconsistent, and the trajectory of the flying ball can make even advanced ballistic calculators feel helpless.

Odemeyer could even see an Orc warship disintegrating after firing a torpedo. The torpedoes were hung with many chains and long hooks, and the Orcs charged chain by chain in a desperate charge.

"...They are much crazier now than we were back then." Odemeyer looked at the current state of the orcs, and it was difficult to compare them with the orcs at that time.

"They were still talking about science at that time. Where's the void suit? And the peripheral shield generator? They are. How do they still have the energy to yell in a vacuum?"

"I can only say that they are like this." Lin Fan shrugged, saying that life nowadays is so crazy and unreasonable.

Odemeyer sighed deeply, and then controlled the ship to counterattack.

The battleship's artillery has not been activated. Although there is only one shuttle artillery, the caliber is wide enough to accommodate a cruiser, which is enough to show how much energy is required to activate this artillery.

But Odemeyer didn't feel sorry for the energy, she just didn't want thousands of tons of precious metal in the hull to be wasted just because of this little kid's ship.

A huge shield-like plate on the middle side of the battleship moved, and twelve giant metal shields surrounded the battleship, fluttering like swords.

Part of the giant shield broke away from the surrounding formation and blocked the giant ship. Many orc torpedoes hit the giant shield, but the explosions and metal fragments failed to leave any traces on it.

These giant shields still look as shiny and new as ever.

"This is so unWaaagh!" an orc captain shouted fiercely, and then he could only watch as the giant shield cut straight into his precious battleship, smashing the war giant into two pieces.

But the ability of the giant shield to do this has nothing to do with its sharpness. No one would think that the thickness of the giant shield could be used to walk the Titan like a war blade, not even the orcs would think so.

After the huge amount of kinetic energy smashed the battleship into two pieces, the giant ship was unable to maintain an intact structure despite such a hammering. It fell apart and turned into a mass of metal in the universe.

The orcs' ambition to conquer the giant ship began to waver. Although the ship was indeed great, such a one-sided massacre still made the orcs demoralized.

This fight is so unWaaagh! Got it!

The orc warlord who was in the largest, most powerful, and most awesome battleship, the power claws in his hands squeaked in anger, and the modified semi-mechanical body burst out with dangerous lightning, even electrocuting a few unlucky farts. Became coke.

"Tell all the crazy idiots to open the door! Let the big tech masters activate all the teleporters! Let's go!"

The warlord's roar reached the ears of every orc and grot along the crude speakers and metal pipes.

The orcs once again cheered up, and they slapped a lot of the big teeth in their trouser pockets onto the Big Tech Master's table, so that they could be the first to enter the teleporter.

Big Tech Ba's eyes widened, he slapped his big hand on the table, and said angrily, "Waaagh! Now! I'm still thinking about earning big teeth! Are they still the orcs that make Brother Gaomao proud? You all go in for me today. ! I don’t want a big tooth! No matter what, I want to leave my mark on the big ship!”

The orcs were moved by Big Tech's impassioned attitude, and they all put Big Ya back into their trouser pockets, waiting for Big Tech to activate the teleporter.

The teleporter buzzed and trembled so much that even the guys who flew the plane were riding more smoothly than the teleporter platform. Numerous farts were running in the wheel room, creating a lot of energy.

At least the orcs feel that they can provide a lot of energy.

An ancient warlord-level Titan? To be honest, I don't know.

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