Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 465 I want to write a straight letter on your leg

"Interesting, so interesting. I didn't expect that you could actually develop such a thing." Odemeyer was full of admiration. She watched the giant shield pierce into the shield and protrude from the other end, and she also had a lot of research ideas in her mind. .

Seeing the Iron Warriors' ship getting closer, Odemeyer decided to activate the shuttle cannon to see the effect and make the scene real.

That guy named Ousted's ship should be located here.

Silently writing a ship into the artillery whitelist, Odemeyer activated the only functioning artillery piece on the warship.

The shuttle gun placed on the top of the ship is smooth and flat, without too many decorations and grooves. Only circles of blue light show up in the gaps, and the muzzle flashes with high-energy lightning, which hits the muzzle. internal.

The shuttle gun raised its angle, pointed straight up, and then fired.

A portal was torn open by lightning, and the shells loaded in the shuttle cannon were fired into the portal.

Several cracks appeared out of thin air inside the Iron Warrior's ship, and then a heavy and accelerated metal projectile appeared from the cracks, penetrating the structure of the ship from the inside.

These battleships are only wrapped by disordered subspace shields, but their internal spatial coordinates still maintain the original rules.

This kind of shield blocks damage caused by direct strikes, but it is useless against shuttle artillery that can rely on space to transmit shells.

"Sir! 30% of the ship's internal structure was damaged, and a large number of cabins and functional areas were seriously damaged!"

The sailors were struggling in the bridge. Their bodies had been firmly fixed in place by flesh, blood and machinery. However, they were still hit by the shells and were so shocked that they could not support their bodies. They could only hold on to all graspable objects to maintain their bodies. balance.

The shuttle cannon was recharged to complete the next shot. This time, one ship finally couldn't support it and broke into two pieces. The subspace shield achieved by sacrificing demons was also removed, allowing Lin Fan to witness the impact of the shuttle cannon.

The ships that were attacked were like parasites, exploding from the inside of their bodies and spilling out their internal organs and minced meat.

Switching to a behemoth like a battleship, the shock would be even more obvious.

The large gap on the ship makes even a non-picky owner like the Orc Techmaster shake his head and consider whether repairing the damage is worth it.

"Oh. Their shield is two-way. No wonder I didn't see the counterattack." Odemeyer's clear look confused Lin Fan. He didn't know what kind of results Odemeyer had achieved by destroying it.

"The shuttle gun was supposed to create a gap, and it was not penetrating, but judging from the damage status of these ships, there should be both internal damage and penetrating damage."

"So this means that the cannonball turned as soon as it was launched? How many times did it hit the enemy warship?" Lin Fan asked.

"No." Odemeyer's negative voice came, "Just like their subspace shield, the outer layer of the shield transfers the giant shield to the other side, and the same principle is true inside. The cannonball penetrates the ship itself. It was time to float in the universe, but when it touched the subspace shield, it was teleported back to the other side of the interior, so these ships were broken into pieces like this."

At this point, Odemeyer sighed, "Something, but not much. Apart from being used to get closer to the enemy group, I don't see what use this shield has."

Odemeyer complained lightly about the worthlessness of the subspace shield, but did not stop at all in controlling the shuttle cannon.

Oside also discovered the phenomenon of kinetic energy cannonballs being continuously transmitted from inside the subspace shield. Although this kind of transmission is purely random, the speed of kinetic energy cannonballs is extremely fast, and more random times will pose a huge threat to the ship.

what to do? Disable shield to avoid projectile teleportation? But what about the threat of the giant shield? That thing will chop them up like it's an orc.

Just take a gamble? A bet on ancient cybernetic demons stored during the Martian Civil War? Using these cruel, hungry demons?

There was nervous sweat on Ousted's forehead inside his helmet. He was quickly thinking about whether the cost and results were really worth making such a decision.

After the kinetic energy shell hit his ship again, and his magnetic boots moved a step while shaking him, Orsted passed the order to his men.

Execute the demon host and unleash the electronic demon!

The conveyor belt that continuously provided slaves to the demon host stopped. The collapsed survivors were tightly entangled with barbed wires. There were tears and blood in their eyes, only fear.

But they didn't know how to pray to the Emperor for salvation, just because they were fast-born people bred on the planet of the Iron Warriors, and they were born to be used as materials to fill the endless flames of the Iron Warriors.

These fast-growing people, who are like livestock, are trembling on the conveyor belt. Because of their advanced brain functions, they are also particularly sensitive to the perception and expression of emotions.

They didn't know why the conveyor belt stopped, but they knew that the horrifying screams and the ferocious laughter of demons no longer came from the end of the passage in the distance.

The conveyor belt began to rotate, returning these fast-moving people back to the dirty and crowded cargo hold. As for how many of them would die because of the spikes on the wires, the Iron Warriors didn't care.

They are now busy fulfilling Oost's orders, using heavy firepower to destroy the demon host and destroy the newly built Chaos Shrine.

There is also a cruel war going on inside the ship.

Those priests of the Dark Mechanicum who are closely related to the Iron Warriors activate storage boxes that are incomprehensible from a physical perspective under octagonal gears made of evil iron.

The priests of the Dark Mechanicus knelt towards the shadow inside the containment box, praying that it would not target them because of hunger, scholars who studied endless knowledge in the subspace.

Dark lightning flashed in the place, and then several Dark Mechanicus priests suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground unresponsive. Then the disturbing sound of electricity in the place finally disappeared. The Dark Mechanicus priests knew that the electronic demon had To devour more delicious food.

This kind of infiltration and contamination was not mediated by subspace, and appeared from the containment box on Odemeyer's giant ship almost instantly.

In that majestic sea of ​​data, Odemeyer felt a familiar presence, a presence that she had sensed when she and the old man fled to Mars.

"Rebecca, let go of the data sea."

Odemeyer said coldly to Rebecca, and allowed himself to take over the data sea of ​​the entire ship.

These Kriegs are really good at cooking. I wonder why everyone avoids them. I just want to know what kind of delicious meat this is.

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