Rebecca obediently listened to Odemeyer's orders, escaped from the data sea, and hid in the temporary safe zone created for her by Odemeyer.

In this completely isolated data security zone, she was completely unable to witness the information from the outside. She could only use her internally stored image gallery to pass the time watching her precious spiritual food.

"Haha. It's you. You had a contract with my great master."

"That's not what I signed."

"Haha. You have to ask Macado. There is no free lunch."


Odemeyer reached out and grabbed a string of numeric codes and deleted them completely.

"I remember that you have used these little tricks many times during the war."

Listening to Odemeyer's words, Electronic Demon chuckled, "It's more interesting to deal with you. Their current stuff is so simple and tasteless."

As he spoke, the electronic demon's data flow floated to Odemeyer's side and said in a threatening tone, "Before you wait for the bug to pay off the debt, my Lord will always be in control of your soul."

The electronic demon materialized a picture. In the ever-changing crystal cage, there was Odemair's soul.

"Heh. Are you threatening me? I would rather be your plaything than betray humanity."

"No, dear comrade, this is not betrayal, this is repayment of a debt. In the contract, you only have the last debt to repay."

The electronic demon shook out another contract, with the devil's language engraved on it. Odemair had never learned these things, but she could understand the meaning.

In the corner of this contract written in blood, there are three signatures with completely different styles.

The simplest signature looks like it was written with a pen dipped in blood.

That name was also the first thing Odemeyer noticed. It was the old name used by Malcador.

The other two names, one composed of crystal and light, Odemeyer had no idea what these complex and changing symbols meant. Perhaps this was the real name of Tzeentch, the Lord of Changes whom Lin Fan had described to him. .

But who can understand these endless variations of names? Who can grasp the order in which all changes in the universe are unified?

Perhaps the true names recited at this moment will change the order at the next moment.

Odemeyer only looked at the sea of ​​data for a few nanoseconds before she felt that her mind could not support the knowledge pollution that this name brought to her.

The crazier she gets, the more neat and concise she looks at the world. Odemeyer forcibly moved away her vision. She could already see that the data shadows of the electronic demons had become more amiable. Even those orcs who drank blood and ate people without spitting out their bones. They all started to become cute and innocent.

The last name, maybe this thing shouldn't be called a name? This seems more like a conceptual symbol, completely inconsistent with all the language constructs Odemeyer has studied.

"Is this the person who signed the contract?" Odemeyer forced herself to ask. In the scan just now, she had already witnessed the contents of the contract, which can be said to be quite terrifying.

The civil war of the Mars Mechanicus was written on this contract. From the rebels, to the scale of the rebellion, the number of deaths, and the lost technology, the records of this contract are more detailed than any history book.

The fate has long been determined, and any struggle is moving closer to the final outcome.

"Don't think about using him. In this world, the most basic rules must be followed. Even if my master is the master of fate and change, he must abide by the agreement. Anyone who breaks the most basic iron laws will be corrected. "

The warning sound of the electronic demon came, and Odemeyer's idea of ​​using Lin Fan to tear up the contract was dispelled, but only a little. She still had the idea of ​​​​relying on Lin Fan to get rid of the soul contract.

But for the Electronic Demon, her thoughts cannot be concealed at all. The complexity and chaos of the data sea makes it impossible for mortals to interpret the information in it. As one of the servants fabricated by Tzeentch himself, the Electronic Demon It can also easily interpret everything in the sea of ​​data.

He knew that Odemeyer had not given up yet, but he was not prepared to point this out.

As a party to the contract, they have never done anything beyond the contract. When mortals are eroded by the desires in their hearts, they will bear all the costs.

Odemeyer's hands trembled slightly, and the information pulling the sea of ​​data was also fluctuating. She continued to extend her thinking time, calculating again and again whether today's human beings could bear the consequences of breaking the contract.

"The entire Mechanicum of fools will be divided between them."

After thinking about the doomsday in which all technology collapsed, causing mankind to embark on the road to extinction again, Odemeyer closed his eyes and said resignedly.

"Then what's the last price? The Iron Man War, the Martian Civil War, and the containment of the Void Dragon have all been accomplished. What else do you want?"

"This last point is not as shameless as you think, my dear." The electronic demon smiled and said that the contract he signed was quite fair and just.

"Principal. Ahem, my lord, in the contract, the last item left behind is half of the golden ark."

"I don't know where the Ark is."

"Destiny will take you there. All you have to do is abide by the agreement."

"So this is why you came all the way? To remind me of a destined ending?"

Odemeyer showed obvious mockery of the electronic demon and manipulated the sea of ​​data to clean up the waste codes and massive loop errors that the electronic demon had unconsciously released.

Electronic Demon didn't care about this, he just smiled and said that he was just completing his work and doing part-time work.

The source of waste codes and loop errors disappeared. The electronic demon caused a lot of trouble to Odemeyer before leaving, which can be regarded as indirectly helping the Iron Warriors.

The engine of the giant ship stopped, the energy system of the entire ship became extremely unstable, and even the surrounding giant shields stopped moving.

The Iron Warrior ship, which had suffered a devastating blow, could finally take a breather. They passed through the wreckage left by friendly forces, using detectors to scan the ship's status, and were alert to counterattacks.

"The electronic demon is still powerful." Oside thought, and then led the most elite troops to attack the torpedo. He needed to leave a demon beacon inside the ship to complete the task.

Weekend mornings in Baal, weekend mornings in Fenris

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