Assault torpedoes were born in wars thousands of years ago. Oside still remembers the good old days when he used assault torpedoes to attack yellow-skinned idiot warships.

Every time he pulled the trigger, a bullet with words of humiliation embedded in their foreheads and helmet eyepieces would fill his heart with cathartic joy as long as he watched the yellow-skinned idiots fall down one by one.

But now, what he has to face is no longer the warship of the yellow-skinned idiot, but a ship that is suspected to be preserved from the golden age, cannot use full firepower, and is interfered by electronic demons.

"We can capture this ship." A soldier suggested to Oost.

Oside knew this guy. The gene seed he cloned was mixed with elements of World Eaters and Space Wolves, and he had a restless personality.

"Quiet! I have my own ideas!"

He coldly scolded him to shut up. Ousted didn't want to say anything to these rookies who had been fighting for as long as he had trained for a long time. He didn't care about the life or death of these people. He only cared about whether he could leave a trace in his father's heart, even if it was just a trace. Seconds will do.

"We can seize this ship! Then counterattack the Empire! Fill all worlds with our Order and Forge!"

The soldiers, who only had more than a hundred years of combat experience, were noisy, which made Ousted become even more impatient and irritable.

"That's enough! I said shut up! I am your commander!" Oside drew his gun at the cheeriest soldier who was shouting, and shot him twice in the chest.

The bomb failed to penetrate the armor and only left a dangerous deep crater, but this was enough to scare these soldiers into keeping quiet.

Damn it. I knew that the goods produced by that idiot Fabius were not so reliable. If I could survive, I must have a good exchange with the nurses under Fabius.

Ousted set his sights on the detector. He could see from the data that most of the battleship was black, which meant that the armor was either too thick or solid.

But no matter what the situation is, assault torpedoes cannot rely on cutting lasers to break through these black areas.

Only the tail engine and the bridge could still be scanned by the detector. Oside could not see any sailors or servants, nor the defenders inside the ship.

The ship was empty, except for two life signals on the bridge. One of the life signals was so frighteningly strong that Oust even wondered if it was a Primarch.

"May Father bless us."

Oside prayed, and then divided the assault torpedoes into two teams. One team headed towards the tail engine area, and the other team, led by him, went to the bridge area to see the situation, and if possible, seize control of the battleship. There is no need for my father to do these troublesome things.

With this in mind, Oside turned back and glanced at the situation of Shande's blacksmith fleet. Just as he expected, the damn blacksmith had opened the subspace portal, but just refused to leave. He was obviously observing the situation from the edge of the battlefield.

It seems that he didn't expect that I still have an ancient electronic demon here. Haha.

Oside narrowed his eyes. If he could take charge of this giant ship, the next moment would be to fire cannons to kill the Shande blacksmith who threatened him.

The hot cutting sound of the assault torpedo came, and red lights flashed throughout the cabin. There was shaking and bumping movement, and Oside was ready to attack.

The door opened and slammed to the ground. Orsted and other Iron Warriors rushed out, holding explosive bombs and various weapons, observing the situation inside the bridge with eyepieces.

"Hello." Lin Fan waved to them with a smile.

A mortal? Golden age mortals? trap? camouflage?

Ousted looked at Lin Fan's smiling face and couldn't understand all this for a while. He thought he could see a hail of bullets from various automatic weapons, but he never thought that the bridge was far cleaner and tidier than he imagined.

No matter what, he needed to seize the ship, and the ship's old owner would naturally die in their hands.

From the shock of opening the door to the reaction, it only took a standard Space Marine heartbeat. Oside and his soldiers raised their weapons almost at the same time, and their fingers were already on the trigger.

The bullet did not fire. Oside was sure that his finger had pressed the trigger. This could only be understood that this person used special means to block the firing process of the weapon.

Taking out the chainsword with his backhand, Oside rushed towards Lin Fan without any pause, and made a quick horizontal slash to his neck.

"I don't like cleaning up, and I don't like the smell of gunpowder smoke. You'd better be calm."

Ousted's movement stopped in mid-air, and the chain sword that he swung rapidly failed to hit Lin Fan's neck, and only brought a burst of air to his face.


Feeling that he had lost control of his armor and it was difficult to even turn his head, Oside could already think of the state of other soldiers.

"Witchcraft?" Odemeyer's voice sounded, and she used a strong magnetic field and strong gravity to lock the Iron Warrior's movements with disdain, "If I can still call this witchcraft, then what are you using? "

"Uh." Oside was speechless. He only felt his armor squeezing his body, and even his strengthened bone plates were unable to support such a huge force.

Lin Fan asked Odemeyer if they had left any markings on the ship, and received a positive reply. Lin Fan began to check the status of these Iron Warriors one by one.

"Hmm. The appearance of old-fashioned armor. These people are highly contaminated. Could it be clones with skin grafting technology?"

After taking off the helmets of the Iron Warriors and kneading the skin on their faces, Lin Fan decided to let Odemaier do the execution of these people.

"You. Are you using me?" Oside squeezed out a word from his teeth. He raised his head stubbornly so that he could look at Lin Fan with angry eyes.

"It can't be considered as using. We just catered to your ideas. If Perturabo really came, I would

Lin Fan stuck out his tongue. The way he teased the Iron Warriors looked quite lewd.

"You!" Oside wanted to curse, but his body was pressed to the ground by the gravity field and he could no longer get up. Only some weak breathing sounds could be heard.

Odemaier cleared these Iron Warriors out and repaired the gap in the assault torpedo that had just been opened.

The entire ship regained power again, and Shande Blacksmith ran away when he saw this.

Holy Relic: Lin Fan Armor

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