"Let's go to a nearby planet to collect some black stones." Odemeyer got off the spherical controller and lay on the ground stretching like a cat.

As Odemeyer exerted more force, Lin Fan could hear the bones in her body cracking.

"Should these things be recycled? Or should we just let them float in space?" Lin Fan pointed to the wreckage of the ship outside and asked Odemeyer.

"Those things? Well, I don't really want them. They're a bit too low-quality. But it's always good to be thrifty." Odemeyer asked Rebecca to clean them up with a giant shield.

It can be seen that Rebecca is a little clumsy when operating the twelve giant shields, like a child who has just learned to sweep the floor with a broom.

"I feel a little pain in my butt, it's burning, like I was bitten by something."

"That's the devil's mark. Just bear with it for now. When the man named Perturabo comes, I'll clean it with the Geller Field for you."


Rebecca roughly collected the wreckage of the ship in the universe and pressed them together with a giant shield. A dense and compact piece of compressed garbage was dragged to the rear of the ship by a steel cable. Odemeyer prepared to smash this piece of garbage on the ground. Process a piece of scrap metal.

Lin Fan and the others arrived at the coordinates. The galaxy was cold and dead, and the star in the center of the galaxy was dim and exuding a dying light.

"At that time, the Spirit Empire had a tourism project, which was very popular here." Odemeyer looked at the dying stars and recalled the past with some emotion. "They would take people all over the galaxy just to find a dying star and observe how it died."

"Logically speaking, no matter how fast the death rate of this star is, it cannot be calculated according to the cycle of hundreds of years?"

"That's right, so only people who are very, very free will sign up for this kind of travel project." Odemeyer curled his lips, and then didn't say much.

The giant ship floats outside the planet to prevent gravity from affecting the ship's body.

Odemeyer, Lin Fan, and the compressed metal blocks behind the ship were sent to the surface of the planet.

As soon as the scientists landed, they began to detect and investigate the planet's mineral deposits. No black stone building complexes have been found on this planet, only traces of mining and excavation. The reserves of black stone are not as large as Odemeyer imagined.

But the Geller position used to maintain their galaxy is more than enough. The black stone is more of a necessary reaction material than a consumable. As long as the equipment is not damaged, it can basically continue to be used.

The compressed metal waste was quickly transformed into a control platform with thousands of roughly modified engineering equipment on it. While Odemeyer was operating thousands of engineering equipment to seize black stone deposits deep in the planet, he contacted Rebecca to adjust the ship to a suitable angle.

Here Lin Fan and his team are making a planet suffer from mining, and in the subspace, a relatively prosperous and bustling galaxy is facing a violent impact.

Sandsmith's fleet returned to their base in the Warp.

In this irrational space, the core of the galaxy is no longer a huge star, but a fortress planet made of steel and the sweat of slaves.

On one side of the planet is a star that has been forcibly locked into position. The surface of the star is covered with criss-crossing production areas, and there are towering furnaces inserted deep into the star that have not collapsed.

Countless blacksmiths are forging endless chains for the stars. Their hammers grind the demons into them little by little, and use the power of demons to firmly bind the pain and anger of the stars.

On the periphery of the core planet are the planets and void cities that the Iron Warriors have robbed in previous wars. Half of some planets have been destroyed in the war, but the Iron Warriors have used steel fortresses to repair them.

Countless ships sailed to the Iron Warriors' station, and countless ships returned full of weapons and equipment.

Among them are the patrol ships of the Iron Warriors, alerting other warbands. Their heavy firepower will surely teach all the fools who are blinded by greed to reason.

Blacksmith Shander took a deep breath of the choking smell emanating from the hell's forge, which soothed his modified lungs. But then, he would have to face the censure of other blacksmiths.

Just as he thought, when he drifted into the outer reaches of the galaxy fortress zone, other warships belonging to the war blacksmiths surrounded him.

"Let's see who this is. Blacksmith Shande. I remember that you and Captain Oside went to look for black stone mines. Why is it that you are the only one in the fleet?"

Listening to the low voice coming from the communicator, Blacksmith Shande had no idea of ​​communicating properly. If it weren't for the fact that firing here would make his father angry, he would not listen to the sarcastic remarks of other war blacksmiths here.

"We have better things to report than Blackstone."

"But you didn't answer my question?"

"Why should I answer you? You are a loser who only knows how to torture slaves at home!"

"Hoho, so aggressive. I hope you won't regret it in the future."

The warships surrounding Blacksmith Sande dispersed, but the array of shining spears on their hulls showed the War Blacksmith's attitude towards Sande.

"Tsk! Idiot." Blacksmith Sande cursed with disdain, and then ordered his men to drive towards the core of the galaxy.

The Eternal Fortress - Maidengard, can also be called the Iron Star.

Blacksmith Shande could see their father's flagship, the Ironblood, silent in the defense of numerous automatic fortresses and Ironskeleton mechs. This extremely indifferent attitude towards them made him feel sad.

Even his father was unwilling to let them carry out the task of guarding. He believed more in the robots he made with his own hands.

The ship was moored in the port, and other blacksmiths urged slaves and highly modified servants to swarm aboard. They inspected the damage to the ship and repaired it quickly.

Blacksmith Shande and two of his men walked on the steel land of Maidengard. The buildings on both sides were designed like fortresses, making the place where Shande was walking look like a trench.


These three words stretch across the walls in all directions, and you can see these huge letters almost every few hundred meters you walk. There are traces of rust on the surface of these huge and heavy letters, leaving scars on the bolted plastic steel. Occasionally, the bodies of some punished people can be seen hanging under the letters. Their naked bodies are covered with scars, lying on the ground. Puddles of dried blood were created at the junction with the wall.

Shande knew what was behind these walls. It was the most efficient sweatshop constructed after more than ten thousand years of experience and experimentation.

Understanding Krieg Sign Language: There's an Oversized Tyranid Worm Behind You

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