When Odemair praised Perturabo for doing a good job, Perturabo felt a chill on his back from the battle just now.

The one hundred and twenty-eight corruptions of the Four Divine Minister Paths were so easily resolved? How can this be?

Perturabo couldn't believe this. Even if the warships of the Golden Age were really so powerful, they shouldn't be able to solve the corruption of ministers so easily.

Not only were these weapons designed by him personally, but they were also tested hundreds of times before they were installed on the Ironblood battleship.

He only uses the best weapons, and the Corruption Ray is one of his best weapons.

As long as a battleship is hit by Chen Dao's corrupted light, it will turn into a monster roaring in the universe within seconds, mindlessly colliding with everything around it, and praying to the four gods.

He once destroyed an entire Imperial fleet with a beam of light during a weapons test. There was nothing they could do but struggle inside the demonized ship.

But why.


A ball of electric sparks fell on Perturabo, and he woke up from the shock. He looked at the roar of the ship's data board. The damage to the battleship under the kinetic energy impact was really terrible.

No. This is not the damage caused by the kinetic energy impact, but the energy impact caused by the overload of the void shield. Perturabo sensed the condition of the ship and found that half of the void shield array was on the verge of collapse.

The eternal shield he learned in the Terra Palace only saved him once, but it could no longer support such a huge force.

What are those giant shields made of? Why is it so massive? A whole piece of fine gold floating in the universe?

The more Perturabo thought about it, the more he was shocked by the legacy of the Golden Age. He also thought about the huge size of the Phalanx and its ability to form different climates and different ecosystems.

"This battleship must be specially used for fighting."

This is no longer a war. This assault is likely to fail, and we must return to Maidengard to think of countermeasures.

Perturabo looked at the tragic situation of his fleet being cut up by giant shields and kinetic energy shells, and he also wanted to quit, but a strong sense of unwillingness influenced his decision.

Just leave. Next time when the battleship's weapon system is fully restored, there will be no chance to seize this legendary battleship.

Gang hopping? Space positioning transmission? There must be corresponding defenses inside this ship, and sending soldiers aboard would be nothing but death.

A newsletter? Communication from the giant ship? The AI ​​on the ship is still the operator on the ship.

"Perturabo, I didn't expect that after thousands of years, you would still be such a waste."

A holographic projection that was familiar to Perturabo appeared. With such an appearance and voice, all of Perturabo's reason and hesitation collapsed in an instant, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Roger Dorn!!!"

Perturabo's roar echoed through the cabin as his demonic hands gripped the console, smashing the hologram to pieces again and again.

But Rogal Dorn didn't show any emotion because of his behavior, just like the Dorn Perturabo knew before.

“Anger doesn’t solve the problem of you being trash.”

"Shut up! I'm going to rip your head off right now!"

"Come on then, I don't think you can do this."


The more emotionless Dorne's reply became, the stronger Perturabo felt that he was being scorned.

In the end, he did not choose to use the data pad and cold electronic sound to issue orders to the fleet, but instead held the microphone and shouted loudly.

"Kill Rogal Dorn for me!"

As soon as these words came out, the Iron Warriors were at a loss at first, and then the hatred engraved in their genes burst out. Many recruits still didn't know where the rage in their hearts came from, but those veterans who had lived longer He explained to them that Dorn and his Imperial Fists were damned bastards.

The Iron Warriors, whose morale had dropped just now, suddenly became high-spirited. They sent out assault torpedoes almost desperately. The fixed-point teleportation of the Terminator also roughly estimated the position and teleported towards the giant ship. It was very likely that you would die. To forget.

The Iron Blood's engines were running at full strength, and the ion vortices spewed out by these engines filled with demonic power even created a slowly healing subspace rift behind the tail.

Chendao's corrupted beams were fired in volleys, and the shells of various macro-cannons also hit the Rebecca giant ship. No matter how fast Odemair controlled the giant shield, it was difficult to block so many firepower strikes. He could only rely on Supported by the defense of the hull itself.

Geller's stance, which was activated time and time again to clean up subspace corrosion, also made Odemeyer's physical discomfort more and more intense. These soul deprivers, which could directly kill mortals and even kill Space Marines, made Odemeyer feel uncomfortable. Feeling dizzy, her ability to control the ship gradually became less efficient.

"Your plan is really good. They really don't want to escape." Odemeyer shook his groggy head and watched Lin Fan use the newly made skin bag to fight Perturabo frantically.

"Look, what I said." Lin Fan turned off the communication very confidently, and took off the leather holster on his body that was exactly the same as Rogge Dorn's. "When they see the Imperial Fist, they will become Like a mad dog, Perturabo will definitely have to come and kill him, I tell you."

"But I can't cope with it now. Running the Geller Stand at full power not only consumes energy, but also makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"You stay with Rebecca for a while, and I will stimulate Perturabo again." Lin Fan put on the Dornish suit again, and dialed Perturabo's communication. This time, the wait was not as long as last time. , but was answered by Perturabo in an instant.

"What else have you not finished saying, you bastard? I will send out the Iron Guards immediately! Send you and your heirs to the sky!"

"Wait for me, I'll go to the ship to clean up this disobedient child like you."

"What? What did you say? What the hell did you just say?"

"Wait for me, I'll go to the ship to deal with this disobedient child like you."

"Uhhhh! I didn't ask you to repeat what you said! Shut up!"

"But you asked me, and you asked me three times."

"That's enough! Wash my neck and wait!"

The communication was hung up rudely, and Odemeyer gave Lin Fan a thumbs up, indicating that you are a good person with mentality.

Lin Fan was humbled. This was not due to his personality, but because Rogal Dorn had such a straight male personality. Like the Kriegs, he could never understand the meaning behind the words.

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