This bastard! What a fucking bastard!

Perturabo's body heated up rapidly, causing the ground he stepped on to become hot and red. More and more water vapor was evaporated by his heat, causing the room to fall into extreme dryness.

What is this bastard going to do? Perturabo saw the giant ship swinging towards the Iron Blood, and then a Centurion with a rocket engine on its back flew towards him.

oh? Is this what you rely on? A Centurion mech so backwards? What a waste of money it is to leave this golden age warship to you, you idiot never did any research!

The angry Perturabo stared at the logo symbolizing Dorne on the screen. He issued a death order to all the battleships. Whoever dared to fire on the Centurion would be written into the Book of Iron Hatred.

Many Iron Warriors who were ready to move looked at each other. They really did not dare to take action without risking the wrath of the Lord of Steel, so they could only aim their locked artillery at the Rebecca giant ship again.

"Come on! Come on! How far can you go! Huh?" Perturabo knocked on the console frantically, causing the eternal shield to open a gap for the centurion.

Most void shields are unable to withstand such small high-velocity objects, but Perturabo was inspired by the Eternal Shield when he besieged the Palace of Terra.

He liked the fact that the eternal shield could block even bullets, so he spent a lot of time rebuilding his own eternal shield in the subspace.

Dorn's body stopped just before it hit the Perturabo Iron-Blooded. He controlled the rocket engine to find a wide enough gap from the Iron-Blooded.

"I don't see any doors on your boat."

"Door? Your battleship has a stupid door!" Perturabo felt his demon body began to experience sudden pain. He shouldn't have this kind of neurological pain.

"At least my ship has a lot of doors, including pressure relief doors, explosion-proof doors, and decorative doors painted gold." Dorn told Perturabo in a calm voice what kind of doors would be installed on his ship.

"Damn it! I don't want to hear your explanation! I don't need you to explain their use to me! I know how to build doors! I also know what doors to build!"

"But there really is no door on your ship."

"You! Uh. Uh. Ahem! Ahhh!"

Perturabo felt like his brain was going to explode, if he really had a brain now. Every chat with Dawn was like this, which made him feel angry and incomprehensible. This damn idiot only knew how to understand other people's words literally, and he had never found that he had such cognitive problems.

Lin Fan, disguised as Dorne, didn't care about Perturabo's irritability. He recalled and imitated Dorne's normal communication state, torturing Perturabo's already emotional heart.

"Actually, you should install some doors so I can get in earlier."

"Stop fucking talking! Stop talking!"

"That's why I was the one to build the palace in the end, not you, because my father knows that I can do better, and you will make the palace lack doors."

A soul critical strike, a critical strike that made Perturabo so angry that he could crush everything in his hand and stab it directly into his chest.

Not being able to build a palace for Terra and let his skills show off was the pain of his life.

Think about everything he sacrificed for the Emperor's war, his broken ideals, tense nerves, indifference and indifference to everything, all in order to gain the Emperor's approval.

The Emperor could be heard saying to him: "Perturabo, you have done well, and now I will entrust you with the glory of building the palace."

But what about the facts?

The fact is that while he was on a damn planet, digging trenches in mud pits and setting up bombing zones and minefields for his troops, he heard the news that Rogal Dorn was building a palace.

And this son of a bitch didn't realize how much his behavior irritated Perturabo's heart. When Fulgrim asked Dorn if he could build a palace that even Perturabo couldn't break, Rogal Dorn didn't even notice. Shamelessly say "yes."

"Hahaha! But I did it! I smashed your palace to pieces! Who is the strongest now!" Perturabo always thought of his cannons smashing Dorne's defenses, leaving his heirs I couldn't even find ashes and I felt refreshed.

"What? You can't speak, can you? You are finally dissatisfied, right? Every broken brick in the palace! I will collect them! Use them to make the mud wall you hate the most! They are just like you! Soft! Smashed! Vulnerable!"

There was a long silence, and Perturabo's roar failed to receive any reply. He even thought that Dorn was so angry that he could no longer move his wooden head around.

The angrier you get! The happier I am! Jie Jie Jie!

"Perturabo." Dorn's deep voice came. Perturabo put his ear to the communicator expectantly, waiting for the stubborn stone who never smiled to scold him.

"Hurry up! Speak quickly. Release your anger. I know you are not that calm!" Perturabo was so excited that his fingers trembled violently.

If this were true, Dorn might be angry. But this was Lin Fan's disguise, and this guy was very good at playing tricks on people. He just pretended to be confused and lightly knocked on the Iron Blood's outer armor plate.

"You really should be a doorman."


Perturabo was a little surprised. He was stunned for a while, then he covered his face and stooped deeply. The demon engine in his body entered a cold state as he felt lost in his heart, and then he responded to Dorn with a cold attitude that was so plain that it made everyone tremble.

"Since you like doors so much, I'll make one for you."

Perturabo didn't know how he finished saying this. He just felt that Rogal Dorn was the same as before, never listening to his words or appeals seriously.

They just ignore me again and again.

Perturabo gasped slightly as he was immersed in painful memories. He even vomited a mouthful of dark blood, which was swallowed up by the battleship when it fell to the floor.

Tired, Perturabo adjusted the ship's pipeline, creating a high-pressure area for Dorn's position that could not be vented. Then, under the pressure, the outer armor plate of the ship was pushed open, creating a gap.

"Your door is too small, even by mortal standards."

Perturabo didn't know what to say anymore. He felt that he couldn't be angry anymore. He just waved his hand and asked the Iron Bone Guards to break the guy's legs, and then sent him to kneel here.

He had to vent his frustration.

Rare scene of Perturabo beating the demon Angron hard

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