Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 481 You’re the one messing with my mentality, right?

"Huh" took a deep breath, and Perturabo felt that he was so angry that his head was swollen, and the assimilation of metal and flesh all over his body stung unbearably.

He turned his attention to the interior of the ship. He watched the centurion bathe in the firepower of the Iron Guard.

"Wait. Something is wrong. Where is this centurion's weapon? Dorn is not a guy who is keen on close combat, and he is armored."

This centurion armor is solid! No servos! There is no automatic loading system. This thing is just like the armor worn by knights in ancient times. It relies entirely on the strength of the body to support it.

"This is not Dorn. This guy is deceiving me, but his character and conversation." Perturabo was a little confused, and he suddenly had the slightest doubt about his own judgment.

But no matter what, let's ask the Iron Guards to arrest this centurion who is suspected of being Dorne.

The Iron Bone Guards responded to their maker's orders and aimed their weapons at Lin Fan inside the Centurion's armor.

These Iron Bone Guards do not have a human appearance, but have an upper body equipped with a turret and missile nest supported by an eight-legged base.

"Mission objective: capture."

The cold mechanical voice echoed in Lin Fan's ears, and a series of heavy armor-piercing projectiles flew towards him. Lin Fan easily dodged the fire from the Iron Bone Guards.

"Your capture standards are really interesting." Lin Fan complained secretly in his heart, activated the space pocket Odemeyer made for him, and took out a heavy and huge hammer from it.

The Sledgehammer Eighty-Ten has been upgraded again in the hands of Odemeyer. Now the head of this huge hammer can be used as a gun to shoot.

This is how Odemeyer explained to Lin Fan that a hammer could be used as a gun but did not have the appearance of a gun.

"You won't get tired. No matter what the gun is made of, it won't interfere with your use."

Regarding Odemeyer's statement, Lin Fan said it was quite reasonable. For someone like him who doesn't get tired and has great strength, it doesn't matter whether the gun looks like a gun or not.

Pressing this place was used to charge the weapon. Lin Fan thought about the method of use that Odemeyer taught him, and put his hand on the handle of the sledgehammer.

Lin Fan's hand was holding a triangular protrusion, which looked like the design of a human-powered flashlight. However, the force of pressing this triangular protrusion was much greater than Lin Fan imagined. He had to press both hands up to make the triangular protrusion sink into the handle of the hammer.

The hammer head buzzed, and the complex and extremely strong slowdown gear inside was running under Lin Fan's pressure. Thanks to Odemeyer's good skills in material synthesis, otherwise these gears would have shattered under such huge torque.

"I remember that this was a highly compressed heat mass?" Lin Fan recalled how Odemeyer introduced him to the properties of this weapon. He raised the sledgehammer with both hands and aimed at the Iron Guards.

How to aim at this? Center point with hammer? Or where the stick is placed? Lin Fan was a little confused, but he still pointed at the Iron Bone Guards and shot.

A ball of heat was emitted from the hammer head. Apart from the violent disturbance in the surrounding air, it was almost impossible to see what the ball of heat was emitted from the hammer head.

If you have a thermal imager, you can probably see this heat mass. It shines bright red in the detection mirror, just like looking directly at the sun at close range.

The heat ball was somehow tightly bound by Odemeyer, and it did not quickly dissipate fierce heat in the air. Instead, the stick held by Lin Fan became increasingly red and hot. It seemed that Odemeyer wanted to save some money. Kung Fu did not give Lin Fan any insulation equipment.

The heat ball hit the Iron Bone Guard. It was not so much Lin Fan's good aiming skills as it was the heat ball that took the initiative to attach itself to the Iron Bone Guard's armor.

The hard armor of the Iron Skeleton Guards turned red in an instant, and then the precision equipment inside them also withstood the intense heat. The coolant in the heat dissipation pipes could not withstand such high temperatures, and one after another Iron Skeleton robots began to melt inside. It burned, and the outer armor was cracked inch by inch, clanking on the floor of the ship.

Lin Fan used a sledgehammer to open a path among the damaged Iron Bone Guards. He knew that Perturabo must be staring at this place, so he simply talked to himself in the air.

"I mean, Perturabo, are you still secretly watching from behind? Why don't you and I have a good conversation?" Lin Fan said while taking off the Centurion armor on his body.

"You are not Dorne, why do you know Dorne so well? Are you his friend?" Perturabo's voice came, with doubts and dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Friends?" Lin Fan thought for a while. He had such a good relationship with the emperor, so it would not be difficult for him to be friends with Dorn. "He is my good brother at any rate."

"Haha. Then you should bear the pain for Dorn first."

After Perturabo's cold words ended, Lin Fan felt thousands of dangerous red threads pointing towards him.

My God, how many turrets Perturabo has.

Lin Fan just sighed in his heart, and then he saw various turrets protruding from the wide corridor in front of him, and at the same time, more Iron Bone Guards came from a distance.

"Well, it seems I'm quite busy."

Curling his lips helplessly, Lin Fan clenched the sledgehammer in his hand and rushed toward the hail of bullets. With such density of firepower, dodging became meaningless.

All kinds of bullets and artillery shells hit Lin Fan's body, causing his whole body to be filled with all kinds of fragments and gunpowder smoke. Lin Fan even felt the dense bullets hitting his nostrils, and with the subsequent bullets hitting him bit by bit. Going deeper and deeper.

He blew his nose hard, and a mixed metal ball spurted out from his two blocked nostrils. Lin Fan used the sledgehammer in his hand to block his face, so that the endless bullets would not come out. Drilled into various holes in his body.

What to do with the ears and eyes? Lin Fan felt that his ears were getting heavier and heavier. God knows how many metal fragments were piled up in his ears.

"Perturabo, I say you are just wasting ammunition by continuing to fight like this. Why don't you and I fight as true men?"

Lin Fan shouted to Perturabo while smashing the turrets and Iron Bone Guards that attacked him, but Perturabo ignored him and just used more and more automatic defense weapons.

Perturabo felt strange about this self-proclaimed friend of Dorne, and his resistance to long-range weapons reminded him of the days when he had to deal with Angron.

The help of the guy who became a demon was completely negative in terms of strategy and tactics. The killing without distinction between friend and foe not only gave Horus a headache, but was also an unstable factor that was difficult to control in Perturabo's battle plan.

But Angron, who has ascended to magic, fell to his knees under his fire. How long can you hold on? Even if these small weapons are ineffective, what about these larger weapons?

The imperial double-headed eagle has a sharp modification on its right foot. If the two feet are the same length, then the eagle is pointing at Lord Carlos the Great Demon.

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