Odemair started the subspace engine again. With the experience of surfing in the subspace for the first time, it was much faster to find the violent waves the second time.

The battleship was swept far away by the waves, and Odemeyer urged the battleship to break away from the subspace and return to the Grand Hotel Galaxy.

"Just over a week, so I didn't waste much time."

Odemeyer asked Rebecca to stay on the giant ship first. After she built the production line and installed the Geller stand, he would write a new AI operating system for the giant ship.

Watching Odemeyer hurriedly get off the shuttle, Lin Fan felt that she was really too busy. He could only hope that Delia could learn to understand the few books that Odemiel gave her as soon as possible, or twist her admiration. Turabo decided to help Lin Fan.

Thinking of Delia, Lin Fan saw Delia running over from a distance. She was still wearing the red robe of the Mechanicus. She looked a little excited and a little embarrassed that she had done something wrong.

"Hi!" Lin Fan raised his hand to say hello to Delia, but Delia didn't respond to her and just hugged Lin Fan tightly.

"Ahem. You have to come here quickly. I did something not very good?" Delia raised her head, with a hesitant look on her face, and her tone was so uncertain.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, not knowing what Delia was talking about. He motioned to Delia to wait for him for a while, and then he pulled Perturabo out of the shuttle, who was locked in a stasis position.

"Is this a freezer?"

"It's a stasis position, but it does look a lot like a freezer."

"Is this...a naked Space Marine?"

"Shh~" Lin Fan motioned to Delia to lower her voice, "This is a renegade Primarch, and we captured him easily."

Delia blinked in surprise, then took off her red robe and covered it on the stasis stand that looked like a freezer.

"Wow." Lin Fan saw that Delia's figure was a little different after taking off her red robe. For example, the bulge of her breastplate became higher.

"Is there any problem?" Delia took off her red robe and hesitated, then asked Lin Fan with a smile.

"Did you install something? Like silicone or some kind of biological filling, or did you install a more powerful engine?"

"Do you think this is an engine?" Delia turned around, and Lin Fan found that she was much more flexible and less rigid.

"That's the problem. I keep dreaming these past few nights, and then she'll come over."

When Lin Fan heard this, he understood. No wonder Slaanesh hadn't come to him in the past few days to express his feelings. His feelings were with Delia.

"Then your breastplate won't be..." Lin Fan frowned. In his eyes, the underside of the breastplate was probably the corrosion caused by the arrival of Slaanesh, such as various tentacles and some more indescribable things.

"No, no!" Delia waved her hands hurriedly, "There is no corrosion or anything like that. Those things have been restricted around my room by Colonel Erica."

"Okay, let me go and see what's there. I hope it's not too outrageous."

Delia asked her mechanical puppy to turn into a rocket engine and hold up the "freezer", while she wrapped her tail around the "freezer" and dragged it along.

On the way to Delia's room, Lin Fan learned about some of the friendly interactions between Delia and Slaanesh every night. However, looking at Delia's blushing face, it goes without saying who takes the initiative in the communication.

"She said my breasts were a bit small, so she enlarged them."

"She also said that I had too many parts and told me to decorate less."

"She always likes to tease me in my dreams. I haven't slept well for several nights."

"If she hadn't deliberately controlled the dissipation of power, I suspect that my bedroom would have become an altar."

After listening to Delia's complaints, Lin Fan suddenly felt that Delia might be one step away from becoming the chosen champion of Slaanesh. However, Slaanesh knew that Lin Fan didn't like the kind of too indulgent depravity, so naturally she wouldn't do it. Delia fell.

The place where Delia lives is the place where Delia conducts daily research and experiments. It is a large warehouse with a mechanical skeleton gear installed at the front door and surrounded by open space.

From the outside, there seems to be nothing wrong with this place, but I don’t know what’s going on inside.

Colonel Erica also walked out of the surrounding defensive positions, with some dirt on her military uniform.

Stomping her feet, Erica made an eagle salute to Lin Fan, "We have driven away the people around us, and no one has noticed the situation here. Only Commissar Kane has a sharp nose as always."

"Oh, he, he is this kind of person, so what?"

"We captured him and locked him in a cooking cart. The people of Valhalla haven't discovered this yet. My soldiers are giving them papers at high intensity to divert their attention."

Listening to Erica saying some very cruel words very calmly, Lin Fan was a little curious, "What kind of papers are there? How many days can you delay?"

"As for the degree of fall of the cannonball under different gravity and the correction method for the deflection of the cannonball due to the rotation of the planet, we only allowed them to calculate by hand."

Lin Fan listened for a while and felt sympathy for the mental torture the people of Valhalla had suffered these past few days.

"Pull out Commissar Kane. Sometimes you should tell him something. Also give those Valhalla people a few days off and ask them to go shopping in the new city to promote harmony between the military and the people."

Erica responded, and soon a cooking cart that Lin Fan was familiar with came from the corner. The hatch was open, and inside was a Krige wearing a chef's hat, but he still maintained the tradition of wearing a gas mask. , just without attaching the breathing tube to the filter.

Considering that the Kriegs are taciturn and unsociable, no one is willing to go to the cooking cart with the Krieg Dalian logo to order food.

Whether they are planet residents or ordinary soldiers, they are more willing to go to other regiments' cooking carts to eat.

These different Dalian cooking carts will have some differences in details. For example, the Dalian cooking cart in Valhalla will always have tanner tea that tastes like dishwater.

Casare Dalian's cooking truck will provide soldiers with fresh fruits and vegetables to eat raw as snacks, instead of just putting them all into a pot to stew.

The cooking carts of the Dalian Company of the Atonement Army are nothing special, except that the chefs will specially glue each metal rice bowl with a small piece of paper that they copied from the Emperor's Word.

Krieger's cooking cart in Dalian is very simple, and the food it makes is not that particular. The ingredients are always made into various easy-to-digest pastes. This may be because they are accustomed to eating such food through the diversion tube under their coats. .

When Curze predicted the rebellion, he asked someone for help. Fulgrim was still a caring brother at that time, but Fulgrim didn't know what to do, so he went to talk to Dorne. Dorne had such a bad character.

Dorn pointed at Curze's nose and yelled, saying that he was deceiving others with his evil words, and that there was no way the original body could rebel. Curze was frightened by Dorn, attacked Dorn and ran away.

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