"I remember that Political Commissar Kane was quite powerful. How could you keep him in the car?"

Lin Fan still remembered that Kane was a swordsmanship champion. At least in his company, the only one who could surpass him in swordsmanship was Colonel Serena.

Of course Delia can do it, but Delia is not good at using swords. She prefers to use the electromagnetic saw on her back and the power gear ax in her hand.

No one wants to collide with a weighted power gear ax with a chainsword. The pain in the hand bones alone is enough to make people lose control of the chainsword.

Colonel Erica looked a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and looked at her leather boots.

This is strange, does Erica also have such a hesitant temper? Lin Fan was a little surprised, but decided to check on Commissar Kane's situation first.

Commissar Kane was put in the compartment of the cooking cart, and he looked good when he was released. After all, the Krieg soldiers only temporarily controlled him, and did not really want to kill the commissar.

"What? Our great and invincible Chief Soap is back?" Political Commissar Kane spoke in a confident tone, "Then can I take off the collar around my neck?"

Collar? Lin Fan took a closer look and saw that there was a collar around Commissar Kane's neck, and the red light on it was flashing again and again.

"This is what Priest Delia did. After she pushed Commissar Kane to the ground, she installed a bomb collar around his neck. Later, it was bound to the cooking cart. As long as he stayed 20 meters away from the cooking cart, his head At once."

Erica made an explosive gesture, and Lin Fan was shocked. He turned to look at Delia. He never knew that this guy was bold enough to install a bomb collar on the neck of the legendary political commissar.

Delia saw Lin Fan's eyes and lowered her head in embarrassment. She raised her hand and pinched her wrist. The bomb collar around Commissar Kane's neck fell loosely.

Seeing Commissar Kane holding the bomb necklace in his hands in a panic and exhaling deeply, Lin Fan knew that Commissar Kane must have been extremely nervous these past few days.

"Ahem. What Delia did is very bad. Delia, you have to apologize to Commissar Kane."

"I'm sorry." Delia obediently apologized to Commissar Kane and took the bomb collar with her hand.

"Well, everyone has done wrong things, as long as they serve the emperor in the end." Commissar Kane laughed, indicating that the matter was over.

"Actually, the main reason they lock you up is because they are afraid that you will have random thoughts and that you will talk nonsense about what you have seen."

have a bee in one's bonnet? Nonsense?

Commissar Kane remembered what he had seen a few days ago. Originally, he came to Delia to give her feedback on the soldiers tasting synthetic meat.

After knocking on the door for a long time, there was no response. Commissar Kane put his ear against the door and could still faintly hear some familiar whispers.

It was like his previous experience in a girls' boarding school.

Make no mistake, Commissar Kane didn't go to a girls' boarding school for any dirty reasons. He just happened to fight on the planet for eight months, playing cards, drinking and killing people with his new friend David Ass. Boring days of killing heretics.

But later, when the two were "having fun" outside, they happened to be attacked by Chaos believers, deviated from the planned route, and then found a girls' boarding school.

After helping the school repel the harassment of Chaos believers, Kane and his team were warmly welcomed by the principal and students. Among them, the principal with beautiful green eyes wanted Kane to experience a gentle country.

However, Commissar Kane realized that there was something wrong with the principal's earnestness. He suddenly realized that this was a Slaanesh cultist, and the school had become a den of Slaanesh's whoredom. The loyal Commissar Kane gave the charming female principal a stone. Boomstick left a comment that he preferred blond hair.

Because of this experience, he was particularly sensitive to the corrosive aura of Slaanesh, and he suddenly realized that Delia was in crisis.

Pulling out the chain sword from his waist like a hero, Commissar Kane used his strong physical strength to forcefully break open the door. When he looked intently at the situation inside the room, he only saw Delia with a red face. Slumped in a chair and slept.

Behind Delia is a majestic shadow that is twisting. On the floor of this room is red wine that looks like blood, and there are exquisite gold coins squeezed out from the wall from time to time.

Commissar Kane gritted his teeth. He had to do something for the people on this planet. He had to save Priest Delia under the interference of the devil Slaanesh.

But he had to inform the camp first. He had accomplished many feats single-handedly, but if he had a choice, he would still prefer to find some reinforcements.

For example, Colonel Selina, who is invulnerable to any injuries, is a good choice.

Just as Commissar Kane was about to send an alert to the soldiers through the communicator, Delia and Slaanesh suddenly restricted Kane's movements and equipment.

However, Slaanesh did not contact Commissar Kane, she just used her own power to isolate the room so that news of him could not spread.

Delia was the one who really did the work. She looked at Commissar Kane with a complicated expression and put the bomb collar on the Commissar.

Political Commissar Kane was heartbroken at the time. He knew that there was something wrong with the Thirty-seventh Regiment, that Soap, Delia's sister, and Colonel Erica who was acting strangely.

It turns out that this group has long been corrupted by Slaanesh.

"Do what you have to do, I will not betray the Emperor."

"We didn't betray the emperor, it's just that these things are very complicated and I can't explain them to you."

"Haha." Commissar Kane shook his head sadly, as if he was a martyr.

Delia put a bomb collar on Commissar Kane to limit his range of activities, and also blocked his mouth.

Not knowing how to deal with the aftermath, Delia had to find Colonel Erica to discuss countermeasures. Colonel Erica had long known that there seemed to be some subtle relationship between Lin Fan and Chaos, which was evident from the religious world of Landers.

For example, she heard with her own ears that a great demon of Slaanesh called Lin Fan master. Later, the great demon of Slaanesh even married a bishop of the state religion.

Moreover, as a mortal who had met the Emperor, her loyalty to the Emperor and her trust in Lin Fan overcame her doubts about the power of Chaos.

Then Commissar Kane was imprisoned in a cooking cart under the arrangement of these two people and was not released until today.

During the life in the cooking cart, Commissar Kane did not forget to describe everything he saw to the Krieger soldiers in the cart. However, these Krieger soldiers had experienced even more outrageous things, so naturally they would not describe Commissar Kane Take your words seriously.

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