Oh, you said you saw Priest Delia corrupted. This doesn’t seem to be a big deal. After all, in the world of Landers, we people also built a magic circle to summon Nurgle with our own hands. Speaking of demonic corruption, We soldiers also know a little about breath. Colonel Erica is not in a hurry, so I advise you not to be in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Commissar Kane smiled miserably. He felt that he had gone crazy. Delia and Lin Fan, who looked normal in front of them, were just hallucinations.

The real situation is that this planet has become a paradise for demons. He has disappointed the emperor and cannot live up to the political commissar coat he wears.

Looking at Commissar Kane's appearance, Lin Fan also knew that this person was probably thinking wrongly, but it was normal. Any soldier who had received imperial propaganda would think so, let alone a political commissar who was born in Zhongji Academy. .

Although Commissar Kane was a bit unconventional in private, his loyalty to the Emperor was real.

"Commissar Kane, you come with me, I will tell you something."

Lin Fan also called Erica by the way. Although Erica and her soldiers had never wavered, Lin Fan felt that he needed to eliminate some small worries for Erica.

Lin Fan deliberately found a secret room. In front of him were Commissar Kane and Colonel Erica who were sitting quietly. He also specially prepared a board to describe the subtle relationship between the Emperor and Chaos today.

"Commissar Kane, please hold my hand."

Commissar Kane looked at Lin Fan's extended hand and hesitated, but still firmly held Lin Fan's hand.

Colonel Erica held Lin Fan's other hand.

Lin Fan then began to call the Emperor and pulled Commissar Kane and Erica into the Golden Throne.

It was still the place where golden light shone and exuded a sacred aura. The emperor sat on the throne, looking down at the three people who had just entered.

Lin Fan pushed Commissar Kane, who was stunned, and told him to stop standing here and ask him if he had anything to say. But Commissar Kane's eyes were filled with the emperor's majestic throne, as well as the mass and hymns that kept echoing in his ears, and he pursed his lips nervously, not knowing what to say.

"Uh. Ahem. Lord of mankind. My great emperor." Commissar Kane felt that he had difficulty breathing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. He kept pulling on his collar with his hands.

"Loyal Commissar, there is nothing to be nervous about." The emperor's voice came, and at the same time a touch of pink breath poured into Commissar Kane's nose, and Commissar Kane suddenly felt that his spirit had calmed down.

"Thank you, great Emperor. I lost my temper."

"Ha! You should thank me~cute little guy~"

came a feminine voice, teasing in her tone. The emperor sat on the throne and covered his face helplessly. He slightly opened his palms to observe the situation outside through his fingers.

"Oh~ dear~" Slaanesh wrapped around Lin Fan as soon as he appeared, leaning forward with his pink face, and his long tongue like a snake spitting out touched Lin Fan's face like a dragonfly touching water.

This Slaanesh is quite fast. As long as Lin Fan enters the Golden Throne, he can basically meet this guy Slaanesh.

"I said you don't live in the Golden Throne anymore, do you?"

"Of course not, I moved next to him, and now the Emperor and I are neighbors~" Slaanesh said, not forgetting to glance at the Emperor with his eyes.

The emperor looked even more distressed. He covered his face with both hands, rested his elbows on his thighs, and kept his upper body slumped down.

"Don't you like having a neighbor? I can also give you some delicious food. Do you like to drink some wine?" Slaanesh didn't care about the emperor's doubts about life, and he happily changed and produced a bottle of A wine jug made of gold poured a glass for everyone.

Colonel Erica took the cup and was stunned for a moment before tilting her head and expressing her gratitude to Slaanesh in a suspicious tone. Slaanesh said that she liked good, polite children like Erica.

But Commissar Kane was so shocked by the incomprehensible interaction that he could not speak. The gorgeous cup in his hand was forced into his hand by Slaanesh.

"Am I crazy or not?"

"You're not crazy. This is how the subspace is now. Well, the Emperor and Slaanesh are now allies. This... this 'evil god' is technically my wife."



Commissar Kane and Erica asked in unison, but they had different emphasis on Lin Fan's words. Commissar Kane and Slaanesh both looked at Erica. Such complicated looks forced Erica to lower her head again and stare at her leather boots.

"I.I." Commissar Kane thought for a long time but still couldn't figure out why the emperor could become an ally with Slaanesh, and Lin Fan and Slaanesh were still lovers. This kind of thing was really too sensational.

"But that's bullshit. I mean, Slaanesh has killed so many people before and now she's suddenly an ally?"

"At least she's not causing harm to anyone now, that's enough." The Emperor answered Kane's question.

"Then why don't we destroy her? To avenge those lost lives?"

"Because you can't destroy me, my dear, you are me, and I am you. Even if you make me disappear today, your joy, anger, sorrow and joy will make me reborn tomorrow. This is meaningless." Slaanesh was lazy. Stretching, he completed the next sentence for the Emperor.

"This." Seeing that Commissar Kane and Erica still didn't understand, Lin Fan could only explain to him in detail the close connection between the real world and subspace, and the nature of these gods.

After listening to these, Commissar Kane became more depressed, "So wouldn't everything we do be meaningless? It sounds like our struggles are their gifts."

"You are too pessimistic to think that way." Lin Fan patted Commissar Kane on the shoulder, "We have our own world, and the Emperor also has an ally in the subspace. He no longer has to stare at four evil gods alone. Now, the Tau Empire has become an ally. My assessment is that there is a lot to be done in the future.”

Not to mention that he has recovered several Primarchs and a Golden Age scientist, which is much better than the original bad empire.

Commissar Kane blinked and looked at Lin Fan, "I hope what you said is right."

Seeing that Commissar Kane had accepted the private alliance between the Emperor and Slaanesh, Lin Fan stopped trying to persuade him. Commissar Kane and Khan

They are all smart people, and smart people will not get into trouble.

"I still remember that there was a guy under me who was very interested in this guy and gave me several reports." Slaanesh looked at Commissar Kane thoughtfully, and she finally remembered who this familiar guy was. .

For example, Cato Sicarius is like this. Guilliman once sharply criticized his pride and vanity.

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