But to tell the truth about the wine, Commissar Kane felt that except for the first taste of it, which tasted like wine, the rest of the taste was just like the precious drink he drank at the noble banquet of Beranice.

These things are called wine, which is really a substitute for alcohol.

"I never knew a place like this existed here."

"Old Jock's place is not a shop, it's just a small gathering for soldiers to entertain themselves." Political Commissar Kane answered Erica's question, "And you've been busy supervising me."

Kane laughed at this. He thought it was a joke that Erica and he had a common language. After all, it was she who ordered him to be imprisoned.

Erica tilted her head and looked at him, not understanding that what Commissar Kane said was a joke. Kane could see his smirking face reflected in the eyepiece of Erica's gas mask. This embarrassment made him cough twice.

There was only silence between the two. One was Kane, who was drinking alone, and the other was Erica, who was wearing a gas mask and staring at him.

This kind of motionless gaze was unbearable for Kane, and he felt that the wine in his hand was not that good anymore, but luckily someone came to rescue him.

The tent curtain was opened again, the sound of military boots hitting the ground was heard, the voices of soldiers talking in the tent stopped, and everyone turned to look at the door.

A group of six Kriegs arranged neatly in twos and twos. In the eyes of Commissar Kane, there was no difference between these Kriegs wearing heavy coats and gas masks.

"They are sisters."

"What?" Commissar Kane didn't hear clearly what Erica said suddenly, but Erica repeated her words again.

sisters? Kane raised his brows and watched as the six people, who were walking almost in unison, found a seat to sit down. Their bodies were all upright, and they didn't look like they wanted to come in to relax.

Everyone whispered, in their eyes these Kriegs were strict teachers, meticulous soldiers, tireless excavators, and unsociable wooden heads.

No matter what the image is, it has nothing to do with leisure and entertainment.

Erica stood up and interrupted everyone's whispers. They knew the colonel and wanted to see how she would handle this situation.

"Hello, soldier."

"Hello, Colonel."

The standard salute was completed almost simultaneously, followed by a loud tap of feet.

"Krieg Dalian Company, he's from the 1342 team, right?"

"Yes, Colonel."

At this moment, a complaint came to Erica's ears. Other soldiers were complaining that the arrival of the Kriegs had destroyed the original warm atmosphere.

But Erica won't be angry because of such complaints, there is no need. Taking a piece of paper handed over by a member of the 1342 team, Erica glanced at the content on it. Her fists behind her back clenched slightly. People who are familiar with her will know that this was a subconscious move to express surprise.

Passing the paper back, Erica saluted the soldiers, and then sat back down next to Commissar Kane. At this time, she was looking at Old Jock, and Old Jock nodded meaningfully to him.

Political Commissar Kane did not understand the meaning of the interaction between the two of them, and did not want to expose his stupidity by asking questions, so he simply shut up and waited for the next development of the matter.


Old Jock shook a chain made of bullet casings. He stood behind the bar and announced to everyone a piece of news that was worthy of joy.

"There is a secret program to watch today."

"Secret program? What secret program?"

Everyone's interest has been aroused. It's good to drink some alcoholic beverages and chat every night, but it would be better if they could watch something more interesting.

"It can't be these Kriegs, right?" Commissar Kane thought of the mysterious interaction between Erica and Old Jock, and focused his attention on these misfits.

The 1342 team started to move. They walked towards an open space specially cleared by Old Jock. There was a solid platform made of iron plates and wooden boards. At first, everyone thought it was a place where Old Jock kept wine. Now they saw It turns out this is a stage.

Everyone looked at the Kriegs' movements with curiosity, and just begged them not to engage in a period of fighting on the stage.

This worry was replaced by cheers in the next second, because they saw the Kriegs taking off their masks, and they also saw beautiful, young and similar female faces under the masks. Of course, it was nothing. Expressions of confusion took over their cheeks.

But this sense of blankness makes people feel more pity, but everyone here is well aware of the superb combat skills of the Kriegs, and no one regards them as weak women.

Only Erica, who was also born in Krieger, could tell that these Krieger sisters were not as indifferent as they seemed. Their unsteady blue eyes and trembling eyelashes had betrayed their heart.

They once charged without fear toward a hell that was more than ten times more terrifying than a nightmare, but now they felt nervous and trembling when their true faces were exposed in front of their comrades.

"I have to say, I thought the Kriegs were relatively calm." Commissar Kane also saw the entanglement of these Kriegs, but he didn't understand the Kriegs, he had a passion for women. Keen intuition.

"We are far more complex and sensitive than you think, it's just that we don't have the chance to show it."

"I thought you were a special case, so why didn't you have a chance?"

"You asked a stupid question."

"Oh. Oh! I understand, I'm sorry."

Commissar Kane laughed at his mistake. The Kriegs in their regiment had indeed survived for too long.

However, the low conversation between the two of them did not reach the ears of others, because the Kriegs on the stage took off their gas masks was just the beginning. They were now taking off their coats neatly.

"The throne is up there!"

This was the only thought that all the soldiers had when they witnessed the actions of the Kriegs. They never knew that the people under the masks were so "enthusiastic and unrestrained"

Some soldiers even covered their faces, only revealing a little bit of vision through their fingers to secretly observe the situation outside.

Fortunately for the soldiers, the Kriegs did not do anything immoral. They were not naked under their coats, but wore strong and durable overalls.

"Hi!" The surprised soldiers sat down again, with a hint of disappointment in their voices.

Six similar-looking Kriegs hooked each other's arms, and then they all stamped their feet, their solid military boots making a crisp sound on the equally solid platform.

In this comic series, this Crow Guard is a 600-year-old veteran

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