The Krieger sisters stepped on their military boots quickly and uniformly. The continuous tapping sounds and their jumping and tense movements formed a dynamic scene.

This kind of impact is already eye-catching, but if you think about the lifeless people they once were, the contrast is even greater.

The people on the stage were dancing with concentration and seriousness, without shifting their attention from their bodies to other places at all.

The people in the audience were stunned, unable to realize for a moment what a passionate dance it was.

The thunder and thunder also made some people feel homesick. The people of Valhalla had tears in their eyes, knowing that this dance was a specialty of their frozen homeland.

The people of Valhalla cheered loudly, and their whistles in time with the rhythm added to the dance. More and more soldiers were affected by the warm atmosphere. They shook their heads to the rhythm and watched the Krieg's performance with eager eyes.

There were also a few Valhalla people who couldn't suppress their enthusiasm. They also rushed to the stage and danced along with the Krieg people's dance.

Both those who could jump and those who could not jump showed their happiness. Their cheers even aroused the curiosity of people outside. Some soldiers opened the curtains and saw the scene inside, and also called their comrades to come in and watch.

Soon, this huge and spacious tent seemed a little crowded. There is still order in this crowd, and everyone is not carried away by the lively atmosphere, which also saves Commissar Kane's efforts to manage order.

A dance that begins with the sound of tapping must end with the sound of tapping. Once the dance is over, the Krieger sisters are a little out of breath. This kind of dance with a large range of movements and a fast rhythm is extremely demanding on physical strength.

They blinked, and drops of crystal sweat slipped from their cheeks, all the way down their necks and soaking into their collars. Maybe their clothes were still a little heavy and unwieldy, but for the Kriegs, they were already considered bold clothing. .

The soldiers were silent for a while, still immersed in the passionate dance just now.

It wasn't until a Valhalla man clapped violently that the praise spread like waves.

Amidst the cheers and applause, the Krieger sisters were a little overwhelmed. They didn't know how to face this scene, so they had to end the performance with one of their most accustomed moves.

The tall and straight figures saluted in unison.

The soldiers also returned the standard salute and watched them walk out of the tent.

Outside the tent, the eldest of the six sisters saluted a Krieg watch officer, indicating that their team had successfully completed their mission.

The Kriegs who lined up neatly around the entrance of the tent gave them congratulatory applause.

"I declare! I retract all bad words against the Krieg Dalian Company! I will defend everything about these cute wooden heads!" A Valhalla man stood on the table, the shell wine glass in his hand following his excitement and excitement ups and downs.

"This one! To those lovely gardeners." Old Jock also stood up, holding a shell of wine in his hand.

"Second cup! To our good teacher!" The Valhallan followed closely.

"Third cup! For the lovely wooden head!" The people of Casare and Landes shouted three times.

After three glasses of wine, the atmosphere in the tent had reached its highest point. In this kind of atmosphere, wine is not intoxicating, people are intoxicated themselves.

One after another, soldiers rushed to the stage enthusiastically to show everyone the cultural talents that can only be found in their hometowns.

"This. This is really good." Commissar Kane was a little crazy. He drank the strong fruit wine in the shell with tears in his eyes. Because he drank it too fast, the burning sensation made Commissar Kane cough several times.

"Yeah, who would have thought of that." Erica also sighed with emotion. She also took off her gas mask and showed her face.

"Give me a taste too."

Upon hearing Erica's request, Old Jock had already prepared a bottle of wine and stuffed it directly into her hand.

"You must know that these things are also managed by her. This is what Chief Soap said."

"I still remember."

"Maybe this is the meaning?" Erica tried to take a sip. Sure enough, as Commissar Kane said, it tasted really good. "In my hometown, let alone drinking this kind of thing, you can't even survive. They were all so dedicated. I originally thought that the greatest significance of my existence was to pass the selection process and join the army on the road to atone for the sins of my ancestors.”

"At that time, I had nothing in mind. The first thing I did when I opened my eyes every day was to check that the weapons and equipment were in order, and then to observe whether the position was strong."

"This is what all Kriegs think. We offer atonement to the Emperor and pray that his throne will open for us sinners."

"We hate those cowards who are unwilling to die for the Emperor. We despise them, and we can even say we hate them. As long as they do not resist resolutely in the name of the Emperor and end up burning their lives, we will kill them coldly. There are no innocents, and there are no civilians. They are all traitors in my eyes."

"But in the world of Landers, I met the Soap Chiefs and heard the words of the Emperor. They showed me what real life should be like, and I am willing to fight for that kind of life, no In order for all planets to become a place of war like my hometown, it should be built into an ideal place where people can truly laugh.”

"Chief Soap has done many feats worthy of canonization, such as the handling of the Tau Empire. In our more than ten years in the Tau Empire, I think you have also seen how large a resistance force they can organize under the industrial production of the Tau Empire."

This chapter is not yet finished, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"Of course, it is still insignificant to our great human empire, but for the Far East Star Region with insufficient control, they are indeed an alien regime that needs to be treated with caution."

"If it were before, we should have burned the alien land inch by inch under the banner of the Emperor, and pulled out and killed all the cowards hiding underground, and used their blood and corpses to nourish the flowers of the people of the Empire."

"But now, the Tau Empire has become our ally, and their Greater Good is even a branch of the Emperor's faith. We can join hands to fight against those more dangerous things, the warlike greenskins, or the Tyranids that the commander always emphasizes Zerg. "

"I still remember the most impressive sentence among the words that Chief Soap said to me: This world is very fucked up, and there are a bunch of fucked up people living in it, but fortunately I am here, and from now on we will turn this fucked up situation around. Although this is not fair to the people in front, at least the people behind will not continue to live in such a fucked up way. I believe the people in front will understand me, after all, they fought for peace to come to this universe. "

Erica paused for a moment, as if she was savoring this sentence. She stared at Commissar Kane's face with her beautiful, shining eyes, revealing the most obvious expression she had made since she and Commissar Kane met.

A bright, confident, sunny smile that was completely unlike what a Krieg person could make.

"What do you think?"

Commissar Kane stared at Erica's smiling face in a daze, revealing a relieved expression.

"If that's the case, then I'm happy to play along with you all the time."


The shells collided, and the night had just begun.

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