The huge agricultural area is buried deep underground and relies on solar lamps, carbon dioxide, water and golden garbage to thrive. Crops with staggered fertilization times produce massive amounts of food almost every day and are distributed to various departments.

Outside the agricultural synthesis area of ​​the first ring is the processing factory area of ​​the second ring, where Odemeyer is preparing to build military production lines, and the third ring factory area is building civilian production lines.

Among them, residential areas and factory facilities are reasonably combined so that every inch of land is not wasted and the intervals between buildings are ensured to be wide enough.

This three-ring area basically forms the rough outline of the current city. Different from the towering design concept of the hive city that wants to be inserted into the atmosphere, Odemeyer prefers to spread the city flat on the surface of the planet.

Lin Fan once asked her whether such a design would be inconvenient for defense. Odemeyer said that the garbage structure of the hive city could not even find the enemy's position. With this tiled design, she could at least rely on the space-based array. Scan layer by layer.

The Krieger company working here is responsible for building hybrid fortresses that closely integrate living places and combat fortresses without affecting the laying of industrial equipment.

A Krieg man saw Perturabo approaching and saluted him. No one present showed any surprise at his huge size.

"Are you building a fort?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Let me see your drawings."

Perturabo asked for the drawings. Looking at the outlines marked with black lines and various detailed parameters, he couldn't find any faults.

That brat definitely doesn't have this level of skill. This must be something designed by the scientist named Odemeyer.

Many of the design ideas are almost exactly what I envisioned or even better.

Perturabo looked at the drawings with interest. He walked to the huge mechanical equipment that the Kriegs were controlling and observed the structure of this walking tower.

The streamlined structure, without any unnecessary complicated parts, achieves a perfect mechanical energy exchange ratio.

Perturabo imagined how he would make such a device and what kind of mechanical movable structure he would build. He imagined dozens of design blueprints in an instant, and finally he sighed with emotion.

"This structure is still the most exquisite and concise."

This emotion made the Kriegs confused. They watched Perturabo just stick to the engineering tower and did nothing else, so they continued to work on their hands.

Perturabo walked around the construction site. He always wanted to find some problems and shortcomings in the constructed facilities. However, he could not find any design loopholes, so he had to talk to the Kriegs angrily. Work together to shovel ore onto the conveyor belt.

After a busy day, Perturabo was eating, and he felt the novelty of this life. He is no longer troubled by omniscience, and can finally appreciate the joy of progress and exploration, and has rare free time to daydream. There is also an unfathomable scientist who is showing off her wisdom.

After finishing the meal, Perturabo watched the Kriegs gathering together for activities. Some of them were holding a book and studying under the light, while others were learning to dance cheerfully.

"Hey, let me see you." Lin Fan's voice appeared behind Perturabo, and he sat next to the Lord of Steel. "How are you today?"

"It would be better if you didn't come."

"Haha" he laughed nonchalantly, and Lin Fan stretched his waist.

"Why are you so idle? There are obviously so many crises in the universe. You should ask your soldiers to work overtime and the residents to work harder."

"Just like you before? No matter if you are tired or not, you have to keep working hard anyway?"

"That's right."

"But your experience has proven that that is wrong. A steel cable that is too tight will break one day. It is still necessary to have fun in hardship."


"I would like to call it true bravery, seeing through the cruel nature of life, we still love life, it's that simple."

Perturabo looked at Lin Fan in surprise, as if he didn't expect that a seemingly heartless guy like him could say such a thing.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Is this a look at someone mentally retarded? This is so rude."

"If you were in Olympia, I would be happy to add you to the Trident."

"Haha, forget it, I don't want to be kicked into the Dreadnought Mecha by you. Besides, without these more than ten thousand years of struggle and thinking, you wouldn't be as indifferent as you are today."

"Yes." Perturabo sighed deeply. He looked up at the starry sky, his eyes were deep and he didn't know where to look. "I don't care anymore. I don't care about honors, responsibilities, and ideals anymore." , I just want to do something I haven’t done before.”

"It's up to you, just don't hurt anyone."

"Are you treating me like an underage child?" Perturabo was a little angry. He glanced at Lin Fan coldly.

"I can be beaten casually by you, but not others. If you get angry, remember to come to my office, and you can hit me on the head freely."

"Ha! Are you addicted to being a punching bag? He is really her husband. They are both the same pervert."

"She will be excited if you say that." Lin Fan stood up, patted his butt and prepared to leave, "Enjoy your retirement life."

Perturabo did not reply to Lin Fan, he just told Lin Fan that if he really found Dorne, remember to call him.

As Lin Fan strolled down the street, he felt that Perturabo's transformation from awkwardness to enjoyment was much faster than he imagined.

Maybe he was really tired. Exhausted physically and mentally, he just wanted to find a quiet place to lie down for a while.

In reality, there are many such people. They bear the greatest responsibility intentionally or unintentionally but are not understood by others. Perturabo himself is not good at talking and communicating, and is an honest man who works hard.

An honest person likes to plant flowers. You tell him to collect some fertilizer first. In the end, I found out that this honest man was really good at digging cesspits, so I thought he really liked digging excrement pits, and let him do it for hundreds of years. No one could bear to do this.

Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't need to listen to Perturabo to talk about the anguish in his heart. Sometimes, it's like this. A person who knows you well can break all the resentment in your heart. After the shameful emotion passes, all that's left in your body is easy.

Maybe when Odemeyer is over his busy and irritable period, he will also have the opportunity to go to Odemeyer's laboratory and admire the style of scientists who made research and inventions in the golden age.

Maybe he will become another pillar supporting the planet? Earn Odemeyer's admiration.

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